Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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Pusher, I can send you the DVD! Then you and your friends can do whatever you need to do. Leave it with me.

wow cool, great, perfect, brilliant... *lot of hugs* :D

we really need to see Y back soon. New fans to the show need to know about Miami canon - and I mean canon in it's true sense, not the shippy sense. Canon = something that has been advocated by the writers and is part of the show's history.

very nice and true said ;) exactly this canon (H/Y) and reality ( S 1-3 epis plot line ) attract me to CSI Miami long time ago. i also think that we don`t have to make compromise with charatcers development or case story line, only coz the screen view quality is perfect, but at the same time in the scripst don`t have any substance (something that don`t bother some new fans)... and till csi miami don`t have improvement like u say will point to the rest that here have something wrong ..
I think there are a lot of us who aren't going anywhere soon. We've stuck it out thus far, so unless H/Y becomes an impossibility, we're here for the duration. ;)

Besides, the H/Y fan community is as strong as ever. Some of us have just become a little distracted by other shows. ;) We're always here in spirit though.
Wow! I haven't been here in like 12 hours and the thread is SO active.

Yelina doesn't seem too keen on keeping Raymond's memory. -- She did sound very hurt in 'Rio' because of what he'd done.
I beg to differ. In the last scene in 'Rio' Y said to H that she'll always have aplace in her heart for the happy memories she has of Ray, just like H will have a place for Marisol. *pukes at the last statement about Marisol*
Although I maybe wrong since all I saw of 'Rio' was all that the talented someone posted on youtube. ;)

Kit agree with your post regarding all the barriers to keep H/Y apart are finally out of the way esp, the killing off Ray and Marisol part. If tptb wanted to drag it out, they'd at least let one of the spousees live.

I think there are a lot of us who aren't going anywhere soon. We've stuck it out thus far, so unless H/Y becomes an impossibility, we're here for the duration
Yup totally agree with you.

Luce thanks for the pics where Y kisses H on the cheek. It's SO sweet.

I'm eagerly waiting spoilers or any promo pics you guys must post them once they're out.
Hrockz said
I beg to differ. In the last scene in 'Rio' Y said to H that she'll always have aplace in her heart for the happy memories she has of Ray, just like H will have a place for Marisol.

You're right, she did say that at the end of the episode, but near the beginning when Horatio and Yelina were speaking, Yelina did sound a tad hostile toward Raymond. (That's just how I heard it though) Perhaps she hated what he had become, what he had done to their family, all of the anguish that he put them through during the years of his 'death'. - Pure speculation on these points, but she had mentioned that "Leopards don't change their spots" in regards to Ray, and it wasn't in the happiest tone which led me to believe that she wasn't entirely happy after she arrived in Brazil.

But like you said, she said at the end she'd have a place in her heart for the happy memories. :) -- I should have specified at which part of the episode I was referring to, I apologize. Then again, I could be wrong as well. I haven't seen 'Rio' in a while. :lol:

Lucy said
Geni, great to see you stop by. It's been too long. I'm glad you enjoyed the Big Brother pics. :D

Well it is one of the great and true CSI:Miami episodes. :D And it has been too long. The season so far has been less than great so I haven't had the incentive to re-kindle my love for H/Y.

Pusher said
may i add ... how long tptb can dare to keep apart H/Y !! after all Y was introduce in this tv show like H`s love interestin. but in my my perfect H/Y world i see that this time H is the one who make the first step (Y try to many times)


Horatio has so subtly pushed Yelina away out of fear that things could get complicated since she's his brother's widow. (And in a sense hiding behind the 'family' notion) I understand that he has ethics and morals, but if he truly feels the way that he hinted in 'Blood Brothers', then he should act on those feelings. It would be great to see him make the first step. :)

And like you said, Pusher, she was introduced in the show as a love interest for him so why do TPTB feel the need to forget about the storyline for an entire season and then bring it back, dragging it along once again? Like Luce said, we need to move forward with it. It's like sitting around for a cliffhanger for a whole season and then getting no satisfaction from it.
wow a lot busy night in this thread. love to see it so activ :D

MD post: I think there are a lot of us who aren't going anywhere soon. We've stuck it out thus far, so unless H/Y becomes an impossibility, we're here for the duration.;)

agree with u, i too don`t think to go anywhere soon, not only coz of H/Y canon but also coz of so good and interesitng friends that i meet (and have) here ;)

Hrockz post: I beg to differ. In the last scene in 'Rio' Y said to H that she'll always have aplace in her heart for the happy memories she has of Ray, just like H will have a place for Marisol. *pukes at the last statement about Marisol*

if Yelina don`t have say that she have keep happy memories from her hubby it will be so out of character ;) yep, for me she did have get hurt re Ray Sn. go again in trouble. but after all he (and her son) are her family and she is with him (them) long time... so for me it`s normal she to make this statement in the end of Rio...but after this Yelina ask H what left for her in Miami and H`s answer was "Family"...this make me think that we still have chance to see H/Y relationship development in the future :D

s_c post : Well it is one of the great and true CSI:Miami episodes. And it has been too long. The season so far has been less than great so I haven't had the incentive to re-kindle my love for H/Y.

awww shame on me coz forgot to say great to see u here again s_c :D we have some very hopeful spoiler and all guys in this thread wait with impatient tptb to re-kindle ours love/addicted to this great part from CSI Miami --> H/Y real romantic deal ;)
And like you said, Pusher, she was introduced in the show as a love interest for him so why do TPTB feel the need to forget about the storyline for an entire season and then bring it back, dragging it along once again?
I think simply because they took leave of their senses, ran out of ideas and felt the need to change for changes sake. *sigh*
Pusher said: this make me think that we still have chance to see H/Y relationship development in the future
Indeed, and we know that Sofia hasn't been back sooner (even though the writers wanted her to be) because of her other show or as Corey put it, 'circumstances'. They really did shoot themselves in the foot! Let's hope they make up for it. :)
I hope we will see her in more than one episode. Season 5 has been in my opinion, case wise pretty good. But Horatio is turning into this totally different person. We need his family back to restore him :D
speed_c , no need for apologies. I agree that Yelina wasn't happy with Raymond in Brazil. She had went there in faith that things would have worked out between them but they did not.

This has been mentioned before by a ceratin insightful someone on this thread (sorry I can't remember who) but when Y told H she wasn't sure what was left for her in Miami, she was fishing. She was asking H if he still had feelings for her. And when he answered 'family', he was telling her yes he still had feelings for her. And in saying 'family' I'm sure he was referring to himself. It would have been too out of character for both H/Y to get together immediately after they's just lost their spouses. That bit of chemistry and confirmation of their continued mutal feelings for each other at the end of 'Rio', I hope was tptb's way of trying to fix things and maybe by end of s5 which is now, they'd have had enought time to grief and get over their dead spouses and now be ready for a relationship with each other. I do hope for continuity , ie a mention that they had been in touch.

Like Luce said, tptb wanted SM back earlier perhaps to show that they'd been in touch? So now is a good time to get H/Y together or at least show that there is some progress towards that.

I too am hoping for more than one more episode, it would be great if SM can be back for the season finale too. Do we have any spoilers on that?

Here's the link to my fic update, it's sad one I might add:

And countdown song #5, 'She Will Be Loved' by Maroon 5.
I especially think the part about how the girl is always with someone else applies to H/Y and that no matter what H will always be there for her and love her.

Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else

I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I’ve had you so many times but somehow
I want more

I don’t mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved

Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get insecure
It doesn’t matter anymore

It’s not always rainbows and butterflies
It’s compromise that moves us along
My heart is full and my door’s always open
You can come anytime you want

I don’t mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved

I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls
This has been mentioned before by a ceratin insightful someone on this thread (sorry I can't remember who) but when Y told H she wasn't sure what was left for her in Miami, she was fishing.

That's me! *grin*

Yeah knowing they've been in touch all this time would be so great. And when H said "family" I think he already took the first step. Yes the family answer is SO H but he said it immediately, without thinking twice or even waiting for a split second.

But I do hope that the writers don't put them together just yet. By the end of season 6 would suit me perfectly :)


More of my icons @ fanart :devil:
Wow, I had to look back at the previous page to see what number I had reached on the Countdown Pics! After the Big Brother series, I thought I would try something a little different. I've had a word with MD and we thought we could do an H/Y 'Guess the episode'. It will help pass the time until we get some spoilers. In some cases, some of the screencaps will have great significance. ;)

I'll start with one that is definitely significant. Can anyone name the episode and do you know what H is thinking? Clues are on offer if needed. :D

Countdown pic #13

That was fast Kit! :D You are correct. ;) I loved this scene. The look on H's face really does tell the whole story of impending heartbreak. He has managed to keep this revelation from Yelina for so long, until now, when his hand is forced. I remember discussions on this board way back when the episode was airing. We all thought that sooner or later, something would happen where H would have no option but to tell her the truth. We had to wait 31 episodes! :eek: Not that any of us were counting. *whistles innocently*
*shoots and SCORES!*

Well I started watching CSI Miami in june 2006. So I already knew immediately that SM would be back in Season 5. I can't imagine what you guys must have been through when season 4 aired :) I imagine that this waiting period of +- 6 months is nothing compared a whole season. Especially since back then you didn't even know if she'd ever be back let alone when :)

Alrighty my countdown picture! It's a picture of one of my favourite scenes. When somebody has guessed the episode, I'll explain myself :)


I personally find this one VERY easy :)

PS Will there be a 24 waiting period, when you've guessed correct? :D
Hrockz said:Like Luce said, tptb wanted SM back earlier perhaps to show that they'd been in touch? So now is a good time to get H/Y together or at least show that there is some progress towards that.

i go for the second variant re some progress. it will be good (would love) to see that H and Y again try to win theirs trust, be friends, can make real talk, open to each other at last, admit that they have been too strong for too long... as much as funny to sound this but if H still keep to be so ..errr..robot.. prefer to stay away from Yelina ;)

Lucy said: I've had a word with MD and we thought we could do an H/Y 'Guess the episode'. It will help pass the time until we get some spoilers. In some cases, some of the screencaps will have great significance.

great idea guys, i think to join this game ;)

Kit4na said: I can't imagine what you guys must have been through when season 4 aired. Especially since back then you didn't even know if she'd ever be back let alone when

awww don`t ask... it was difficult, but at the same time fun in the last days before September 2006 ;) maybe better is to be said that this H/Y thread (real therapy) make us go through this nightmare S4. :lol:
Yeah I think so too. It's really cool to talk with people who are as passionate about H/Y as myself :)

By the way Pusher wanne take a guess at my posted pic? Which epi & what Yelina might be thinking? :)
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