Horatio & Yelina #6: A Sense of Belonging - So Say We All!

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Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

^ Well he looked like this:
a work by Hrockz :)

Kit4na said: It's from Hurricane Anthony. When she sees the marks on the suspects back.. making him guilty of murdering his neighbour ^^
Hmmm, I ought to have known that, considering it's my fave. epi. (Of the ones I have seen so far, of course) Better go see it again, then. ;)

Pusher I snagged the banner from on of the art-threads. Hope it's ok?! :)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

inge! :D Very nice to see you.
I had also to recover from H's behaviour in Rampage and One of our own.
Ugh, Season 4. For me, it is just a bad memory now, confined to the 'in denial' part of my brain. Okay, I admit, 'Felony Flight' and 'Nailed' were good episodes. Oh, and I like this snippet of dialogue from Under Suspicion:

Ryan: So Horatio really cared about this woman?
Calleigh: The first since Yelina.

Lunalove, lovely banner! :D Though, just to let you know, we can only have text or a banner in our signatures, not both. ;)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A


Hey guys, question:: What episode was it that Yelina was out of town with Ray, she called H to tell him that JR didn't come home, and he asked her where she was and she said they were out of town and he looked really upset about it.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

^ CSI Miami 3x06 Hell Night

Lunalove of course u can use this banner, i`m glad that u like it ;)

wow did i see inge here :eek: u forgot about us...hummm but with this awful S4 and H behaviour i understand u very well...anyway, nice to know that u are around. :D

Lucy said: Okay, I admit, 'Felony Flight' and 'Nailed' were good episodes. Oh, and I like this snippet of dialogue from Under Suspicion:

Ryan: So Horatio really cared about this woman?
Calleigh: The first since Yelina.

the best quote in S4. :D TPTB won`t die if they had mention Yelina name few more times - everybody knows how strong feelings have they for each others ... I also like and 'Manhattan Manhunt' epi (CSI NY + wet H :devil:), and not in last place the last H one liner in epi 'One Of Our Own' :

Horatio: We're going to Brazil.

YAY :)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Lucy said: Lunalove, lovely banner! :D Though, just to let you know, we can only have text or a banner in our signatures, not both. ;)
I actually already knew that, but I guess I forgot because I was so mesmerized by the whole hand holding thing. ;) Thanks for reminding me! :)

Oooh, I'm a rookie now! Yeay, I finally made it out of the dead/suspect category. :p
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Thanks for showing my icon Lunalove. And I love your banner.
Thanks Pusher for agreeing to my request. Could you pretty please put up that scence from 'Burned' too. The one where the suspect asks H for Y's number. :D

And thanks for the great quotes. Can anyone tell me when there wasn't a great H/Y moment when they're onscreen together? Right now I can't think of one, I mean they're so great together. IMO everytime DC and SM are in the same scene it's fantastic.

sorry, had to recover from a certain storyline and I'm still anxious about it.
Aww, don't worry he'll be back on the team in s6, I'm pretty sure.

And I really like that conversation between Calleigh and Ryan in 'Under Suspicion', everyone knows H had a thing for Y. I wish someone would smack him on the head and make him do something about it. Or maybe it's tptb that need the frying pan. :devil:

Horatio: We're going to Brazil.
My same reaction. And I haven't watched the whole of 'Rio' yet. But you guys will know once I do, cos I'll be here raving about the H/Y parts.

Didn't want to keep you guys who are keeping up with my fic hanging for too long so here's an update.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Lunalove said:
Lucy said: Lunalove, lovely banner! :D Though, just to let you know, we can only have text or a banner in our signatures, not both. ;)
I actually already knew that, but I guess I forgot because I was so mesmerized by the whole hand holding thing. ;) Thanks for reminding me! :)
You're welcome and no worries at all. ;) I could so easily become mesmerized by your banner too. Infact, I am! I could just sit here and stare at it. :D
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

I could just sit here and stare at it.
You and me both. I was going to mention that it's really hard to write a post with that hand-holding scene being played out again and again in front of you. I'd just sit there and watch it.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Okay i'm bringing you pictures from Money for nothing. It's the sequence when she confronts H about Madison & Suzy.


If I didn't know better I'd say she wanted to jump him! Maybe she did want too, but not for the reason I ment *hihi*


Oh yes laugh the "betrayel" away..
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Reading the previous threads as I've been doing has been making me think about all kinds of things. And its not always something specific that sends me in a certain direction, its more a feeling I get after reading a bunch of posts. Today I have been thinking about S3 being different from S1 and S2. I don't think we will ever see the loveliness of those first two seasons ever again. I felt very ambivalent about S3, because altho' it had lots of H/Y screen time, the stories seemed calculated to turn Y into a victim. It was always something. RJ getting in trouble, Rick hitting her, finding out the painful truth about Madison. . . In a way, she was becoming more and more a responsibility for H, and not a pleasant one. There was not the same sweetness between them, and I suppose that's because she was with someone else and they weren't flirting any more. S3 just had a heaviness and gloom about it that I suppose could only culminate in that plane ride to Brazil. If Sophia comes back with any regularity, they will have to do something even different, and I hope whatever it is doesn't completely destroy the affection between them. I'm not saying this very well, but do you get what I mean?
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

I get what you mean yes she was portrayed as a poor victim H needed to protect. But it's not like it was a real burden for H, I think he liked it that even though she's together with Stetler he can still help her.. which I thought was sweet :p

Well there were a few flirting scenes in S3, in the beginning of After the Fall for instance.. or Whacked :D

I also hope that tptb aren't going to give her another reason why H should protect her.. But somehow I don't think they won't. In "Burned" he told her how he thought of her new profession he wasn't happy with it. She didn't tell him she'd quit, she told him she'd be more selective next time..

Come on tptb we need some news regarding SM!!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Nice to know that some people didn't forget me. :D

u forgot about us...
Never! I read the thread every day! :D

Aww, don't worry he'll be back on the team in s6, I'm pretty sure.
aw, thanks! funny that you knew which storyline I meant.
Am I so easy too read? :lol:

Hm, for me, Season 4 wasn't that bad, a certain person saved it. ;) It was only H's (and Eric's) behaviour in the last two episodes.

IMO Horatio should have learned from this experience (losing Marisol early) to act on his feelings.
Something bad could happen every time and then it's too late. ;)
So, he should forget about the past and should learn to enjoy the present.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Hm, for me, Season 4 wasn't that bad, a certain person saved it. ;)
I wish I could have warmed to some of the other characters in Season 4, but I just couldn't. I know how much you like Ryan though inge, so I can understand why you feel differently. :) The whole season (apart from a couple of good eps) was like a bad dream for me. I think I woke up when H said that they were going to Brazil!

Thanks as always for the great pictures Kit. :D

Lovely to see you back here schell. :)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

schell, are you okay? I believe you are recovering from the 'H/Y hand holding effect'.
Oh yeah, I'm okay now, as you can see.. recovery actually took me a few days, lol.

Lovely to see you back here schell. :)
:cool: Thank you MiamiDade Good to see you too, and everyone else.
Can totally relate to Season 4 seeming like a bad dream, and Season 5 was just a constant seemingly never ending wait for her to come back. :mad: so... so infuriating, surely partially the reason for my absence (or if not, one that fits)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Ah, me likeing other ships made the season better for me :)
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