Horatio & Yelina #6: A Sense of Belonging - So Say We All!

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Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Yeah, I'm 'the crazy danish' as Tati would say, so I'm one hour ahead of you (I think). ;)

katpin thanks for the gift! :) It's really beautiful!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

I'm curious why no one has made a video clip at that place we don't mention of all the H/Y moments in Murder in a Flash. Isn't that the one where they discover the meth lab and she goes to fill up with gas where the guy wants her to use his credit card, etc? I love that epi 'cause it has so much H/Y time in it.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Yeah I fell of my couch when I first saw the hand-holding scene. It was awesome. They look so like married (sorry words escape me) when they hold hands like that.

Argh!!! I need more H/Y, I've like watched everything on youtube like dozens of times. I can't wait for LV to end where I am so that they'd get started on s5 of Miami and 'Rio'.

First time I saw H/Y was 'Simple Man' and I thought they were a couple, I mean H apologising for cancelling dinner, her telling him to be careful, my heart was like going on overdrive. Then I realised they weren't then I saw 'GYM' then I thought they were dating, then I realised they were not. *sighs* tptb likes to tease us don't they. Enough already! Get them together for real this time.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

thanks schell for ur next fanfic update :) i`m glad that all H/Y shippers at last have the chance to see this so wonderful H/Y holding hands scene re NTL epi - u all are welcome. i'll try to catch up with ur and Hrockz work this weekned. ;)

efficient postal communication between the UK and Bulgaria! :D

cheers for UK and BG post office :D i`m still recover from my Easter present. *more hugs for Lucy* and err... dear one no chance my post office to return in UK two very lovely post cards (little kitty and Teddy bear) :lol:

re Sofia Milos web side.... actually the banners in her web side are take from ours message board hehehe :devil:

this one is make by the very talent tianshi and i use it almost year:


and this one is make by other one great banner/icon maker Lizzy_Sander and is use by inge - a little runaway fellow who too is great H/Y shipper ;)


hey drgnldy for ur problem re can`t see anim avas/banners try to chance ur internet explorer settings. at home i am with limited net and i have put ban to all Multimedia options in my IE (this way the board load more quickly). anyway, more instructions in the link - hope this will help u. ;) help

thanks guys for all this lovely pics and icons, as i see u have big fun this days. keep going this way. H/Y flag must fly high :D


drgnldy said: I'm curious why no one has made a video clip at that place we don't mention of all the H/Y moments in Murder in a Flash. Isn't that the one where they discover the meth lab and she goes to fill up with gas where the guy wants her to use his credit card, etc? I love that epi 'cause it has so much H/Y time in it.

humm i`ll try to think out something this few days ;) in this epi the most i like when H throw on the floor his sun glasses and this screencaps :


come H - do something - the heaven soon will close theirs doors :lol:
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Pusher, thanks for the link. I will see what I can do. I have to be careful because my husband already somewhat objects to my interaction here - he's paranoid about things/people getting into our computer from internet sites. But I NEED this site!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

cheers for UK and BG post office :D i`m still recover from my Easter present. *more hugs for Lucy* and err... dear one no chance my post office to return in UK two very lovely post cards (little kitty and Teddy bear) :lol:
*hugs too* You're welcome. ;) Just glad we were able to finally get this scene 'out there' for all to see. Great teamwork! :D

Re 'Murder In A Flash' - it's definitely one of my favourite unsung H/Y episodes. It's very poignant, yet it has it's amusing moments too, and the cases are interesting. Miami at it's best - and yes, there is so much H/Y in that episode. The garage scene is wonderfully acted - SM and DC play off each other beautifully.
come H - do something - the heaven soon will close theirs doors :lol:
:lol: Yep, the H-man certainly needs to get his act together!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Lucy said: Yep, the H-man certainly needs to get his act together!

So true! Hopefully he'll get his (well TPTB's really) head screwed back on properly in s6!

drgnldy I need this place too. Belive it or not, but this place keeps me sane. (Yeah, yeah Tati, I know... ;) :p)

Pusher great pic from 'MIF' (he he, 'mif') that guy was just sooo cheesy. :rolleyes:
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Yeah I really enjoyed 'Murder In a Flash' too. The part where H throws his sunnies on the ground to jump in front of the perceived threat to protect Y. See he loves her more than his sunnies. :p

And the garage scene was cool too. Pusher put that ep up on youtube if you can. That and 'Under the Influence.' The scene with H interviewing Ryan and after that the looks H exchanged with Y. Wordless communication, those two have got that down to pat. It's awesome! But no pressure Pusher only if you have the time. I'm already eternally grateful for 'Burned' being put up there.

Hopefully he'll get his (well TPTB's really) head screwed back on properly in s6!
We're all hoping for that.

Here's more fic updates.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

I have just finished reading the second H/Y thread, and am so inspired by the energy and enthusiasm ya'll were able to maintain during S4 when there wasn't even any reward for your dedication! Now I know not to worry about the next few months until S6 because you (my new family! :D ) will still be going strong. We better get some satisfaction in the new season, tho'. :mad:

I was also impressed by the level of intelligence exhibited by everyone in the thread and how pertinent and well thought out their comments. I wonder whether TPTB really know that there are fans out here who watch with discernment. I think we (yes, I must include myself!) must be in the minority, and that most people watch TV in a half-conscious vegetative state, swallowing everything without even chewing on it.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

^ for me TPTB from 2 years try to make us look stupid :mad: for ours regret nor Ann D. or DC admit theirs mistake post S3 :( sad, sad situation. after all we (all CSI M fans) are the one who make this tv show popular - but popular doesn`t always mean quality. Coz of this when u read the rest H/Y threads will know that some peoples start to love and follow others great tv show like BSG or House M.D. But this don`t mean that H/Y passion will go away. ;) Anyway as we know ours not so little group now is a lot resistance and will survive till S6 premiere ;) So Say We All !!!

Lunalove said: 'MIF' (he he, 'mif') that guy was just sooo cheesy.

hehe we have few others epi where is fun to watch what great team are H and Yelina. I miss them and want back theirs 'silent' agreement and smart remarks. They are so made for each other.

'Grand Prix' - this is one of the most funny H/Y moments for me - H try to 'defend' Y, but without discredit her authority :)

Y: Ernest mansfield?
E: Yeah. Who's asking?
Y: Miami-dade police.
E: You're too beautiful to be cop. Why don't you sit down and let me get you drink?
Y: I got a better idea, Ernest. Why don't you tell me what you were doing in the american spirit team truck the day that Chris petrie died.
E: I don't know what you're talking about.
H: What size shoe do you take, my friend? You look like you're about a nine.
E: What are you? A shoe salesman? Shoo. You're boring me.
H: So you're interested in a little excitement. Okay, how about you're under arrest? Excited?


'Pirated' - similar example- man i love the way H work with Yelina ;)

Y: Why don't you tell us who your friends are?
Darryl: Why don't you learn to speak English?
Y: I suggest you respond to my question.
Darryl: Not giving up my friends to some Puerto Rican cop.
H: Darryl, that is Detective Salas, and she is attempting to give you a chance. but you are too stupid to realize that.

'Burned' - the best quote that can make H open his eyes at last !!! *look around for frying pan*

H: Which is why you hired a private investigator, isn't it?
Anthony: Yeah, a good-looking one, too. You got her number? I saw you with her by my car. The way she looks at you...
think she could look at me like that?

ahh i forgot to mention one of my fav Yelina scene when she kick Rebecca N. ass in epi 'Cop Killer'. This is ours girl - go Yelina :D

btw, Hrockz i'll keep in mind ur and drgnldy requests ;)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Pusher said:
'Burned' - the best quote that can make H open his eyes at last !!! *look around for frying pan*

H: Which is why you hired a private investigator, isn't it?
Anthony: Yeah, a good-looking one, too. You got her number? I saw you with her by my car. The way she looks at you...
think she could look at me like that?

How GREAT was that moment uh?

Well I promised more pics from Grand Prix now didn't I?


Y: Looks like you've got an admirer.


H: Duty calls.

Yelina was jealous but you could also see that she understood the other woman.. Who wouldn't stare at someone like H?
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Love the pics Tati they are wonderful. I really needed that after S4, which is real pain. We’ve had only 5th ep yesterday and I already wish for S4 end to come, so I can get over it and forget it as a bad dream. I'm even considering stop watching it.

And here’s some song lyrics… it makes me think how H is feeling in S4 without Yelina.

Purest of Pain by Son by Four

I'm sorry I didn't mean to call
but I couldn't fight it
I guess I was weak and couldn't even hide it
and so I surrender just to hear your voice
I know how many times I said I'm gonna to live with out you
and maybe someone else is standing there beside you
but there's something baby that you need to know
that deep inside me I feel like I'm dying
I have to see you it's all that I'm asking.

Vida, give me back my fantasies
the courage that I need to live
the air that I breathe

carino mio, my world becomes so empty
my day's are so cold and lonely
and each night I taste
the purest of pain.

I wish I could tell you I'm feeling better every day
that it didn't hurt me when you walked away
but to tell you the truth I can't find my way
and deep inside me I feel like I'm dying
I have to see you it's all that I'm asking.
Vida, give me back...
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Kit4Na said:

RedHot said:
Imagine all of us in an hotel room watching H/Y. I think we will be "aaaahhhhh", "oohhhhhhh", "woooowwww".

Now I just have to confess that I have not lurked here for several days and these were the first words that I read when I opened this thread this morning! I'm pushing 50 and although I am no prude, my evil little mind thought some pretty nasty thoughts when I read this quote. And my second thought was "Ewwwwww". I like H/Y and think they would be amazing together in manyyyy, mannny ways, but would rather leave those ways to my own imagination and not share them in a hotel with you people. Even if I consider each and every one of you my special friend! (Just not special enough to be a peeping tom with).

And at the risk that I have offended someone here....I KNOW THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU MEANT!!!! Just thought my initial reaction to it was funny enough to share and a great example of what can happen when words are taken out of context. Besides, if what was suggested, and the way that I took it were to actually happen, it would have to be broadcast on a premium cable channel and I don't subscribe to THOSE channels! Snrk!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Lunalove said:
Ah, Tati you make the coolest avas! 1-2-3 *squeeeee*! And yeah, I do wish! ;)
And which epi is the 'Look...' clip from?

It's from Hurricane Anthony. When she sees the marks on the suspects back.. making him guilty of murdering his neighbour ^^
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

inge - a little runaway fellow who too is great H/Y shipper

Did I read my name?
*cough* what did you mean *cough* with runaway fellow *cough* :p
sorry, had to recover from a certain storyline and I'm still anxious about it.
I had also to recover from H's behaviour in Rampage and One of our own. :(

Thanks for the quotes.
How did H react in 'Burned' as the guy told him that? :D
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