Horatio & Yelina #6: A Sense of Belonging - So Say We All!

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Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Because they consist of several pics and/or video clips. Unlike mine. :( Nah, I'm good with the one I have, otherwise I would just, errrm, steal one(?) of Tati's. ;)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Sorry, I'm REALLY dense. I can click somewhere and they move?
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

No worries! :) No, they're just little video clips, like the banners some people (HoratioandYelina amongst others) have under their posts. It's just to make them a bit more interesting and funny I guess. And they are. Someone has an ava that says 'My ship kisses more than your ship'. That's freaking hilarious, esp because I have the same ship! ;) :lol:
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

CSIFray said:
I watched it on YT lol
I'm just glad I live in Europe! 'Cause then it'll be on my dvd, once I get the money to buy it... :p
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Hey, I like your icon lunalove I just caught on to it... yeah, I don't like in Europe sooo, yeah!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

schell, wonderful to see you again! :D Not only that, but you even have a fic update too. I will read that after posting this. I'm just so glad that you are still in touch with this thread. :)
CSIFray said: They didn't air the part with them holding hands though did they? They shot it but then they cut it
They didn't air it when it was shown initially on CBS in the US and it's not on the US/Canadian dvd. However, when it first aired in the UK, the uncut, hand holding version was shown (as I live in the UK, if I had been spoiler free, I would have assumed this part had always been there). It has also been aired in full on A&E in the US and it is part of the actual episode on the European dvd (not as an extra). Thankfully, as we all know, Pusher has made it available to view on YouTube after some efficient postal communication between the UK and Bulgaria! :D
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Ya must be talking about NTL? I remember the first time I saw it. It was on A&E. The end there where he introduces Ray to Madison & H/Y holds hands. It was out of this world. Then Iget my DVDS & well.......................boy was I ever let down when I watched on my dvd.They had cut those parts out. Mad me mad. They belong together. More than H/M ever did, LOL here's another contribution to thre thread. LOL

Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

First time I saw it, it cut off when he said as the walked in I think...
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! *Rolling on floor in hysterics*. :eek: I only just caught on to what ya'll were saying about Pusher putting parts of eps on You tube, and only JUST saw this video, where they grasp hands. Needless to say, I rewound it 20 times before I had to go to dinner! Granted, I have video pics , and made a sig pic, but I never imagined... okay ... okay ... deep breath
Anyhoo,... so good to see you again Lucy, I'll try to drop in more often.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

schell, are you okay? :lol: I believe you are recovering from the 'H/Y hand holding effect'. I nearly ended up falling off my couch when I first saw it! I had only seen the cut version at the time and wasn't expecting it at all.

Anyway, so glad you finally got to see it and that you will try to drop in more often. I read your fic updates btw, and they were exceptional as always. :D

I also meant to say that Kit, I really like your animated hand holding icon. I might have to use that one day. I will give you credit if I do of course. ;)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

In Lithuania we got NTL without hands holding scene :(

It was just my luck, that I was at work, when I saw this scene posted by Pusher for the first time...

Me: OMG!!! :eek:

*five heads of bewildered co-workers turning my direction*

co-worker: You, ok?

Me: *grinning* Oh, yeah... I'm more than ok *grins like mad*

H/Y holding hands makes my day every time... I dare not to count how many times I watched it, and still watch :p
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Schelle73 I am so glad you have decided to update the fiction. :)For a moment I couldn't remember which thread I was in! Love this story. . .

A while back SM had one of your banners on her website that was what I'd call animated. It moved like a few frames of a video. But I'm not seeing anything like that on this site. Is there something that may be disabled on my computer, or do I still not understand? Nevermind. Just the old broad trying to become literate in the technological world.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

^ It might be your computer then. The icons I postet on the top of the page are like the banner SM has on her website (it's still there, I just checked ;)). But I have no idea what to do. I'm a bit of a computer illiterate myself...
Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A

Thank you Lunalove. The banner on SM website no longer works for me either, so I'm thinking Someone Else who uses this computer has disabled something, or its blocked by some software. *Sigh*

You must be in the same part of the world I am. People 'back home' are still in bed now!
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