Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like This

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Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

ametista said:
Lucy I love your sarcasm & your comments so much fun to read. Don’t hold back ;)
Aw, thanks - I guess I can't help myself! It's a way of getting through this (seemingly) eternally uninspiring phase on the show. Trying to see the funny side definitely helps! ;)
It seems that the more ridiculous csi:miami gets, the more inspired I feel towards H/Y.
I think it makes me realize all the more how great the H/Y interaction was. I just want it back!
Lucy your ava, is that the unscripted BG kiss you’ve been talking about?
Yes, it is. Such a sweet, tender moment, and purely instinctive. One of the very best scenes I have seen on a TV show for years. :)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

I guess, if Miami no longer provides that serotonin high (as drgnldy said) you just find other ways to get it
Yes, but my husband is having trouble keeping up with my demands! :D

Y in Santa's bag. . . oh yeah. . . ho, ho, ho! Horatio! :cool:
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Lucy said:
Hee, well I think my sarcasm is starting to get the better of me with these daft storylines. :rolleyes: What next, Horatio discovers Marisol has frozen some eggs and he seeks a surrogate mother for their children? Oops, better not give them ideas. :p
Lol, hush now, you know they'll hear you! :eek:
Yes, it is. Such a sweet, tender moment, and purely instinctive. One of the very best scenes I have seen on a TV show for years. :)
I second that - and it a very beautiful avvie Luce (and banner too). Both from exceptional scenes. :D Ametista, great banner, and thanks for the lovely H/Y pictures you posted the other day. :)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

a very beautiful avvie Luce (and banner too). Both from exceptional scenes. :D
^ Thanks Swanny! :) I've been playing around with my very limited software. I would be doing it with H/Y screencaps too, if only we had more recent scenes to play with. :( Horatio needs to be more endearing too (as he used to be), to provide the inspiration.
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Hi all, it's been ages since I've been here, you guys must have been wondering where I've gone?

Sorry OT but a quick update I was on bed rest in the hospital for two weeks then I had my baby boy on 30 Nov. So he's really premature (he was due in Febuary next year) and in the NICU now, but he's doing ok. I just got discharged from the hospital two days ago. But it'll be a long hospital stay for my son. It's been busy between going to the hospital everyday to see him and taking care of my daughter, but I'll truy drop by while I can.

In the meantime, back it's been so long since I've been here, I gota go read up all the posts. Unless someone wants to give me a quick summary of what's been happening. I gather the writers' strike is still on?
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Hi Hrockz! Congratulations on your new baby boy! Wish you both well! Will be praying for his quick recovery. :)

Yes, the WGA strike is still going on and until the strike is resolved we won't be getting any new episodes aside from those already produced.
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

YAY Hrockz, ur back. :D Congratulations on your new baby boy! *hugs*

Nothing new around us here, but we still keep H/Y flag high up. ;)

Maybe we can try think out some kind of Christmas Challenge in this thread. This way the time will go fast and we will have some fun ?! :rolleyes:
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Hrockz, many congratulations on the birth of your son. Sorry to hear there were complications, and I wish him all the very best. We were a bit worried about you, as you had been absent for some time, so it's good to know you are okay. Thanks for stopping by to tell us the news. :)

Well, the only H/Y news I have is that the most recent Radio Times review of 'Burned' wasn't cynical about Yelina! This is significant because the RT reviews are always, without fail, rather snarky about the women in H's life - usually understandably so, lol, *cough* Marisol. They're even more snarky about H! :p Anyway, I will quote it when I have the magazine at hand. They didn't comment on Yelina as such, but it refers to H acting differently around her. By RT standards, this is almost positive! :D

Hmm, a Christmas challenge? I'll have to put my thinking hat on. :)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Hrockz Congrats on your new son, and I know he will be in all our prayers. What's his name?

I would like to read that review Luce when you get a chance. How come everyone but the GTB knows that Y makes H a different (and better!) person?
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Hrockz congratulation on your son, I hope everything will be all right and I send you and your family my best wishes.

drgnldy I totally agree with you. What's with them (GTB)?!

On a happy note, I'll be able to watch 'Burned' sometime soon after Christmas. Something to look forward to.
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Thanks for all the well wishes guys. We named him Joash. He's doing well but it'll be a month or two before I can bring him home.

Let's hope the writers' strike will bring good things for H/Y maybe they'll have time to write a realy good H/Y episode.

Just caught 'Bloodline' and I'm really glad they didn't pursue the silly H and Anna storyline any further. Gave me bad memories of you know who. Two more episode then I get to watch 'Burned'. :)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Congratulations on the wonderful addition to your family, Hrockz. :) This is really great news. I know we all hope little Joash will be home very soon.
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

I really miss this ship. I thought that we were going to get lots of Yelina in this season with the whole Kyle storyline and them bringing her back as a PI. I guess her taking that other job just took all her time :p. But still I have hope!!!!! I know that she'll be back at least in one more episode this season. ;)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Are my eyes deceiving me?
Hrockz, you're back! :D
Congratulations on the birth of your son, Joash. I hope recovery goes well so can can take him home very soon.

Sorry for not being around a lot anymore, but I'll be honest. Because no matter how much I've loved it before... Miami's losing my interest :(
BUT! Exams are coming up! And I have designed this reward system for myself. One good day of studying = 1 early CSI Miami episode :D
So brace yourselves for a massive screencap-attack within about 2 weeks ;)

Oh Yelina, Yelina, where arst thou, Yelina? Horatio needs thee. :p
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Sorry for not being around a lot anymore, but I'll be honest. Because no matter how much I've loved it before... Miami's losing my interest :(
Hush, you are definitely not alone in feeling this way. ;) I am however, very much looking forward to the 'screencap attack'! :D
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