Horatio & Yelina #6: A Sense of Belonging - So Say We All!

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Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

katpin lovely wallpaper, thanks. hope u have big fun on ur vacation. :)

Hrockz said: However, if they're a couple I'd like to see conflict like that and how they resolve it.

not only u wish for this ;) but before this this time I WANT to see H making the first step towards Yelina in S6. now is his turn right ?! :rolleyes: also if DC still keep give interviews like in the last TV Guide (re Aerosol), better SM to run away from Miami as fast as she can...

drgnldy said: My question is, what did you all think of S5? Was it any improvement at all over S4, or just more of the same? (Except for the two wonderful Yelina episodes.)

humm .. yep S5 was one (max two) level better then S4. not only coz of Yelina return for 2 epis. But from my point of view TPTB give less screentime to H this year, his character was also set free from angst and his lady come in S22 proving that not everything is lost. The Real H is still there, but need help ... (from psychiater maybe :lol:). Anyway, i was little disappointed from 'Rio' - too rush epi, but Yelina was back. YAY. I like more epi. 'Burned', mainly coz TPTB stay true to her character and we see again wriggly H. (this is most important for me, no one can`t mess with Yelina - no H , no TPTB). In the end just want to say that my heart was very warm that in Miami forum a lot guys who are not H/Y shippers miss Yelina and accept her coming back so well. yep TPTB with creating this wonderful character give so much to H - she is his better half ;)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

I liked S5 A LOT better than S4. S4 was boring where as S5 actually was pretty interesting, well it had a couple of stupid episodes but the others were really good. Not as good as S1-3 though..
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

I agree with you Pusher, that H needs to take the first step, so we know he REALLY wants it. (Altho' its hard for me to actually imagine this happening!) I once saw a movie where the man told the woman he didn't think she would stay gone, and she told him that he never came after her, so she figured he didn't care all that much. I think its time for H to demonstrate in a positive way how he feels about Y.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

drgnldy said:
Here is a quote from Lucy in Thread #4, couple of weeks before 'Rio' aired:

My guess is that we'll get Ray dying in H's arms, muttering to H that he must look after Yelina and 'the boy'

Someone else with a crystal ball. You have all been brainstorming this couple for so long, you can often second guess the writers, so if you get any really awful, horrifying ideas in your heads, don't say them out loud! :eek:
*dusts down crystal ball* I shall be very careful about my predictions! Nothing too alarming I promise. ;)

One thing I did like about 'Burned' was that we got a hint of continuity. H had evidently kept his promise to Raymond and been in touch with Ray Jnr. Not that I would ever expect for one moment that H would break a promise - I was just shocked at the writers nod to 'Rio' in light of their track record with continuity! It's time now for H to spend some quality time with Ray's Mom too. I just hope Season 6 signifies a kind of new beginning for our two. :)

I didn't watch all of Season 5, but what I did see was marginally better than Season 4. Mind you, you all know my feelings about Season 4! Just about anything would have been an improvement. ;)

katpin, I hope you have a great vacation (and thank you for the lovely wallpaper) and thanks for the wonderful pics from 'Whacked' Kit. :D
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Thanks Lucy & Pusher. Will miss ya & Kit hope to see lots of pics when I return just so I can snag them. LOL Appreciate all the pics you post.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Have a nice vacation katpin. Lovely pic you posted. Pusher indeed Y is H's better half. Heck they aren't even one yet, so can we make such a statement? :p

It's time now for H to spend some quality time with Ray's Mom too. I just hope Season 6 signifies a kind of new beginning for our two.
I think it's safe to say we're all hoping the same as you Luce.

I'd love for the season opener to have SM in it, and some H/Y progression, even if it's something simple like H going over to her place for dinner. I'm hoping what Corey said about things getting interesting for H/Y to be a positive sign. I think it is. And I'm looking forward to it.

Things are getting exciting in my fic ;):
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

When I watched 10-7 for the first time I didn't have a clue what was going to happen. So, when Horatio pretended like he and Yelina were going on vacation together I was dancing on the sofa,singing, laughing, I was just so happy! And then! BAM! Horatio stops walking and that stupid Raymond gets out of the plain
I couldn't move for ten minutes. I was just sitting there, staring at the end of csi, and I kept staring the tv whem the commercials were flashing by. I couldn't say a thing. I felt like I was going to cry. It was such a dissapointment. And when I recovered from the huge shock, I watched it over and over again, just hoping that the end would change.But guess what, it didn't change.
The damn writers broke Y's and H's and my heart!
And when she finally returns, after a whole serie, she immediatly dissapears again! And now almost another whole serie has passed before she returned! The writers can't possibly be that stupid to make her dissapear again!Nobody is that stupif! It would be rediculous and unfair to all the H-Y fans.
We've now waited for 5 years :mad:! it's about time to make us happy!
.... please? (begging on my knees) PLEASE :( !!!!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

*sits besides ment_to_be* PLEASE!!!! :(

After seeing Burned, which was so GREAT imo, my hopes for them to get together eventually rised sky high! H will keep his promise to Yelina :) God I wanne know what those interesting storylines are going to be!!! Maybe H gets hurt in the season premiere..
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Undoubtedly H keeps his promises, he has a good track record in that department, thus far. I think even tptb can't screw that up.

His promise to her in 'Burned' was to look after her and I wonder how he will do that. Strong-willed as Y is she didn't really reject outright his offer to look after her, and I'm sue she wouldn't want it in the way that she'll be on his "payroll". It will be interesting how he intends to keep his promise. Maybe the PI job will get too dangerous for her, maybe she gets hurt or something and of course H will turn up. Or H getting hurt would be good too. ;)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Part 2 of Whacked!




The "bye bye Stetler look". It's soooo nice isn't it?
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

The "bye bye Stetler look".
One could also interpret it as the "now she's mine" look. :lol:

Thanks for the lovely pics Tati from one of my all time fave H/Y scenes.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Just love the scenes from Wacked,its the way H looks at Rick when he's comming down the path and he tells him to walk away i was like go H.Thanks for the pics Tati :)

Had major computer crash on friday :( took my daughter all weekend to fix it.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Oh I have a lil something for those who still need an H/Y avatar.

Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Thanks for those wonderful pictures from 'Whacked' Kit. :D Definitely one of my very favourite H/Y scenes too.

HC_4_my_birthday, great to see you and I'm glad your PC is in working order again. :)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

These are awesome icons Tati and I'm still 69 posts short *sigh* :(
But when I can, I'll definativelly use one :D

I was wondering maybe someone could point me to some H/Y banner, that no one is using at the moment, for me to use while I get 100 posts.
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