~Horatio's Thread #3 - Sexy Saint H and those baby blues~

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Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

dubbing is terrible. subtitles are much more simple, and better for mental health!!!
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

just gotta see if my signature works. pusher, thank you for the help!!
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

u are wellcome pabzi :)
u don`t have to write new post so can see ur 'new' siganture or banner....when u make change in ur account this said automatic change all of all urs change in all ur previous post

there is some pic of H and the GUN



i very much like how hi hold his gun :D
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

What amazes me most about him and his gun is, that he's right-handed, but left-eyed :lol: (and don't mention his voice... I'm here at work and I should be able to concentrate :D - omg, too late...
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

yes don`t u see (mention) how H put the gun in front hi left eye (i is 'right' hand guy).... in previous forum (thread) someone explain why hi do that. the guy have the same eyes problem and if i faind the link will post it...
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Pusher - great pics there of H with his gun! :D Thanks for posting them :) I've yet to see a scene yet where Horatio has to go into action with his gun, but it is something I definitely look forward to seeing! :D I don't know about H having any eye problems, but I think the way he is right-handed with his gun but uses his left eye to aim makes him more unique in these shots. Quite cute in a way really :D

docfrog - I like your twirly-eyed emoticon :D Yes, Horatio is starting to have that effect on me already ;)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

Post by hamstermoon Hiya. I'm a bodylanguage watcher and enjoy these sort of discussions ...

Understand totally what you say about Mr Caruso's bodylanguage. The hands on hips and glasses-play may be annoying (I have this theory about this = actor who needs to do something with his hands - in pockets, holding something etc) but some of what he does is inspired.

Some stuff has been carried over from NYPD Blue (he has this mouth tic which is used a little in H) he also has a certain pattern for crying - filling up but not letting tears fall - which has carried over from then too.

I enjoyed in S1/2 watching for the neck problem (as if he has a stiff neck and is turning it to loosen it) whenever he got stressed.

What I am enjoying in S4 (when I get to see it - not often) is watching the language change whenever we see the new angsting (over Jennifer, previous sins etc). He's doing a fantastic job showing the the maryrdom of St H. I've noticed a new tic come up too - tapping his finger on his glasses as he holds them - this season which I've not seen before.

That aside I'm also the one who keeps popping up on this discussion board to point out Mr Caruso suffers from Strabismus - in fact a hypotropic esotropic squint.

This is the reason he ducks his head - he can't look straight at you and not get double vision without doing so. If he put his reading glasses on he would be able to (and yes he does have them, I've seen a pic somewhere) but H doesn't have them so you get a lovely view of his R eye sliding in and down (hence Esotropic and Hypotropic) when he does. In the S1/2 opening titles there is a lovely shot of him looking at wires in Losing Face and its so clear is funny.

If you do have a squint the eye which moves of its own accord (I'm also a sufferer so I can sympathise!) loses the power of sight. This means that H uses his left eye to look a things - check out how he looks at the camera in Dead Woman Walking. He is also right handed but has to do something somewhat strange to get a good view along his gun. You should check that out too.

He has the type of squint which is attatched to people with Hyperopoa (needing reading glasses) so it only turns up when he's looking at something close up. Along with the head bobbing he also drops his head to one side (that helps reduce the squint - it works, I've tried it on occasion even if my parents always tried to make me look at people straight on!). What I do think however is that he's not in the lab much now because working close up must have been absolute hell for Caruso. I think I read somewhere he didn't like that stuff and I'm sure I know why now.

I could also go on about his bad back (problems in two areas) which seem to have cropped up since NYPD too and the use of that poor stunt man who does EVERYTHING for Caruso and has one heck of a dodgy wig and is very visible.

Must shut up now!

here is the link

Yes, Horatio is starting to have that effect on me already
wibble it`s nice to 'read' this :D
how can H don`t make someone effect hehehe
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

wow, caruso is a mess. but i dont believe in him, i believe in horatio caine. it was never mentioned that H has eye, back or neck problems, right?
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

i was talking for this....
screencaps : "big brother"
look carefully in hi eyes..there raly have something strangely



Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

What amazes me most about him and his gun is, that he's right-handed, but left-eyed :lol: (and don't mention his voice...

oh Ilove it when he does that. the way he holds his gun is not the only thing that makes him special ;)
my left-eyed angel :p and he never misses. that sounds like a quote from James Bond :lol:
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

so we've got Horatio Bond? :lol: I know what you mean, dungeon_queen (actually how could I NOT know

@ wibble: whenever you feel in need of ->
feel free to use it :lol: (H has this effect on me since Golden Parachute)

And I think, that all his "sufferings" make him so special and cute and sexy
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

dungeon_queen, as much as I love your banner ;), I'm afraid it's a little too wide. Signature banners should be no longer than 220 pixels (and 75 high) , if you would be able to adjust it. Thanks! :)
Re: ~Sexy Saint H and those baby blues - Horatio's Thread #

first, the stuff hamstermoon picks up are not meant to be insulting. Those are just findings, little facts what some of us are interested in to collect.

I've noticed that hand/eye thing too earlier. Because I'm right handed and right-eyed and it shows pretty well with guns (I've used shotgun and rifle)
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