Horatio & Yelina #6: A Sense of Belonging - So Say We All!

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Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Belated welcome back to schelle and inge too. Good to see some of the "olde" gang back in the fold. Seems like we've been here forever. :)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

I don't think Y was made out ot be the "victim" H needed to protect in s3. There were great H/Y moments and like Tati said they did continue their flirting despite her being with Stetler. It's H natural instinct to want to protect her cos he loves her and I think it was just unfortunate that she got together with scum like Stetler.

And she when she turned up at work with that black eye in 'Crime Wave' she didn't like go running to H in fact she rejected his help. Perhaps it was more pride than anything.

aw, thanks! funny that you knew which storyline I meant.
Am I so easy too read?
:lol: your icon says it all. Anyway I'm a fan of Ryan too and I too want to see him back on the team. Hopefully he'll be back to his old s3-self again. (OT sorry)

me likeing other ships made the season better for me
CSIFray they got everybody together except H/Y, I'm feeling kinda jealous here! Grrr... tptb it's time for H/Y to get together too!

Got my fic updated, had some time on my hands today.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

schell said: Season 5 was just a constant seemingly never ending wait for her to come back.

ahh i understand very well here. in S4 we know no Yelina at all, but S5 was so so big nervous waiting. i already have the feeling that my life is like one big bus waiting station - always wait for something to come/happen. this is not fair - the travelling is more big fun right ?! soon if in S6 don`t have any improvement and H/Y development i`ll get tired and go home...

inge said: he should forget about the past and should learn to enjoy the present

yep i agree with u, even Aerosol to not be so good example why H have to learned act on his true feelings. ;) H is big man and have to take the rick and responsibility to fix his life. or for him is more easily to live in his lonely suffer island :rolleyes: also for me exactly this H protection syndrome is one of the main mistake in his approach/behaviour toward Yelina. She so many times show to him tha she don`t have need to be protected, but need to be 'see and taken'...
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

or for him is more easily to live in his lonely suffer island
You are so right. Sometimes I think the writers go too far with this aspect of his character. When we see not only his response to Y, but his response to co-workers and victims, it seems sometimes as tho' H is addicted to angst. I mean really addicted (you know the little cell receptors that respond to certain chemicals, including those made by our own bodies? Nevermind. . .) He is in love with tragedy, which explains Marisol, and to a certain extent, Y. He has always seen her as his brothers' victim.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

this H protection syndrome is one of the main mistake in his approach/behaviour toward Yelina. She so many times show to him tha she don`t have need to be protected, but need to be 'see and taken'...
Sorry for the double post! I deleted too much in responding to the last comment, so it wasn't there for me to continue. . .if you know what I mean. . . sorry, still learning.
I SOOOOO agree with you here. H needs to learn to respect her independence, and her ability to make her own life choices (instead of making so many of them for her behind the scenes). Ironically, it seems as tho' one of the things he really likes about her is her strength and ability - at least in regards to work - but at the same time its these characteristics of hers that scare him to death. She has always been straightforward with him, and he doesn't handle her honesty very well at times. But of course, that's when we see the wiggly H, and I hope he's still there somewhere!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

I'm sure wriggly H is still there, and Y can surely bring it out in him.

Ironically, it seems as tho' one of the things he really likes about her is her strength and ability - at least in regards to work - but at the same time its these characteristics of hers that scare him to death.
I think that's the thing that makes H/Y so endearing. We have this tough as nails cop who can take down any villian who's reduced to a nervous, scared pre-teen boy when he's with Y. It's just so good to watch.

And I think Y is still a woman afterall. IMO no matter how strong she is she still wants a man to love and take care of her, tho she doesn't need one but it would be nice if she could have one, and I mean H. And that's the thing about love, is that you can be weak and vulnerable with the person you love. Sorry if I'm being a little too philosophical here.

And as for the angst-addiction, I think tptb has given H more than enough of crap. But I think they wrote his character like that, and they attempted to explain why he's like that cos he can't forgive himself for killing his Dad. So he's making himself "suffer" for his crime. I'm not saying it's ok, I'm just trying to explain (to myself too) why H is so addicted to angst and his own suffering.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

As a follow up to this (and also have something to talk about!) I'd like to hear from ya'll about times you've seen hints of 'joy in life' in H. I really don't see them, but as you can tell, I tend to see the extremes of what I don't like. That's why you are all good for me - you tell me that there are other ways to look at things.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

My biased, sleep-deprived brain (it's way past my bedtime) can only think of H/Y moments, when he flashes that "Yelina-smile" at her, like in 'Burned'. I see genuine joy when he looks or flirts with her. Although she does cause him pain as well. Or like in 'Hurricane Anthony' when he smiles after Y agrees to let him come over to her place. Or in 'After The Fall' in the opening scene when they flirt while working on the case. I think if I'm not wrong in 'Simple Man' you can visibly see H's face light up when he spots Y.

I can't stop writing today so I decided to forgo sleep and update my fic again
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Check this out. They're reading Hrockz' fic. I think they like it :p


Horatio: Buenos Diaz.
Yelina grins..
Yelina: Hi

Oh can someone tell me which episode it's from? I took the screenshot a couple of days ago but I can't remember which episode it's from. Yes I know i'm a bad H/Y fan :(
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

^ I think that picture is from Hard Time. It was used at the start of one of the past threads - #5 if memory serves correctly. :)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Yes, definitely Hard Time. :) It's a very caption-worthy picture!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

My absence from this forum has been far too long (two jobs can keep you away from any form of a life outside of it, after all). I thought I'd drop by on my day off and say hello. Did you miss me? ^_^

Hrockz said:
I think that's the thing that makes H/Y so endearing. We have this tough as nails cop who can take down any villian who's reduced to a nervous, scared pre-teen boy when he's with Y. It's just so good to watch.

Nicely put!!! I could not have said it better myself. Indeed, very few things can make H so boyish, if you will. The complete turnaround of his character (to, as you put it, scared preteen boy) is always so adorable to watch once he's around her. I've pulled the exact same comparison on another shipper thread, but for H/Y it's equally appropriate: Niles and Daphne from the show "Frasier". Niles is normally the haughtier Crane brother, but when Daphne is around, he becomes weak-kneed and very boyish. Horatio reminds me of Niles sometimes for that reason. It took Niles six excruciating years (it was for me at least, as they were my first ship) to finally win her heart, for as the old adage goes: good things come to those who wait :D
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Am still reading past threads - now in #4 where everyone is anticipating the beginning of S5, and what will happen with our H/Y? It's SOOO feeding my current obsession. . .I mean dedication. . .that I'm almost hyperventilating. The questions are almost the same as we are wondering now! I'm also struck by how well some of you can predict with fair accuracy what might happen. For instance, one year ago Pusher said, "uhhhh don't think that Ray is able to protect his family from Mala Noche, more possibly is to become one of them heheh. . ." Right on the nose. So Pusher, what does your crystal ball show you for S6?

Have been thinking about the continuation of that whole will they/won't they journey. Yes, it was sweet and tender, but I need more now. Maybe it's time for a kiss at least? Most of you are not old enough to remember an old police show called Hill Street Blues. In this show the lead policeman and an attorney were seeing one another, but no one knew it because they kept it very private. Later they were married, but at first they were like the balm at the end of a hard day for one another. They were all business during the day, but their evenings were spent in quiet relaxation with one another. (One scene had him shaving her legs while they discussed a case from that day!) This is actually what I thought we might get in the very beginning with H/Y (when I assumed they were both 'mentally healthy adults.' :lol:) At any rate, this would be a nice and yet private step forward for them.

But I have to disagree with those who think that if they get married the story is all over. Marriage is not like that. There are many many conflicts and 'angsty' moments - they're just about different things. And they don't have to involve betrayal like with Ray. They can involve children ("do you?/well I don't") or the death or serious illness of said children or other family members, career conflicts, etc. An example from real life I can think of that isn't a biggy but has elements of wiggly, and humor, while still being touching, is the man trying to figure out how he's going to tell his wife he ran over her cat in the driveway. That one (thankfully!) didn't happen to me, but this did: my husband found my kitty dead on the road, and in the dead of a Nebraska winter night went out to find a place to dispose of her since the ground was too frozen to dig. This sounds like an H thing. :D

OK everybody. You have full permission to rip me to shreads!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

So Pusher, what does your crystal ball show you for S6?

:lol: i don`t have crystal ball, my extra skill is to read people thoughts (re my nick name explanation). but from Ann D. head i hear only silence. - her brain is shut down from long time :p *look around for connect cable with this forum*

very good thoughts and points drgnldy ;) i agree that out there have a lot interesting shipp story line/scene/moments and TPTB can try to make something similar. Till now they repeat so many crime tv show stereotype/rules, without very good success. But if they try this with H/Y like a real couple i won`t maind ;) even i`m to be against H/Y be married, i`m not against H/Y dateing (hope this make sense). In meaning as u say yep a lot of us are tired of this will they/won't they journey. don`t get me wrong exactly this part of H/Y relationship draw me to this tv show (+ DC/SM chemistry). But this journey must go out of this 'vicious' circle. After S5 all H/Y walls/secret/obstacle are in a day light or remove (re Aerosol and Ray Sn.death, Suzzy-little Maddy truth etc..). So my point was that now is the time H and Yelina to act on theirs truth feeling. But i`m afraid that TPTB are empty of ideas what to to in the future if H&Y take the next step. i doubt (coz of S4-5) that this monster can handle well ours shipp. I just don`t see any trace of imagination or creative work in CSI Miami from long time. I agree with u that if H and Yelina are real couple we still can see 'angst', fun, flirtation... there still have too many possibility for development in theirs character without this story to become soup. what about if they start see each others - we will see one approval or disapproval from Ray Jn. Also when they work and live together will have some problems. U know what peoples say u don`t know someone till u don`t start life with him/her. Also what will be CSI Miami team reaction, as impossible to sound to me even Eric can bring some 'colour' in H/Y relationship... upss i`m afraid i lost my thought nad start to repead some of ur post heheh
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