~Horatio's Thread #3 - Sexy Saint H and those baby blues~

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Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Ooh that looks like a fun game :D I must try it sometime...

Edited to add:

10. Guzzle the entire can/bottle when an incredibly hot babe hits on Horatio. Cause, really, she must have the beer goggles on. Or we should put them on in order to buy it.

Hmpf. Guess that makes us all ugly, haha... Aw.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

:lol: An H drinking game, sounds interesting (though I think I'd have to use chocolate milk or something :rolleyes:).

posted by wibble:I just find it easier to put across what I'm saying if I add a few pictures, plus I know that you will all enjoy them ;)

I love that you do that! It brings back some beautiful memories of when Miami was new to me--and I definately never get tired of those Horatio pics :devil:!
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Brit that's why I left the last one off! Love your new avvy by the way ;)

Yeah I'm not a drinker either, I could try it with cups of tea, I'd get a caffiene high :lol:

Oh yeah we love the pics, keep illustrating in pics Wibble and you will have firends for life ;)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

For the drinking game... I tested it once... with Salmiac liquer (vol 32%) only with sunnie thing and hands on hips.
...I suggest you take something more... mild :lol:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

6. Drink for four counts when he addresses Jonathan Togo's character as “Mr. Wolfe.”
Does anyone else really like the way he calls Ryan that? I think it's great, it's so cool the way he say's it. :lol:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Yeah I like it too, Tink. However, I do wonder why he calls him it. He must really not like the name Ryan.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Horatio drinking game

ooo noooo again. last night i go to b.d. party and drink a lot. if was play this H game i don`t know if i wil be more drunk. i just start to make up my alcoholic problems and u guys make me go against me :D

He's wonderful in it and I really like the final scene on the park bench.

it`s one gool H momnet in CSI Miami. i really miss this stuff in S 2,3. H was look so human ...
i miss too the 'joke' moments. in S3 the show go to seriously and have to many 'pain'.
when i watch TV i want to discharge (unload). and CSI miami is a crime show, for my regret the writes make soop and "drama"....hope they will fix confusion the make ....
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

6. Drink for four counts when he addresses Jonathan Togo's character as “Mr. Wolfe.”
Does anyone else really like the way he calls Ryan that? I think it's great, it's so cool the way he say's it. :lol:

I like it :D It's funny but I like it.

I was watching my Blue season 1 and eppy "NYPD Lou"... there's that homeless guy who thinks he is a werewolf... and James asks "So what you want to be called? Mr. Wolf?"

I just started to laugh because it reminded me about DC saying "Mr. Wolfe" in CSIM :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Oh yeah Ducky, I laughed out loud when he said that too, I remember thinking it was so funny :lol: Maybe that is why he does it, maybe he thinks it's funny too.
There are quite a few lines in 'Blue' that are exactly some of the things H says, I started picking them out as I watched it, made me chuckle :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

I was just watching Law & Order, and one of the places they went was Horatio Street. Sent me off into a nice little fantasy, lol.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Yeah I like it too, Tink. However, I do wonder why he calls him it. He must really not like the name Ryan.

Funny that y'all are discussing this now...I was watching 'Cop Killer' earlier, and I discovered that H did in fact call Ryan by his first name at least once. :D

It's when they're going into the convenience store, and they see the cashier lying on the ground and Horatio says, "Ryan, check him out."

I though.."Whoa! He just called him Ryan!" :lol:

Also...I made some screencaps of the episode 'Legal' earlier, and I come bearing a gift as well:

I hope y'all like it.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

wow lots to write, where do i start?

arties adult playground: for sure they both know him not from work, allthough i can totally not imagine H as a porn person. delko is another story.

broken is a great ep. i love how caring H is. he always cares, but here its more involved. the sugar thing when calleigh fell asleep was adorable.

as for the H drinking game, i dont drink, but would like to try it with diet coke, but then i would pee all night!!!!
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Very nice picture Thumpy. Thanks. :)

I'm not a big early season 1 fan, but I loved that scene between H and Eric about Artie in 'Ashes To Ashes'. Makes the imagination wander a little! :devil: ;)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Who is he? :eek:The wonderful, adorable Colin Firth *swoon* :DProbably best known for his role as Mr Darcy in the BBC's production of Pride & Prejudice
Ahh...Also, if I'm not wrong, he also acted in 'Bridget Jones' along side Hugh Grant? I wasn't quite familiar with his name but I've seen his face somewhere. Thanks for clearing that up :).
Robbie Fowler eh? Another familiar name. Go Liverpool! *dreams of Gerrard scoring*
allthough i can totally not imagine H as a porn person.
*shudders* Amen to that Pabzi.
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

a little upward i see Calleight name and this come to my maind. in S2 (if i don`t make mistake) there was cool H / Calleigh moment. she was in the lab, and was talking with her ex-frined (R colleague) ...they have word 'fight', and when H come in he just check is evething ok, and befor the other man leave the room H stand for a little at his way so to show him his warning -do not 'play' with Calleight feelings. except H attitude(concern) toward victims, he have this to his teem too. and i like it a lot - all HC character. may be his suffering provoke him to protection the rest.

PS CSI: Miami mistakes in entire show
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