~Horatio's Thread #3 - Sexy Saint H and those baby blues~

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Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Yet, the way the story have come out seems rather hard to process. I've heard so much and find out many surprising revelations that, I'm not sure if they have mistaken CSI Miami for other shows.
thats not so surprising. Ann decided to start a whole new story. It seems like she made that decision without really thinking about it. therefore the writers needed some time to get the story going. but the season premiere was more than great action ;)
the last episode was one of the best this season, if not best overall.
every week I tell myself to quit the show, if Ann really gives us that horrible season-ending. But it gets harder and harder for me to even think about it, because the epispdes get better every week
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

I'm not impressed at all with season 4. I feel that the show has really lost it's way. After the great writer Steve Maeda left, it started going downhill, in my opinion.

I expect I will contiune to watch the show, as I love H and Frank! They're worth staying tuned for! Even so, my dvds of seasons 1-3 are far more precious to me than the current new season. I could take or leave it, I really could. Oh well. Thank goodness it's only a tv show!
All hail Steve Maeda! His episodes were superb. I completely agree with you on every point Swan. H and Frank rock! For me, the only significant plus for season 4 is that we've had more of Frank! :D

Posted By Lucy: I sometimes really hope that Ann D wouldn't heap so many troubles on H's shoulders. I wish they could just let his character 'be' for awhile. There doesn't always have to be a reason why a person is the way they are. I like some background history on the character's past, but this is all getting a bit too analytical/psychological.
Amen to that. The sad thing is, the show doesn't need it. It certainly doesn't improve it.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

then you looked in the wrong places S4 was good so far, especially the latest epis had interesting cases
I so hate that aerosol-tjing. maybe it goes away like a bad dream
Am I on denial-mode? Hope not.

Most of the bad comments I heard/read about S4 were Aerosol-related and things about H not being the old H. What I don't want him to lose is his caring and protective side. Thanks Ducky for the screencaps, but DC looked like he's gained some weight...I'd prefer him slightly thinner, like in previous seasons. And yeah I know what it is like to be beaten up and suffered, that's why I said he probably turned out being compassionate coz he understood people's pain. Well, not saying I'm compassionate or anything like H :lol: although I like to tilt my head and put my hands on hips sometimes :lol:. He's my hero :cool:! I SERIOUSLY hope Ann D stops making H's past a total mess. But then besides hoping...what else can we do? The pen's in her hand... :(

Hey brittany cool av. there! H men - House and Horatio, yay! :lol:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Ooooh, I hadn't noticed brittany's new avvy. It doesn't get much better than that - H and House in the same frame! Very nice indeed. :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

ducky (why do we call you ducky if you are called dawacko?)
great pics!

You can call me either way :p
When I created account here, I never thought of "Ducky" Because well... DaWacko sounds much much cooler :lol:
Ducky is easier to type, I like it and people don't misspell it so often than they do with "DaWacko" :lol: :lol:

If you want to be more confused, you can also call me Sanna if you wish :p
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Ooooh, I hadn't noticed brittany's new avvy. It doesn't get much better than that - H and House in the same frame! Very nice indeed. :D

Thank you :D The season 2 premiere of House was on the other night so I've gone a bit House-mad. It's almost 6am and I haven't been to sleep yet because I've been reading House fanfiction.

One of the stories was a House/CSI crossover which was interesting. Even more interesting was how it made me ponder how Horatio would react to House if they were ever to meet. What do you guys think? :lol:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Great avatar. I adore 'House'. Good question about how they would react to each other. I think House would probably make fun of H's posing and sunnies. It could be interesting as they are both always right! ;)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Oh haven't been subjected to season 4 yet, in the land that loves Vegas :rolleyes:
But to be honest I tend to stick with my shows, unless they take away my favourite character. Casualty is currently massacreing my favourite character but I can't run it off :eek:

What am I trying to say?? I love the Miami characters, whatever they do to them, as long as H is around I am a happy girl, I could watch him all night :p
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Oo, juicy, juicy topic. Season 4.
but DC looked like he's gained some weight...I'd prefer him slightly thinner, like in previous seasons
Yes, I noticed that too. He looked rather gaunt in S1 and S2. Not horribly thin but just lean enough to look really sexy :D. Still, even if there were changes to his form, he still manages to maintain that charm and oozing with hotness. Hehe..he's a natural eh.. ;)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

MMM. I'm liking season four so far, but... Horatio's still in it. I was pretty miffed at some of the things that happened, but I think a lot of things improved in this season that were pissing me off about season 3. Case and point: Ryan. I don't want to go into a lot of detail, but I was very annoyed by Ryan's attitude in S3, and I think he's REALLY improved this season. He's acting like part of the team, and he's become possessive of it in a way that I think was lacking before. I think he has more respect for his team mates, and for the rest of the lab techs in general, and I really like that, because it was HARD to watch Miami during S3.

My other complaint about S3 is that they seemed to be trying too hard to convince us that Speed was incompetent. Then, randomly, they decided to turn it around half way through the season. It just seemed like the writers weren't quite sure what the heck to do about the death of Speed, when all they really had to do was NOT make it his fault in the first place. (But that's a whole other can of worms.)

I know it's kind of melodramatic, but I like all the Horatio angst. It gives him a chance to be in the show, and the more H there is, the happier I am. I don't really think that there's any more angst now than there was before - it's just different. S2 was Horatio consumed with his brother's issues. S4 is Horatio consumed with his own issues.

I was kind of annoyed with Natalia for half a second, but I think she's improving a little bit now, too. I guess the only complaint I have lately is that there isn't enough Calleigh. They pulled her to the forefront in the beginning of the season, but now it's like she's just decoration. :/ Not cool. And I REALLY miss Alexx.

But on the whole, despite the kind of soap opera feel they started to get, I am really liking the season.

</ novel>
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

ducky-what is sanna?

there was something that i forgot to reply to yesterday because i had too much to write.
somebody said something along the lines of "what hasn't poor H been through."

i believe that he was not on drugs, never had a drinking problem, never was raped, but thats about it. thank god that he most likely did not go through those things!

H did gain a little weight i think (from seeing the pics of s4).
he is adorable no matter how much he weighs. he is not fat, never was, and i dont think that he will be.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

I believe that he was not on drugs, never had a drinking problem, never was raped, but thats about it.
Not that we know of. You never know what further angst Ann D is going to add to his past. ;)

Just in case Ducky isn't online for awhile, Sanna is her 'real' first name. :)

I quite like H having a bit more weight on him. There's more to hug and he still looks very sexy. Even his wrinkles are sexy! :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

definately more to hug!!!
sanna, interesting. cool name.
i dont think that ann D would add those things to his past, but i have a feeling that she might slowly add more stuff about his father (if you want, see what i wrote in the skeletons thread.)
i think about H in my sleep quite alot.
his wrinkles are definately sexy.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Everything about him is sexy...

i believe that he was not on drugs, never had a drinking problem, never was raped, but thats about it. thank god that he most likely did not go through those things!

and if that's everything that DIDN'T happen to him, it's just sad...
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

yes, definately sad. i wish that he was happy for once.
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