Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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Good remark Hrockz I didn't even think about Rebecca Nevins until you came up with her.

I think he went to her because Stetler was living with Yelina. So maybe H thought he couldn't confide into her anymore. I wonder what Y must have thought when H didn't come around anymore :(
It was clear throughout though that no matter what other woman he went out with he still cared very much for Y.
It was interesting that in the Season 3 episode 'Crime Wave', H threatens to kill Stetler if he touches Yelina again. In the same episode, he also goes to see Rebecca for a romantic evening. It just goes to show that Yelina was very much on his mind even when he was dating Rebecca. Also, in a scene earlier in that episode, Rebecca walks in when he's talking to Yelina. Rebecca seems to pick up on the connection between H and Y and even gives Y a possessive, slightly evil glare, lol. Yelina seems to look right through Rebecca, but H's concern for Y is paramount and he insists that he will continue his conversation with her later (re her black eye).

I guess H dated Rebecca purely for some female companionship and er, well, he is a man afterall. ;) Yelina was with Rick at this time, and maybe H was attracted to Rebecca as a relationship with her was uncomplicated at this point (ie, no emotional baggage involved). She also provided an emotional outlet for him regarding Speed's death at the end of 'After The Fall'.

Countdown pic(s) #5

H receives a call from the Crime Lab regarding Suzie in 'Big Brother':


Yelina senses something is wrong...


I really liked how the writers had Yelina pick up on H's awkwardness. She knows him very well. ;)
Pusher said:
^ NTL = Nothing To Lose S3E16. we here have habit to use abbreviation like Hurricane Anthony=HA or Blood Brothers=BB - a little more easy/fast way to write post ;)

Ah. Of course! Ok, get it now. *Storing info in my muddled brain* :rolleyes:
Thanks! :)
^ ur welcome and no worry at first when i come on this forum a lot things don`t have been clear to me too . ;) i still ask 'what is this or that' and i`m glad that here have so kind and understanding peoples :D

re Rebecca ... uhhh as i see everything was say over this topic and maybe will repeat some thoughts.. but will try...after the end of epi 'Hell Night' i think Rebecca understand what great guy is H (re defend his nephew) and also for me she little flirt with H. i agree with u Hrockz that she was after Ray Jn, but for me she just do her job and only want from H to back-up his proofs(exonerating evidence) better. honestly i wasn`t surprise that H start date Rebecca. she is attorney, clever, not bad looking, after all i can say H type of woman. but don`t think H go with her only to make Y jealous, probable coz like Lucy say with her is more easily for H to have relationship. Yelina tell once - Stetler is simple and i think the same way is for H his connection with Rebbeca. but in this plot line i don`t like some things. 1) H see/date Rebecca in the end of 'Crime Wave' (where Y get blue eye), i`ll accept any othere epi to happen this, but not the same. just for me tptb don`t make the right call here. 2) the way H break up with her in 'Cop Killer' - ok she make deal with bad guy, but for me in the end H was a little too rough. anyway... i like that Rebecca was the one who try to make Y jealousy :devil: what about this quote again from 'Cop Killer':

R: You're questioning a minor without a parent or an attorney present.
Y: We're still trying to reach her mother.
R: You can't talk to her alone. She's a 16-year-old.
Y: Who may know the location of a 17-year-old hostage.
R: Well, it's my duty to warn you anything she says in there may not be admissible in court.
Y: Right, I understand, but I think right now, the most important thing is to find that boy. Wouldn't you agree?
R: Not if it means undermining this entire case. I have ethical problems with this type of behavior.
Y: Are you questioning my conduct?
R: Maybe it needs to be questioned.
Y: This is my case. I don't need you to tell me how to run it.
R: Yours for now, but it's going to be mine later. Seems like there's a lot of that going around these days

awww after this chat Rebecca lose all her points that i have give to her in the end of epi 'After The Fall' (re we see one 'open' H who talk about Speed death)....she try to play with Y !! :eek: noone can mess with ours girl. :devil: btw love the way Y stay in this situation :)

thanks for 'Big Brother' pics Lucy :D
Well I didn't like or dislike Rebecca personally but I can understand that she isn't so open minded about the law, she is an attorney so.. But it was a bit bitchy when she said "Seems like there's a lot of that going around these days." She really shouldn't have said that.

And H, I thought it was pretty stupid for him to break up with Rebecca because she disagrees with him over a case. I can accept that he gets mad but breaking up is a bit too much.

I'm curious how the relationship between H/Y will change. You know they will come together to talk about cases. Yelina thinks +- the same as Horatio. I've only see her disagree with him one time. In the second episode of season 2, when H didn't want to put Stevie up the stand to testify. Eventually Yelina decided not to give him up as a witness so yay!
Thanks for the countdown pics Lucy!
and thanks for the quotes Pusher. :)

I remember the 'cat fight' between Yelina and Rebecca. Rebecca knew that Horatio and Yelina have a special relationship and she also knew that he would be always there for Yelina. That must have been very frustrating for her. Stetler knew that too. He even made some low comments to Horatio in Crime Wave.
Horatio dated Rebecca because as Lucy said he didn't want to be alone, everyone needs sometimes comfort and Rebecca is an attractive woman too. I also thought that it was lame from Horatio to break up because of this. Maybe he searched for a possibility to break up.
I have a question: Was the breaking up after or before 'Crime Wave'?
Why I want to know that? Maybe Horatio wanted to be free for Yelina because we assume that she and Stetler broke up after Crime Wave. ;) :lol:

The scene in 'After the fall' was a nice one, but I would have liked more if Yelina had been there not Rebecca. :p
^ we understand that H and Rebecca go out together in 3x07 'Crime Wave'. the same epi when Stetler hit Y. after this in 3x13 Cop Killer H break up with Rebecca, coz she make deal with bad guy. but Yelina take ride off Rick in epi 3x23 Whacked ;) but love ur idea inge :p

aww i hate this Rick comments to Horatio in Crime Wave. there really u can say that he find H`s 'sick' place. agrrr but and ours H like Yelina work out good this difficult situation :) love the way H in the end lie near Stetler and threaten him :devil:

H: I saw what you did to her face.
Rick: If by "her", you mean Yelina, she bumped her face. You're blaming me for an accident?
H: I'm going to say this to you once. If you ever touch her again, I'm going to kill you.
Rick: She loved your brother... not you. Do yourself a favor, man. Move on.
H: You heard what I said.
God that "Whacked" episode was SOOOOO great now wasn't it?

H: Looks like you didn't need me afterall.
Y: That is not true ... and that'll never be true.
Hey you quoted my signature Kit !

I think H is a person with high moral values so he doesn't think he can carry on a relationship with someone who he doesn't see eye to eye with on professional issues. Hence my comment on Y coming back as a PI earlier. It would make thins interesting for H/Y relationship. But I think Y wound't compromise either. So they're very much alike.
But like you guys said H probably searched for reason to break up with Rebecca.

Here' the link to another update:
I really liked how the writers had Yelina pick up on H's awkwardness. She knows him very well. ;)
Re that scene in Big Brother, I also really liked that scene. Yelina immediately picks up on the fact that something is awry when H takes that call. H and Y are so connected! :D

Great pics - keep 'em coming - please! ;)
Your wish is my command! :D

Countdown pic(s) #6:

Continuing the subject of the connection between them, 'Witness To Murder' is a perfect example of this. When Yelina hears that Eugene has been badly beaten, she goes to give Horatio the bad (and very sad) news. Her expression tells him all he needs to know; no words are needed:



You know this idea of a soul-mate? Like in the whole world there's only one person made for you and the two of you are meant to be.

Well to me H/Y are like soul-mates, they're like so made for each other, and they're so connected. I think there's only one woman for H and that's Y and vice versa.
Thanks for the pics as always. A very poignant moment this, in 'Witness To Murder'. :( Yelina knew just how much of an effect Eugene had on H and how much he cared about him. She knew how devastated and angry he would be on hearing this news.

Hrockz, I couldn't agree more. H and Y are definitely soulmates. After all both of them have been through, hopefully the writers will find a way to nudge them closer together. :)
After all both of them have been through, hopefully the writers will find a way to nudge them closer together.
I'm hoping for more than a nudge, maybe like a push. It's high time thay got together. We're tired of waiting. At least I am.

Here's the link to my latest update for my fic:

In the meantime, waiting patiently on the next countdown pic. I wonder what number we'll be at when the episode Y comes back airs? Probably lots of pics would have been posted by then. :lol: Gosh I wish it was May already.
Countdown pic #7:


Yelina is curious as to why H left the crime scene so swiftly in Big Brother. More 'wriggly' H pictures to follow! :D

Yes, I'm growing pretty tired of waiting too. It's a good job I have lots of pics for the countdown! ;)
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