Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

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  • If You Could Read My Mind

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  • What Hurts The Most Was Being So Close

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  • My Love Is Only For You

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  • In This Life I Was Loved By You

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  • Do I Have To Say The Words

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The cruel thing is that the best part of the hospital scene (when she reaches out and holds his hand) was cut out from the dvd. Damn TPTB, now I have no way to cap it :p

If u want I can try to send u somehow vid and caps from this great hospital scene. ;)

It`s great to see u stick around silk. :) It`s seems that most of the regular posters in this theread are a bit far away from this forum and tv show. Such a shame, but we can blame only TGTB, who make us lose interest.

Btw hope MD and drgnldy are ok, didn`t see them from some time.
*I'm not giving up I'm not giving up*


Glad to see some activity again!

Mrs. Darcy1234 , I'm with you on that! (everything you wrote!). How can Horatio be interested in pursuing a relationship while he just found out he had a son?

I'd love to say that they just can't write Yelina out, it'd be odd to never have her around all of a sudden but we all know what happened to Madison and Suzy. BUT I think tptb are also aware how popular her character is, and I deeply hope they won't muck it up!

It will happen!
*I'm not giving up I'm not giving up*


Glad to see some activity again!

Mrs. Darcy1234 , I'm with you on that! (everything you wrote!). How can Horatio be interested in pursuing a relationship while he just found out he had a son?

I'd love to say that they just can't write Yelina out, it'd be odd to never have her around all of a sudden but we all know what happened to Madison and Suzy. BUT I think tptb are also aware how popular her character is, and I deeply hope they won't muck it up!

It will happen!
Yeah they can't just write her out of the show and expect us not to notice, I mean that would be dumb on their part. But I mean maybe when the show you know starts whinding down and you know we have two more seasons left of the show. I know they will tell us if Horatio and Yelina ends up together, I'm just waiting for that to happen. I'm not impatient because I know it's going to happen. I know they are not going to leave us hanging. Just like the Horatio/Kyle storyline(I'm a big fan of this story line), their not going to give us something and then drop it, and if they do, I mean where did they get their degree's from, UCLA?
Despite her fan club's saying SM will appear this coming season, I got a little nervous when I watched a Canadian TV station interview (from January) on youtube; she said something about what she was doing after being on Miami for so long. Does that mean they will be parting ways soon, if not already? I mean, look at how poorly TGTB at Miami have treated her, even when she was eager to be on the show. I wouldn't blame her if she finally shrugged, thinking she'd given everything she could with little respect accorded by said TGTB. And now Canadian TV is showing her so much respect, with awards and renewals; if I were her I'd start comparing - CSI:Miami would certainly come up very short. Despite its worldwide appeal, I think Miami may be in the process of jumping the shark, given its seemingly turning into a "rich and famous/infamous only" soap opera. :( And I s-o-o wanted H/Y to return to its season 2-3 roots and for the relationship to continue in the direction their chemistry seemed to be taking it, then. :( :( :(
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Despite her fan club's saying SM will appear this coming season.

How is the source of the fan club? Because I really want her back. I love H/Y. I hate Julia. And I think there will be really bad do. Just when H find he has a son he find his past girlfirend who are the mother of his son. And when you that H broke with the lawer (i don't remenber the name) because she was Cross one walk with a meurtier. Can you really imagine he love s her. She so Sneaky. And has no moral sense. H doesn't seem so surprise by her Behavior. so heknew how she was. I'm so surpise he could love her.
And He love so much Y. I really want to see an evolution between us during the next season.
I saw some info on another website (which cannot be identified here because of potential copyright infringement) that indicates Y will be in the epi 7.01. Oh, I hope it's true. Ahhh, I love search engines!
^ I just read some more info re Yelina:

I believe Yelina is also helping Horatio stage his death.

Hope this appearance to not be brief one like it was in 'Ambush'. But this still is great news. Good to know that Yelina is still part of Horatio life in meaning not to be the last to know what happen around and I do hope to not be use only for some more 'colour' in this tv show... sorry but with TPTB I can expect everything.
This is very good news! Thanks Ani. :D

Yelina is part of setting up H's 'death', especially after what happened with Ray. If she was kept out of this loop completely it would be a travesty, though quite typical of tgtb.

As things stand, this could be quite promising, and hopefully a sign of more to come. Even though I have little trust in what Ann D says, she did say that she wanted the Miami story to be told in 3 x 3 season arcs. If Season 7 is considered the beginning of the third arc, then I might just cross my fingers. I have completely written the second arc off due to very bad writing and contrived story-telling.

So, we shall see. ;) It's a shame the BSG writers went to CSI and not to CSI:M. If that were the case, my hopes would be high.
*does a little dance*

Sounds good! Now let's get September here!

Up until now I really haven't been thinking about the new season. The last 2 years I couldn't wait for September to come. Now that there is some Yelina news I'm excited! :D

Would I still watch CSI Miami if Yelina would never reappear again? I'm not sure really.. I do still like Horatio but sometimes he's too over the top :)

To celebrate the news, I'm going to read some old H/Y fanfic (Hrockz' of course..)
^Aww.. Tati, I'm flattered.

The spoilers sound like great news. I'll have to head over to the spoiler page to have a look myself.

Like Tati said, I haven't been looking forward to the new season either. More of Sept 3rd for Bones but now that there's a possibility that Y's going to be in it, I'm looking forward to seeing her help H fake his death as well. IMO, H was shot for real but didn't die, and Y must have gone to see him and he told her he wanted to fake his death. And she decided to help him. It's real comforting to know that if H was shot real or not, or that he faked his death Y is involved and he didn't pull a Raymond on her.
I really hope it's true. The first episode will be 24 sept? Damm it because I'm in Sweden and I only return in France In october. No internet so no episode. I am going not to wait so long!!!
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Oh boy, to get excited or not to get excited..that is the question.:lol: Man, I hope the spoilers are true! If they are, then finally something may go right here. I mean, to me, this would be the only logical way to handle the situation. I just still don't think Horatio would put Yelina through something like that. He cares too much about her.:D
Although I'm relatively new here, I have to say it's great to see so many of you, whose posts I read while lurking, back here today. I was getting lonely. It's amazing how a tiny snippet of info starts a party here. Now if only, over the next few weeks before the season starts, we can get a little more info on Y's appearance (hopefully appearances) in the new season. :D
It's amazing how a tiny snippet of info starts a party here. Now if only, over the next few weeks before the season starts, we can get a little more info on Y's appearance (hopefully appearances) in the new season. :D

That's usually the case with this thread. All we needed was a little fodder :lol:

I hope the spoilers are true though.