Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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I second that one althrough i have seen the 1st bit of Rio where H is standing outside Y's door.So i can't wait til S5
is aired here in the Uk :)

I don't think it will for the moment Hrockz because it's on the news and in the newspaper
Well March is almost over and SM said her scenes would be filmed then. I wish we could already get some spoiler pics :) But I think, in best case scenario, we will get those mid april
Pusher said:

Lunalove can u make ur signature become truth/real :lol:

I'll certainly try. *digs out witchcraft tools and starts chanting "TPTB, get H/Y together, get H/Y together, get H/Y together...."*
^ So say we all! :D *joins in chant*

HC_4_my_birthday, I'm sorry to hear that you have had some bad news this week. We're thinking of you and hope you will be okay.

I have the next countdown pics....by request. ;)

Countdown pics #12



Hmm, methinks H could get quite used to this! Only a matter of time....
We're closer than ever on getting H/Y together. Like I said before, I think Y's relationship with Stetler was a good thing. I think it has opened H's eyes :)

sorry for the bad news HC_4_my_birthday I hope you'll be okay.
:eek: I haven't been in here for ages. Hope I'm not intruding at all.

I just have to say that the last countdown pics added are so lovely. 'Big Brother' was always one of my favorite episodes and especially the end. I thought the song 'The saddest song I've got' fit so well with that scene, and it just helped in showing a whole array of emotions portrayed by Yelina and by Horatio. :) The little kiss really put the icing on the cake. It was such a sweet little scene and I really hoped for more of those.

The tenderness between these two always gives an episode that extra UMPH for me, so the spoilers for the end of the season make me muchly happy. :D

Like I said before, I think Y's relationship with Stetler was a good thing. I think it has opened H's eyes.

Agreed with you there. I also think it set that one more barrier between Horatio and Yelina that made Horatio realize that at any moment he could lose her. He had lost his chance the first time when she married Raymond and then he in a sense 'lost' her again when she was with Stetler.

I find it kind of interesting now that the Stetler arc is done and over, and since 'Rio', Yelina doesn't seem too keen on keeping Raymond's memory. -- She did sound very hurt in 'Rio' because of what he'd done. I think both of those barriers that kept Horatio and Yelina apart for so long have slowly broken down. :)
I think both of those barriers that kept Horatio and Yelina apart for so long have slowly broken down.

Let's hope so. I mean how long can they keep those 2 apart? It's known from the very first Yelina episode that they are very close.

So how could they keep them apart? Exactly add a secret: Suzie & Madison. This creates conflict between the characters. They lose trust but they regain it episodes after.

How do you keep them even longer apart? Bring the husband back. Well they did that, now he IS gone forever. Yelina is back, the secrets are out of the open.

So what are they going to do to keep them apart from each other even longer? I'd say it's almost impossible to come up with something plausible. Even the "she's my sister in-law" deal won't work anymore. I mean c'mon we clearly see how H feels about her, and he's only human (well last time I checked he was..)

And by the way if they wanted to keep them apart, why didn't they let Marisol live? :rolleyes:

So in my perfect H/Y world, one of these days Y will confront him about there mutual feelings again and this time around H will act upon them!
^ may i add ... how long tptb can dare to keep apart H/Y !! after all Y was introduce in this tv show like H`s love interestin. but in my my perfect H/Y world i see that this time H is the one who make the first step (Y try to many times)...why ohh why the mans at times play like so big jerks :rolleyes:

Kit4na said: If Pusher doesn't do that, I will And once I get my hands on NTL uncut, that one will be on there as well!

if u share with us NTL uncut part, believe me all photobucket and youtube space are all (and only) for u ;)

Lunalove said: I'll certainly try. *digs out witchcraft tools and starts chanting "TPTB, get H/Y together, get H/Y together, get H/Y together...."*

:lol: we are a lot peoples who sing with u right now ;) so say we all, can u here us Ann D. !!! :devil:

again great pics Lucy, but honestly my attention is all over Sooty&Sweep blanket *tempt the cats with gwits* :lol:
^ :lol: If you do that, my cats really will show their evil streak! :devil:

Pusher, I have an idea - does your PC play region 2 DVDs? Or, do you have a means of playing a region 2 DVD?

Wow, wouldn't it be refreshing if H did actually make the first brave step? We all know he's seeing Yelina off-screen anyway ;) even if he is just making sure she and Ray Jnr are okay. Knowing these writers though, they will have a trick or two up their sleeves. If CSIM has several seasons left, they'll still drag it out. It's the nature of TV drama.

Geni, great to see you stop by. It's been too long. I'm glad you enjoyed the Big Brother pics. :D
I personally don't think they can drag it out realisticly. They've dragged it too far to continue :)

By the way check out my new Horatio and Yelina icons @ fanart!
Pusher, I have an idea - does your PC play region 2 DVDs? Or, do you have a means of playing a region 2 DVD?

i have never see/play DVD box - tv show (like CSI Miami) or other DVD take from outborder ?! so did my PC play region 2 DVDs i don`t know, but know for sure that some of my friends here (PC genius in my town) can make it play ;) what is ur idea ?! wow now i can`t get to sleep till i don`t know what is going on and tomorrow have to get up early *repeat to my self - first thing to do is send very important PM* :devil:

If CSIM has several seasons left, they'll still drag it out. It's the nature of TV drama.

i`m afraid that till tptb drag through 20-ty epi H/Y story line will come moment after 1-2 seasons when, new Miami fans will came and ask .... errrr.. who is this lady that make H so nerves... u know what peoples say - far away from the eyes mean far away from the heart (thought) ...

*on my way to see Kit4na new avas*
I do agree Kit, that it has been dragged out long enough, though it was great journey. We need to move forward and have sustained development. :)

Pusher, I can send you the DVD! :D Then you and your friends can do whatever you need to do. Leave it with me. ;)
new Miami fans will came and ask .... errrr.. who is this lady that make H so nerves?
We'll just have to make sure we're still here to tell them all about it! ;) That's another reason why we really need to see Y back soon. New fans to the show need to know about Miami canon - and I mean canon in it's true sense, not the shippy sense. Canon = something that has been advocated by the writers and is part of the show's history.
*repeat to my self - first thing to do is send very important PM*
*Waits patiently, though I'm not sure if I shall sleep too well. BSG finales are not good on the nerves.*

Thanks Ani. ;)
MD, HnM, please excuse the short reply.
Never a problem Luce when we're answering a question and helping people out. ;) Sometimes, the 3 line rule isn't always appropriate, and 1C and I were discussing this the other day. It's only ever a problem when there are lots of brief posts and things get chatty - I know I don't need to say this really, lol, but just in case anyone else was wondering. It has never been a problem in here, that's for sure. :)
Geni (speed_cochrane) said:I just have to say that the last countdown pics added are so lovely.
They really are! Thanks so much. :D I must also catch up on Hrockz's fic.

Re the BSG finale, I'm right with you. I've got butterfiles aplenty! ;)
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