Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #
Tinkerbell i realy like ur new ava - Johnny Depp is one of my favourite actor
and the move 'Fear and Loathing in L.V' is gool and strange together ...
Lovely pictures wibble, and i`m happy that u like csi miami and H
in S3 there too have one cool moment H and kid.
his mam (the kid) sell him to the other mens, and his father kill the one who rape him. H was try to remove the kid from his mam. and in the csi building when H success to convince soc. employment to take the kid. H just pass through the kid and tell him : "Give five" i was so surprise and charmed at teh same time by H
in the beginibg in that epi 'Recoil' was too cool chat H/the kid :
Girl: You're a policeman, aren't ya?
H: That's right, how did you know?
Girl: You look like all the other ones
H: Except for the red hair
soo swwweeettt ...