Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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That looks like Pro Per to me? Shortly after this shot, they both put on those magnificent orange glasses :D and look for evidence on the speedboat. They see a high velocity blood spatter and decide they need to locate the driver of the boat. Am I close? ;)
Lunalove said:
I wonder if they chose that kitten because it does look like H/DC. It said in the commentary that they had several to choose from... ;)

really ?! they have search for the right one kitten to be put in Yelina hands in HA ?! ... wow thanks for this info ;) now i think like u, this cat was choose only coz of some likeness with H :p and if H find little puppy in some epi, what breed have to be ?! :lol:

Well Yelina was very disappointed and mad at horatio but near the end of the episode you see that she already regrets it. She also obviously regrets the fact that she's dating Stetler now.

for me Yelina was feel uncomfortably around H, coz of Stetler. she know for H feeling toward her, but at the same time try to move forward (tired to wait H and can`t trust him now). and this Yelina comment re how lucky the cop's wife was to have Horatio... for me she say it only to show H that still want to be friend with him, to make him feel not so awfully coz theirs broken dream .... don`t know if this make sense i need more coffee :p
^ Makes sense to me Ani. ;) *passes coffee*

Just a quick visit to post my Countdown pic for today. This is fairly easy in terms of 'Which episode?', but then many of my pics are obvious because they are taken from key scenes....

Countdown pic #14

^ awww i can`t resist and will say NTL :D this coffee help a lot, thanks Luce ;)

love this epi and this little chat between H/Y. H was feel so uncomfortably to say the truth about Medison. and Y only form the look in his eyes know that there is something very important to happen. even Yelina to get mad, coz H ask her for such big favour (re Ray Sn. to be donor) in the end the mother instinct take the top and she help *sigh*. but i also love the way H was firm with his words and reason : "Whether we like it or not, Madison is family."
Very easy picture haha :)

I like my version a lil bit better Pusher, in my version there's more hope to H/Y hihi
I consider this thread a very pleasant refuge
Me too!

Luce your pic's an easy one, NTL, when H tells Y about Madison being Ray's daughter and asking her to allow Ray Jr to donate his marrow to Madison.

Kit yours is tough. I'm not sure which ep but I think it's the same scene used for s3 opening credits for SM. Do I get points for that?
Got to be NTL i was watching it the other nigth as there was nothing on the tv

H knew he would have tell Y Madison was (Ray Sn) one day. But to find out the way she did must have hard on Y
The quote was already guessed HC_4_my_birthday , but you are right it was NTL.

It's up to Pusher to post a pic.
sorry Lucy for jump over u, but i'll post next pic just this game to move forward ;) thanks in advance.

ok guys, pls don`t laugh, but last year when i re-watch S 1-3 Miami i play one little game for my self. uhhh... i was count how much epis start the credits and Sofia Milos name 'coincident' with H or H/Y screencaps like this:


did some of u can continue the thought: u know u (re)watch too many H/Y epis when .... ?! :devil: i make one confession now is ur turn hehe :lol:
^ Er, Witness To Murder? ;) No worries about posting a picture. Whoever guesses correctly can post the next picture if they're happy to.

An H/Y confession? Let's see - I spent over an hour trying to take photos of my TV screen to capture the image of H and Y holding hands in NTL. :lol:

I am also guilty of your confession too Pusher! :D
Oh you guys are good. I had no idea which ep for the pic Pusher posted.

You know you watch too many H/Y episodes when either one says his/her lines and you know what the others' reply is going to be.

Sorry I'm kinda out of countdown songs at the moment so haven't been posting them.
u know u right Lucy, re the pic. ;) now it`s time for new countdown point.

I spent over an hour trying to take photos of my TV screen to capture the image of H and Y holding hands in NTL. :lol:

cool :D hope nobody have see when u photo ur own tv :lol: btw thanks for ur effort ;) when i take screencaps from 'Rio' the first one was with Sofia Milos name in it :devil:

You know you watch too many H/Y episodes when every time in S 4-5 H make his puppy dog face (or tilt head) when speek with woman u wish (and can imagine) this is Yelina.

Sorry I'm kinda out of countdown songs at the moment so haven't been posting them.

no worry, we all know that the real life can be a lot busy at times ;). for me is enough u to keep update ur fanfic. this way the waiting for May is more fun :)
Absolutely, as Pusher said Hrockz, your fic updates are very much appreciated, so no worries at all. :)

Following on from Pusher's previous picture, I'll continue this same theme:

Countdown pic #15


I also have an avatar of this made by Thumpy:


I have got lots of Horatio, Yelina and H/Y icons, but I'm waiting for my faith to (hopefully) be restored in the show again before I use them! ;)

I still love seeing all the other H/Y related icons/banners though. Got to keep the flag flying! :D
Thanks you guys.

I'm going to take a shot at pic #15, it from 'The Oath'.

Actually the credits thing with SM's name in a scene with H helps, cos you know it can't be from s3, cos SM ahd her own opening credits in s3 but not in S1-2.

You know you watch too many H/Y episodes when every time in S 4-5 H make his puppy dog face (or tilt head) when speek with woman u wish (and can imagine) this is Yelina.
Guilty of that too! :p
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