Horatio & Yelina #6: A Sense of Belonging - So Say We All!

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Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

I'll create one for ya later on the day ;)

Any scene in particular? :p
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Tati I would have been happy with the one that's already been created. I don't want to burden you.

But if you want to create one for me. I'll let you choose the scene, I'll just ask to use words: "This love will always be part of their lives" if possible.

Thank you
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Oh I love making banners & icons especially H/Y ones so it's not a burden at all ;)

*runs off to make screenshots*

Oh this is one I created a while ago


Bringin' new ones in a few moments :p
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Yeah Tati has a talent for those banner, avatar icon things. I like your current one of Frank, it's hilarious.

I love this thread, all the H/Y pics, even if they've been posted before they're still great.

I'll update my fic later if time permits.

EDIT: Heck I have the time now. *runs off to update fic*
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

ametista said: These are awesome icons Tati and I'm still 69 posts short *sigh*

yep, Kit do great job with all this lovely H/Y screencaps. :) somehow this number posts above lead me to naughty thought :lol: if only Ray Jn. wasn`t at home in epi 'Whacked', i really can imagine that inside the house Yelina jump on H :devil: why not we to have seducer Yelina like in DC movie 'Jade' ;) if woman 'rape' man this is not cirem right ?! :p especially if this man is H and he miss too many chance to have Yelina ... heheh i have to stop read Hrockz fics ...

HC_4_my_birthday nice to see u, it`s really terrible and irritate when ur PC don`t work right - glad to know that everything is ok now :)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

heheh i have to stop read Hrockz fics ...
Hey my fics aren't all about that!! I don't want new posters here to get the wrong impression. :p It's not like I write trashy stuff. At least I don't think so.

But yeah one day Y should just jump him, ok ok I confess I had one of my fics naughty like that. But the rest aren't. ;)

Tptb left things very open at the end of 'Whacked', it was certainly a good time for H/Y, too bad about '10-7'. But things are once again very open for H/Y after 'Burned' so I'm optimistic.

Anyway fic update is done, I had it all in my head, just had to type out the words:
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

^ My previous post don`t have any purpose to offend your writing work/skill.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

All you H/Y fans out there, it's SNAG time!




I'll swing by later for some more H/Y pics!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Hrockz said: Hey my fics aren't all about that!! I don't want new posters here to get the wrong impression. It's not like I write trashy stuff. At least I don't think so.

No worries Hrockz . You don’t write trashy stuff. I don’t leave comments, but I have read your fics. They’re great.

It is just Pusher having dirty mind and me giving Pusher wrong ideas by posting number ‘69’ without thinking. My only excuse is that I was blinded by the beauty of Tati’s icons at that moment.

I have a dirty mind too :devil: I mean what else are we supposed to do, than let our imagination run wild, if writers are denying what we need on screen

I love you Tati *gives a big hug* Thank you! :D I’m taking the first one
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Well it's a crime show so we can't really expect that sort of stuff to drip off our screens now can we?

Great that you like the banners :D
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

^ So what ?! Not in last place we are here for some fun. If I have to be honest I`m tired to be serious about ours shipp. Why not ours imagination to run 'wild' time to time ?!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Well I have nothing against it, just saying you can't expect the writers to feel the same way :p Well maybe they do but you can't expect them to show it ;)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Pusher I was only kidding. I know you meant it as a compliment. Thanks!

Hey if that naughty stuff is dripping from our screens and its H/Y I wouldn't mind one bit at all.

Love those banners you made Tati.

Well let's come to our senses and it is a crime show but I wouldn't mind if tptb implied it happened, like a morning after thing at Y's house and they wake up in bed together. How great would that be. :D
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Hrockz said:
like a morning after thing at Y's house and they wake up in bed together. How great would that be. :D

I think my heart just stopped :eek: :devil:

I'm a tad lazy today so only 1 picture

Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

^ So what ?! Not in last place we are here for some fun. If I have to be honest I`m tired to be serious about ours shipp. Why not ours imagination to run 'wild' time to time ?!

but I wouldn't mind if tptb implied it happened, like a morning after thing at Y's house and they wake up in bed together. How great would that be.

I agree with you both 100%! :D We have a whole summer to get through, and it should have some fun, if not so serious discussion. And it would be terrific to see them getting up together in the a.m. First you get a kiss in the evening, then the old fashioned 'curtain blowing in the window' thing, then the next thing you know they are getting up together. I could handle it!!!

BTW (isn't it great I can now type BTW like a computer savy person :rolleyes:) Is there still a Yelina thread? If there is I can't find it.
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