~Horatio's Thread #3 - Sexy Saint H and those baby blues~

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Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Ah yes docfrog denial, always the best option ;)

I think with Wibble's new Miami eyes we can all pretend we are back in season 1 (I'm currently rewatching S1 too!)
Great stuff Wibble I agree completely, H is so sensitive and caring, and there are many times I just want to give H a big hug too.
I love the way he never lets it drop, he keeps plugging away until he gets what he needs to nail the responsible one, just to give closure to the victims.
The leather chaps line, is one I love too :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

I completely understand what you say liz about the smile on H's face, but even that is not enough for me. The show has lost the essence of what made it so good, and I find that a sad and disappointing thing. :(

You're right docfrog. It's too depressing. I'm happy to stay in denial in this thread! ;)

Maybe we should just relive the great Miami that was seasons 1-3 along with wibble. :)

Wonderful summary and great caps again wibble - thank you! :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Seeing H smile is a wonderful and rare thing, but I would rather have no Marisol/H storyline and fewer smiles.

I can't wait for wibble to get to 'Simple Man'. :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

posted by Lucy:
Maybe I should just hibernate until Yelina comes back! ;) That was good angst! I know I'm biased, but I guess that's how I really feel about it all.

I'm right with you there, Luce. What cave can we go to? :lol: I've been missing her a lot more lately... *sighs*
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Hehe. Any cave will do, as long as we have muffins! :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

You're welcome to the pictures, guys :)

Now I am wondering what is coming up in 'Simple Man' :D You know, it's quite good in a way that I am able to put all my first thoughts using my fresh eyes into posts on this board, so that later on, when I get to seasons 2, 3 and 4, or I go back to re-watch season 1 epis, I can dig out the old threads and remember why I loved the show to begin with :)

*listens to Faithless*

Going back to this season 4 storyline with Marisol (and please forgive me if my judgement seems inaccurate, as I've only watched 7 episodes of Miami so far), but from what I've read, this whole thing with her and H seems very...un-Horatio (if you see what I mean). It doesn't seem the sort of storyline that would be written for his character - I don't know whether it's because of his responsible position within the CSI team, or his personality, or both, but...I dunno...doesn't seem right somehow (even though this Marisol appears to make him happy and he loves her).

I'm all for the characters having a 'real life' outside of work (heck, I should think they need it considering the job they do), but this seems taking it too far. And I agree with docfrog about it being soap opera-ish. I actually don't know why the writers have decided to take this tack with the show - surely they don't need to do this to keep viewers tuned in? :confused: Considering all the other fans of the show (and now including me :)), surely the writers would know that we love the show for how it was in seasons 1-3 and should continue producing it in that style to keep it running as a success.

Ah, sorry - I'll stop there before I wander off-topic any further :lol: But like I said, sorry if that seems wrong what I just said, being a Miami newbie still. Think I'll forget about this upcoming S4 storyline for now and just look forward to all the great S1-3 epis I've yet to watch :)

Anyway, one other thing I forgot to mention about Breathless - I loved the "cupcake" interview :lol: I was watching that scene closely, looking to see whether H would get embarrased, but...he didn't :p played it cool, though I had to laugh at the conversation with that suspect...when she said "cupcake", I was giggling, and thinking 'what on earth?' :lol:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

I'm assuming this Marisol person is H's love interest

Yup and she is also known as "Aerosol" :p
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

wibble, your analysis is pretty accurate, and please forgive us for being a bit moany and negative about season 4.

I don't really want to spoil anything for you, but let's just say that Ann Donahue has taken it upon herself to change things in a way that many of us feel is not for the better, or for the good of the show.

The Marisol storyline thus far is actually okay (in my opinion), but it's what the spoilers say is going to happen that is very un-Horatio-like, very un Miami-esque and very soap opera-ish. You won't need to look too hard on this Forum to grasp what I'm referring to. If you want to know (and you don't know already), then go to this thread. ;)

Also, and again, I won't say too much, in seasons 1-3, we grew to understand Horatio mainly due to an event in his life that effected him very deeply. Ann D decided to turn this on it's head at the end of season 3.

Season 4 has seen the introduction of a new storyarc exploring Horatio's past. We refer to this as his 'new' past, as none of it has been referred to in seasons 1-3, so it is a little difficult to come to terms with in a way. What's more, seasons 1-3 seem like a distant memory, as very little of what we know has been referred to.

Ann D has spoken of Miami being broken down into 3 x 3yr phases (if the show lasts obviously!). We have embarked on phase 2 and personally, I'm already looking forward to phase 3, unless things change for the better very soon!

Obviously, that is just my take on it. Some may disagree with me, but the general vibes from the fans tend to reflect what I've posted. :)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

posted by Lucy:
Hehe. Any cave will do, as long as we have muffins! :D

Awesome! I know just the cave :lol:! We would have to time it right though, so we don't miss H & Yelina reunite ;) *stopping before I enter shipper territory any further*

On another note, I definately don't want to see Miami get soapy but personal lives are always welcome--as long as they stay within the boundaries, of course. I think somewhere between season 3 and 4 we lost the real Horatio in a crack or something--a rather large crack :rolleyes:-- and this guy we are faced with right now is an imposter. However, I stay optimistic. *sighs*
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

post by wibble

I also thought this was a giggle, where Calleigh makes a joke to him about leather

H: I don't know. I guess that depends on whether you like seeing men dress up in your underwear or not.
Calleigh: Personally, leather chaps, nothing else. (beat) That was a joke.
H: I know.

my favourite H/G quote is :

Horatio Caine: So what do you get when a six foot tall man lays down with a three foot long rifle?
Calleigh Duquesne: Hot flashes... but that's just me.

:D :devil: :D Kill Zone

in S1 Miami i personally like most "Smple Men" in the end of that epi H look sooo alone ....

but don`t forget the H/Y momnet in "Body Count" :) H little wounded and Y attention for him... :p
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Oh did someone mention 'Simple Man' watching it right now :)

Ah H is wearing a blue suit with a black shirt, a great look! ;)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

ok guys... my opinion is is that csi m cant get soapy, nomatter what. as ive previously stated, i hate soaps, and can smell them a mile away. csi miami is not soapy. i am not for or against the storyline. i think that H's personal life does need attention, and we should sit back and see what happens. im just happy that they are planning to show SOMETHING about H's life. i really want to know about his 'shady' past. i think that the writers have some sort of idea what they are doing.(at least i hope) in short, i guess im not making myself clear. i love the show but just have a mixed opinion. will always love the show and H
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Wow, I'm really looking forward to 'Simple Man' now :D Sounds very good :)

I managed to get round to watching 'Slaughterhouse' last night (can't believe the father did that to his family! :eek: :mad: ) - whoohoo! first time I get to see H with his gun

Action H

Action H #2

He can protect me any day :devil: :D

Awww, and he was so sweet before this when he was talking to the little girl - I was smiling when he said hello to her and she stopped crying :) I know you guys probably don't want to hear mention of this, but despite the S4 storyline running at the moment, I think H wouold make a good Dad :D

I thought there may have been more Horatio character development when he discovers the baby is dead (because I can see this is something that could potentially impact him in a big way, having seen his reactions to other victims in previous episodes), but I am glad they did not linger on this in a way - I think I would've cried if they had :( It was horrible enough when the audience comes to see there is a dead baby underneath the boy's body :(

And I really liked the scene in Horatio's office at the end with Speed - you can tell that closure for the victims is really important to Horatio. Although the guy who committed the crime had told lies to the newspaper, his primary concern is that the little girl who survived will know the truth when she is older. I thought that last line from Horatio ("Well, the important thing now ... is that she really knows what happened.") was nice. Very Horatio :)

Here's another pic from one of my favourite scenes in the episode, where H is driving along wearing his shades, trying to find where the little girl might have come from.

Mr Cool

Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

I know you guys probably don't want to hear mention of this, but despite the S4 storyline running at the moment, I think H would make a good Dad :D
So do we wibble. You might be interested in reading this thread which discusses that very topic. :)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Ah yeah that little baby is so cute in this eppy. I love the way H talks to her :)

But my favourite line from this episode is
H: "Well the average adult has been clocked at 4mph but to my knowledge no toddler has ever been road tested!" :lol:
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