Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

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  • If You Could Read My Mind

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  • What Hurts The Most Was Being So Close

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  • My Love Is Only For You

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  • In This Life I Was Loved By You

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  • Do I Have To Say The Words

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Fingers crossed that Yelina will be involved. I'm a bit out of touch with spoilers, though this seems to be from a reliable source. It's nice to know that tgtb still have Yelina in their thoughts. They know the fans like her, plus I still think they see her as Horatio's one true love, even though it's hard to believe given the nonsense we've had to endure!
Good news indeed. I'll also admit to not keeping up with Miami spoilers but always happy to hear any Y-related news. Cheers, for the information.

As for tgtb knowing or having any coherent thought about the Y/H factor....hmmm...Luce, no more vino for you. :p
Finally some good spoilers. This calls for some pics :cool:


This is how we like Miami. H in a labcoat, looking through a microscope, with Yelina by his side :D


Action, baby :cool:


No need for words here. :)

Enjoy ;)
^Thanks for the caps Hush. It's nice to see the good ol' days of Miami, lovely caps of H/Y. Good reminder of the wonderful chemistry they share. The last one's my fave, if my memory serves me correctly it's from 'Vengence'? The look on H's face says it all. It's lurve baby! :lol:

Here's hoping to more great scenes between those two in season 7.
Well, it's nice to finally see some action here, since we've apparently been thrown a tiny bone and like any pack we'll nibble it til there's nothing left to nibble. Nice to know you missed me, Pusher! :) My problem is that so much time has gone by that I can't even imagine any more how they could begin seeing one another in a new light. His "holding her at arms length" has become total neglect, and altho' she still looks at him 'that way', I see no such look in his face. And if he just says "Now I'm ready," and she says "OK", I'll be really disappointed. We've been through all this before, but having H do whatever he wants in his own time according to his own agenda, and Y ALSO doing whatever he wants whenever he wants according to his agenda is tremendously disappointing. It makes her look like a golden retriever - way too eager to please while completely neglecting her own feelings and needs. I need to see her rant and rave to him, and have him realize just how often he's used her, not to mention ambushed her into complying to his wishes. And by the way, here's something you will all berate me for, but I think that with the introduction of Kyle the show jumped the shark. That whole scenerio is just way too fabricated. It's like tgtb were brainstorming together saying "too bad we didn't think about giving him a kid, 'cause we could do some good stories there. Oh WAIT. . . we can still give him one!" Talk about a kid who's an afterthought!

So now that I've ranted and Pusher knows that it's really me I invite your comments!
Well, it's nice to finally see some action here, since we've apparently been thrown a tiny bone and like any pack we'll nibble it til there's nothing left to nibble. Nice to know you missed me, Pusher! :) My problem is that so much time has gone by that I can't even imagine any more how they could begin seeing one another in a new light. His "holding her at arms length" has become total neglect, and altho' she still looks at him 'that way', I see no such look in his face. And if he just says "Now I'm ready," and she says "OK", I'll be really disappointed. We've been through all this before, but having H do whatever he wants in his own time according to his own agenda, and Y ALSO doing whatever he wants whenever he wants according to his agenda is tremendously disappointing. It makes her look like a golden retriever - way too eager to please while completely neglecting her own feelings and needs. I need to see her rant and rave to him, and have him realize just how often he's used her, not to mention ambushed her into complying to his wishes. And by the way, here's something you will all berate me for, but I think that with the introduction of Kyle the show jumped the shark. That whole scenerio is just way too fabricated. It's like tgtb were brainstorming together saying "too bad we didn't think about giving him a kid, 'cause we could do some good stories there. Oh WAIT. . . we can still give him one!" Talk about a kid who's an afterthought!

So now that I've ranted and Pusher knows that it's really me I invite your comments!

Yeah, I would have to disagree with you on the Kyle and Horatio father son thing. I think right now it's what's best for the show(other then Yelina and Horatio or Calleigh and Eric hooking up). I mean, Horatio is good with childern, so to give him a child is the best thng to do. I want to see him outside of work and also what his past was like, I think Kyle is Horatio. I don't think they jumped the Shark, I actully think they made the show better with Kyle.
Kind of agree with what you say, Mrs. Darcy1234, but, IMO, the storyline may be "good" mainly because the storylines have been unbelievable and soap opera-ish for so long we've probably lost the ability to distinguish good from bad. :lol:
drgnldy, re Yelina, totally agree with the golden retriever thing; I want the feisty, don't-tread-on-me Yelina of her first two seasons. It's okay for her to be confrontational again, H has moved on from his mourning for, dare I say the name, Marisol. He has a new interest, now, Kyle. (there should be a sarcasm smiley) Y needs to step up and take back her power. Or has she gone the way of Sara and Heather on the other CSI, and become no more than a prop for the male star to play off. :angryrazz:
Great to see u around drgnldy. :D I do understand ur frustration when it`s come to CSI Miami and H/Y realtionship. I know it will never be the same like it was S 1-3. But for me is enough to see this thread so alive. This bring some good memorys and I think to take the fun of waiting for S7 premiere. Now, we need some promo pics, right? ;)

Y needs to step up and take back her power.

Totally agree. Very well said. :) I`m too a bit sick and tired to see H use Yelina.

And speaking of H new son.....

Kyle get in fight and Horatio save the day again

Come on TGTB, give us break. All this ridiculous plot line is one big f..cking deja vu with Horatio nephew. Did Ann D. and co remember Ray Jn. ?! What about epis "Hell Night" or "Grave Young Men" where we see one real H play father figure to his nephew. This was brilinat done and more then enough to see the human side of our hero. No need to have some new kid on the block. As 'Radio Times' said time ago - 'If you're trying to be cool, you're not cool. CSI: Miami tries hard to be cool.'
I have to admit I thought I'd utterly hate the Kyle storyline but I surprised myself when I found myself kinda liking it.

But I agree with you about the Y part drgnldy. She needs to put her foot down and tell H to stop "using" her or else she'll be out of his life forever. I really liked the feisty Y of the earlier seasons. Now she just turns up to allow H to ask her to help with a favour.
May be with the Horacio's dead we will discovere that there are more than H ask help of Y. Maybe with this story we will know that they live together since Y return and sh's a really big part of H life. She 's not introduce her to Julia or Kyle is for protect her. I want somethink like this. Or just a scene which that H have relation with Ray Jr and Yélina. That they see often. Eat together....Because it's absolutly not the H's style to let his familly.

And For kyle history...boring, boring.
As for tgtb knowing or having any coherent thought about the Y/H factor....hmmm...Luce, no more vino for you. :p

I know! I don't know what was I thinking?! :rolleyes: ;)

It's like tgtb were brainstorming together saying "too bad we didn't think about giving him a kid, 'cause we could do some good stories there. Oh WAIT. . . we can still give him one!" Talk about a kid who's an afterthought!

.....after DC had said to them "I think Horatio should have a kid". *sigh* Sad, but true.

the storyline may be "good" mainly because the storylines have been unbelievable and soap opera-ish for so long we've probably lost the ability to distinguish good from bad. :lol:


'If you're trying to be cool, you're not cool. CSI: Miami tries hard to be cool.'

As we say in the BSG world, word! (meaning 'I agree completely') ;)

Radio Times reviews <3 :D Come to think of it, Season 6 is now airing in the UK (I think) so I should look out for reviews again. :devil:

And For kyle history...boring, boring.

Yes, I agree. Why not keep the Ray Jnr storyarc going, or even bring little Madison back? No, it's far more 'stimulating' to forget all of that and throw something new out there. :rolleyes:
I fundamentally hate the way people who have (seemingly) been important to H simply drop off the radar like they're nobody. Were they truly just obligations to him in the first place? Maybe it just seemed as tho' he cared because he felt responsible for his bro's 'stuff'. But if that's the case, why is it not still so? What relieved him of that feeling of obligation? (I suspect he just got tired of it - "get on that plane to Brazil, 'cause I'm tired of looking at you!") And if he really did care about Y, RJ, Madison, why is it not still so? Is it really that easy to just stop caring about people who used to be so important? Out of sight out of mind? I know, I know, TV/comic book, broad strokes, not real life. But my surreal spectacles don't seem to be working any more.

If instinct is correct and we can expect H/Y to get together, it better not be in the last epi. That would be a total cop out. We need to see them working out this relationship, not just a miracle happy ending.
I don't think Horatio has forgotten Madison , Ray Jr and Yelina. Horatio, in my mind, always had this idea in his head that he could protect Miami and it's citizens as much as possible. But when the Mala Noche turned up and killed "you know who" he realized no matter how hard he tries, he can't always protect the people he loves. When they're around him, they're an easier target.. He's a wolkaholic now, something he wasn't in season 1 atleast not so much as he is now. IMO that is what makes him human, he has been through so much...

In S1 - S3 he still believed that at heart, bad people are still good. I think he kinda lost that idea now and he just starts to think of them like scum. Like he beat up that guy who was chatting up teenage girls online..

Horatio has lost grip on ideal Miami, on his life. And now after so many years he finds out he has a son. It's pretty hard to handle something like that... After the dust has settled, and I think it's going to take a lot of time, Horatio and Yelina will make it. But I don't think at the moment Yelina can get through to him. As one of you guys said you don't see the love on H face. I don't see it as much as I used to either, but deep down he still loves her. God I hope so :p
Lucy, agree about the out with the old and in with the new practice. Perhaps Miami’s believability factor is fading because TGTB close one storyline and start another without ever finding closure. It’s a procedural; if they handled their cases like that, the show would, uh, “close” quickly. The other two franchises at least finish a story or leave you with the sense that there may be more to come; they don’t just walk away. For me, the most shocking thing was Horatio, in one of the newer epis, explaining his actions against the Mala Noche with “They killed my wife;” I would have accepted “…wife and my brother,” but I guess they’re over the Raymond storyline, so it’s like he never existed? Come on, he knew Marisol for about five minutes and Raymond all his life.
Kit4na, I wish I were as optimistic as you about H/Y. The last epi they shared, she looked at him with affection, he looked right through her, as if she were just another associate. Oh, stab through my heart! I guess I can live with the Kyle storyline as long as they bring Kyle and Ray together sometime soon. As I said in an earlier post, they have so much in common beyond being related to H. Each has committed a felony, each has been redeemed, each has a criminal parent (probably neither has come to terms with that yet), they’re close in age, neither would any longer feel he fits in with other teens. But they could sure relate to one another.
I think you may be onto something re “Super H” no longer believing in his own invincibility. Perhaps the last part of the season finale is part of his catharsis. :lol: About his feelings for Kyle: I think, given his understanding of genes and “nature vs. nurture,” he probably feels very guilty (being a good Catholic boy) about not being there during Kyle’s childhood, no matter that it was Julia who chose to disappear; he’s probably questioning what kind of genes he’s donated, as well as seeing what Kyle’s mother has become. I’m sure he feels that if only he’d known about Kyle and been there for him, things would be different . My main hope for this is that Julia goes away (I don’t care how) and they bring all of H’s family together. Despite her problems with RJ, Yelina is such a gentle, nurturing creature, her presence could only benefit Kyle. Are ya’ll listening, TPTB???