~Horatio's Thread #3 - Sexy Saint H and those baby blues~

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Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

*Off-Topic* but...
*has been ice fishing*
Is Finland always cold and covered with snow? I'm just curious because where I live, it's sweltering hot each year.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

*Off-Topic* but...
*has been ice fishing*
Is Finland always cold and covered with snow? I'm just curious because where I live, it's sweltering hot each year.

No, we actually have nice 4 seasons. Where I live.. snow usually melts in end of April. Back in good ol' days, first snow might come in end of Sep and the one that sticked in Oct/Nov. Now it won't come until Dec (tho, I live on the coast and if sea isn't frozen, no sticking snow either)
May can be nice and warm, but usually it doesn't get above +20c until Midsummer (end of June). July can be hot, around +25c (sometimes up to +30c for a few days) and August is the same. Tho even during the summer, nights can be cold (can go near 0 celcius)

In north you can still be ice fishing in the early/mid May ( I was there last year in end of Apr and there was 1m/3ft ice). So cold, snowy season lasts usually some 6-7 months.

I remember one first week of June when it snowed and I wasn't happy.

Last weekend, it was again near -30c for a few days.

*end of OT post* :D *waves at lucy and passes some vodka at her*
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

*end of OT post* :D *waves at lucy and passes some vodka at her*
*takes vodka and goes to warm her toes by the fire* :D

Here in the UK, we think -1c is cold! I remember it getting to -8c a few years ago at Christmas.

*tries to think how she can relate this to H and gives up!* ;)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Well, what about the fact he likes wearing double, sometimes, triple layer of clothing? :lol: Close enough.

Our lowest here would be..mmm...23 Degree C. Yes! That's not even call cold! But it feels cold. I would probably turn into an icicle in Finland!
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

23°C is cold? 23°C ABOVE zero is cold? Where do you live??? (Or did you forget the minus? :lol: )

Germany (at least where I live) isn't really cold... BASF is quite a good heating, but it's wet and windy (at the moment) and it FEELS cold (even colder as our -8°C which was coldest in this region this year)

*starts dreaming* a chimney with a crackling fire... a fleecy carpet... hot chocolate... hot H *coughs* *censored*
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

cold? here 0c is considered cold, but i find that stupid, because i was born in pittsburgh and lived there for 13 years, so for me, 0 is not freezing, but it is cold.

lucy, what was said in nailed about H's past in NY? was it about his mother's killer?
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Oh yeah -1 is just cold enough for me! especially on a day I have to play football in shorts :eek:

Quickly scoots back to the topic in hand and tries to think of something H related to say ???
Ah was still mourning the sunglasses on the neck disappearing and was wondering if we have seen any evidence of this occuring in season 4? Having not seen season 4 being in the land that Miami forgot ;)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

I have an idea regarding the sunglasses not being around his neck. He had to get a new pair - didn't he? Or was that my imagination? - so maybe they don't stay there as well. I know my sunglasses keep falling off (and landing on my foot so I end up kicking them) so if they were expensive sunglasses I wouldn't be too keen on dropping them all the time.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Lucy, what was said in nailed about H's past in NY? was it about his mother's killer?
Sorry for the delay in responding pabzi. Here's the dialogue, but I will leave some spoiler space for those who've not yet seen 'Nailed' and might not want to be spoiled! :)

Spoiler space
H: In an attempt to save my mother's life, I intervened on a situation and her killer wound up dead. That's what happened.
Rick: And so did she?
H: That's correct.
Rick: New York DA's going after you on this?
H: That's correct.
Rick: Do you have any idea why?
H: Rick, I was hoping you could tell me.

Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Rick seemed sincerely concerned about H in this scene. He has got his good side and I'm glad he's still on the show. His scenes with H are always memorable.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

wow. thanks lucy. he actually did seem concerned! im impressed.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

H: In an attempt to save my mother's life, I intervened on a situation and her killer wound up dead. That's what happened.
Rick: And so did she?
H: That's correct.
Rick: New York DA's going after you on this?
H: That's correct.
Rick: Do you have any idea why?
H: Rick, I was hoping you could tell me.

hum ?! 'poor' H...and this one R....the chat is soo H...i love him more and more...it`s seems interesting for me his NY past...a little variety...form few days i start to think that S4 can be interesting and don`t have patience to wait to see it. so can be in step wiht the show and the miami forum....
i too have to tell even i don`t like R characjter i`m hapey that hi is on the show...somehow this is necessity...'bad' guy...'good' guy...it`s like seasoning toward food...
but i`m a little disappointed that Alex play a little in the new epi. i like her characters and Franc too. they three with H make good tema....equilibrium, calmly, certainly to me the make teacher collective in CSI miami....help and support the rest. i`ts good to see such friendly society...

PS for the subject 'time/season' here in my countri is too cold -15 -20 C and have a lot of snow
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

23°C is cold? 23°C ABOVE zero is cold? Where do you live??? (Or did you forget the minus?)

:lol: Nope she didn't forget the minus.

I used to have a pair of sunglasses where it's curved so I always put it around my neck. It fitted well coz it's curved. I loved it but then it broke so no more shades around neck. :lol: What's the brand of Horatio's shades?

Hmm...it's a good idea to put Horatio, Frank and Alexx together in a scene.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

wow. thanks lucy. he actually did seem concerned! im impressed.
You're welcome. :)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

As Zippy said, I didn't forget the minus. Usually, when the temperature is below 25°C, it's always raining and windy. So, that's why it's cold! :lol: I know it's nothing compared to other places though :D.
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