Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like This

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Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Thanks again for the well wishes for my son.

I agree, the last couple of episodes of CSI:Miami (season 5) has been boring, I'm just counting down to 'Burned'. But I still watch it weekly, cos my husband watches it anyway and he's spolier free so he still gets very interested and intrigued by it. Plus, he doesn't care much for character development etc except for action H and how cool he is shooting people etc. Maybe it's a guy thing. :rolleyes:

I think part of the boredom is due to the writers' strike and lack of new spoilers and episodes.

Maybe a Christmas game like Pusher said (I think she was the one who suggested it) will keep things going... how about posting screencaps and adding our own captions, somthing like the caption game in the forum. I'm not sure if it's dupilcating things, but ours would only be H/Y.
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

I think part of the boredom is due to the writers' strike and lack of new spoilers and episodes.
I think that's very much the case, and having read that the recent negotiations broke down, it's looking a bit bleak at the moment. I expect that Sofia's other show has possibly been effected too, so there will be a knock-on effect.

Sorry that I haven't posted details from the RT 'Burned' review yet. I haven't got a copy of the magazine, and they haven't updated the website yet. I shall try to get hold of it, even though it's not significant - just amusing. ;)

Posting captions is a good idea! :D Shall I start things off?

Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

The captions game is that you have to post self invented quotes right?

Yelina: I'm going to plant a big wet one on your lips!

(don't have any imagination at this point)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

The captions game is that you have to post self invented quotes right?
Yes, exactly right. :) Maybe we need not worry about voting as such (because someone then has to run it), but we could just post captions if we feel inspired, and post another picture as and when we want?

Nice caption btw! :D
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Agreed, no need for voting. We could just leave each cap for a couple of days then someone can post a new one.

Here's mine:

Y: We're standing under a mistletoe, you know what to do...
H: Hmm.....
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

The captions game sound as fun. I like this idea. :D I`ll post mine this days when I got little inspiration. Btw great caption guys. ;)

Radio Times review: CSI Miami epi 'Burned'
CSI: Miami episodes that start with an amazing bit of trickery - in this case a stunt involving a domestic water heater - never do themselves any favours. Yes, your breath is taken by a stunningly staged piece of nonsense within the first few minutes. But you then spend the rest of the episode marvelling at just how ridiculous the actual plot really is. So you might as well start slapping those sofa cushions in frustration right now, because here's a perfect example. After a brilliant opening set piece, we get mired in a daft story about a house fire, a woman who wants to escape a jealous ex-boyfriend, and a face from Horatio Caine's past. It's a woman, of course, and you know what he's like around women (a wet dog in front of a log fire, since you ask), so be prepared: he gets all coy and caring.

H around Yelina = a wet dog in front of a log fire. :lol: How to not love RT comments. Cool title suggestion. :devil:
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Thanks Pusher for tracking down the RT review. Love the 'a wet dog in front of a log fire' analogy! :lol: They pick up on the fact that he is coy and caring around her, so as mentioned before, it's almost positive - by RT standards. ;)

Hrockz, I like the mistletoe caption. Very seasonal! :D
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

^Thanks! My writing mind has been itching to write something with a Christmas setting but I'm not sure I can find the time. Maybe and if I can find the time, or the itch to write is too hard to resist.... ;)

This thread's been rather quiet. Everyone on holiday?

I'm not sure if this should go in the spoiler box but just in case,
I wondering if Kyle's mother would be a recurring feature on the show in the future. It leaves space for lots of jealous Y which I really miss. On the other hand another woman in H's life, even if it was H's ex probably means tptb have no intention of getting H/Y together yet, at least not for this season. :(
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

congrats to u Hrockz on the birth of ur baby :)

I've manage to get on here for five mins wireless net work is down waiting for a new router to come hope to be up and running by the weekend

can't wait for later Burned epi tonight :) it's gonig to be good to se H/Y again
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Good to see you again HC_4_my_birthday! Hope that your wireless connection gets sorted out very soon. :)

It was great seeing Yelina last night in 'Burned' here in the UK. We have a new TV (Yay!) so everything looked particularly colourful and bright (Miami style). All style over substance as usual, but the H/Y scenes were sweet, even if the writing left a lot to be desired. ;)
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

One more episode then I get to see 'Burned' too. Can't wait.

Think we should have another screencap to caption?
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like


Frank: Hey, Eric, see that name across the screen?
Eric: Yeah, great actress, great character
Frank: Ain't that the truth. What the %*$* was Ann Donahue thinking?
Eric: You got me!

:rolleyes: :D
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

YAY i'm back up and running 11 days without internet been so boring

(Burned) epi was fab,the H/Y scenes were great
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Eric: Think Ann D was making a commentary about being hot and getting 'tanked' Frank?
Frank: Dunno Eric, but the girl could warm my bathwater anytime!

BTW Hrockz: Congratulations on your baby boy. Love the name. Hope he is doing well and gets to come home soon. I had a nephew who was born at 28 weeks and weighed 3 lbs. He is now a soccer player for his college and stands well over 6 feet tall. Babies are miracles by the minute!
Re: Horatio/Yelina #8: Waiting A Lifetime For A Moment Like

Can't think up a caption for that pic at the moment...

Wonder if any of you guys watched the movie 'Love Actually'. It's one of my fave romantic comedies of all time and it was really sweet, I'd love to see H/Y potrayed as one of those couples in the movie.
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