Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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Another great scene from Double Cap

H: Hi
Y: Hi *big grin*
H his smile gets even bigger
Y: I'll meet you at my desk
H: Okay
He leaves and Yelina's smile gets even bigger. She soooo luves him! :p



my favorite part of my season 2 dvd... In the commentary for "Hurricane Anthony" in the last scene with H/Y where he asks if he can come over later and Ildy Modrovich whispers: "oh, kiss her! Do it!". I was like: "Yes, damm..! Just do it already!!!" :lol: It's good to know we have a H/Y-shipper-SCRIPTwriter. Cool! :D
The commentary on Hurricane Anthony is so funny! There is also a lovely poignant part where Ildy says of H/Y:

"Yelina and Horatio play it with so much tension and so much unresolved love, that it always gets me."

Aww. We definitely need Ildy to write more episodes! :D
Pusher said: btw Kit4na we with Lucy and Thumpy have talk few times and discuss possibility (try to find way) to put this uncut version of NTL epi in the net.
Yes, unfortunately I only have it on VHS tape (just the one copy), otherwise I would try to do something so everyone could see it.
silk said: (the Yelina/Stetler relationship) caused H to look at their relationship and maybe actually to acknowledge that Y was ready to move forward and that he could come along for the ride or sit back and watch. I think it made him realize that she was no longer his brother's wife, but a woman with free will.
I agree, I think that Horatio's eyes were opened when Yelina started dating Stetler. Maybe that's partly why she did it (amongst other reasons previously discussed)? ;)
TallyHo said: I would normally feel somewhat anxious about it but H/Y will have to wait until the next 2 Sundays are done and dusted. Season finales can be SO traumatizing on the nerves and the psyche. :eek:
So very true for me too. ;) I will post my countdown pics each day though (that's not too taxing on my already scrambled brain cells!) and I'm glad everyone is enjoying them. :D

Your comment Tally, re the hand holding - I think you mentioned that the way H and Y held hands in NTL was the same as how they held hands in the Rio promo pic:


Off topic for a moment, but were you asking the 3 BSG eps from my banner Pusher? If so, they are (from left to right) Epiphanes (Season 2), Resurrection Ship pt 2 (Season 2) and A Day In The Life (Season 3). :) If you weren't asking this, sorry! ;)
I personally don't think Yelina started to date Stetler to get H to open his eyes. I think she was so upset and angry with Horatio that when Stetler offered to go on a date she just said "what the hell, let's do it."

In the end of "oasis" you can see that she's a bit upset that she did so. But Yelina is such a good person that she decided to give Stetler a fair chance. But i'm 100% sure she never forgot H / got over H. I'm curious as to why S & Y suddenly split up. Wouldn't it be nice to know that they split up after a discussion between the two of them, about Horatio?

Nice pics Lucy!
I agree, I think that Horatio's eyes were opened when Yelina started dating Stetler. Maybe that's partly why she did it (amongst other reasons previously discussed)?
I think this was a factor too, even if it was subconsciously done on Yelina's part. She had to move on with her life, but was letting H know that she was growing tired of waiting for him. Re 'The Oath' after H has just found out that she is dating Stetler, she reminds him of his inability to act on his feelings:

H: When did that happen?
Y: He asked me out. I said yes. That's usually how it works.

kit, thanks for that nice reminder of that lovely scene in 'Spring Break'. Very sweet exchange of smiles. :)

I'm loving the picture countdown Luce! Great idea. :D

Off topic momentarily, but I just wanted to say that I understand yours and Tally's feelings re the next couple of weeks (re BSG). It's difficult to concentrate on anything else. :eek:
Yay! Luce thanks for the countdown pics. Love the promo pic of 'Rio' even if it was just for tptb to tease us. The way Y looks at him is just so aww....

Love your avatar Kit .

Let's hope we all eventually get rewarded with a a real kiss like the commentary on HA. And I don't mean on the cheeks! :p

Jsut a quick note on Stetler and the break-up with Y I always thought that when she was with Stetler she might have subconciously always compared him to H and of course Stetler fell short of her expectations so the realtionship was doomed from the start. And of course there was the angle the writers never explored was Stetler being abusive of Y. If he was really that bad or was the black eye she got in 'Crime Wave' a one time thing, we'll never know but I do know that if he was abusive she'd never let him be in the same house as Ray Jr.

To all my fic readers sorry have been too busy lately to make my thoughts coherent and sit down and write something but will try to update soon.
I was surprised Yelina even started dating Stetler after being so adamant about her saying she wasn't going to. Maybe it was to make H jealous & to open his eyes. Nice pics once again everyone.
I'm so glad that you visit us in this thread katpin! :) I still pop into Miami occasionally, but quite rarely these days. I agree with you re Yelina's mindset, and also about the subconscious part MD referred to.

Countdown pic #4:


One of my favourites from the final scene of 'Vengeance'.
I have to say that I love the idea of countdown pics. So appropriate. I am thrilled that Yelina will be returning and hopefully the writers can redeem themselves, this time.
One of my fav pics too! 2 halves of a whole. Very nice. :)

Thanks for the clarification, Luce regarding the hand holding bit. NOW I remember. But that promo pic never happened in "Rio", did it?

MD your post of that delish piece of gentle mockery by Y is one of my all time favs:

H: When did that happen?
Y: He asked me out. I said yes. That's usually how it works.

A great pity she didn't give H several more of these zingers to make him face up to their issues. Poor H, so hoisted by his own petard where Y is concerned.

Gotta add that I love Stetler and his machinations. He'll always be "Our Dear Rick" to me. :)
The countdown pics make SM's return all the more exciting. I hope it lives up to all this hype. But I guess to us in this thread any news on H/Y and Y's return will make us this excited.

I can't remember that scene from 'Vengence'. But I love the way H seems to be listening intently to what Y is saying. The way he studies her face... it's just sizzling with the tension between them.

Poor H, so hoisted by his own petard where Y is concerned.
Very aptly put. Let's hope he gets over it like by the time Y returns in s5! ;)

At last I managed to update my fic. Here's the link.
Thanks for the clarification, Luce regarding the hand holding bit. NOW I remember. But that promo pic never happened in "Rio", did it?
You're welcome and no, it infamously didn't! :rolleyes: Even though I was hopeful when I saw this pic initially, somewhere in the back of my mind, there was this nagging doubt that it wouldn't happen. It just seemed too soon after the whole Marisol thing (yawn).
He'll always be "Our Dear Rick" to me.
Very much so. ;) I'm always hoping he will bless our Miami screens again. He had about a 30 second part in a recent episode. Not quite sure why it was so brief. I've not seen it, but it seems he is still around. :)
Hrockz said: The countdown pics make SM's return all the more exciting. I hope it lives up to all this hype.
I might keep posting the pics anyway. Gives me a good excuse to make use of my 'H/Y Forever' file over at Photobucket. :D
But I guess to us in this thread any news on H/Y and Y's return will make us this excited.
Indeed - we have been starved for so long, any news is more than welcome. :)
I think begin - mid april the first promo pictures will come online. SM mentioned she starts shooting in March so.. :D
^ i hope so, but till April and May have a lot time...

Hrockz said: I can't remember that scene from 'Vengence'. But I love the way H seems to be listening intently to what Y is saying. The way he studies her face... it's just sizzling with the tension between them.

uhh actually this epi H find out that his bro is alive ;) as i remeber right this cap go with this quote:

Y: I have the right to know. Horatio, is he still... is he still alive?
H: It's possible. It's possible.
Y: Oh, my God. What are we going to do?
H: Everything we can.

so re Y thread and '10-7' discussion, honestly i wasn`t surprise that she go with her hubby... yep Yelina character is strong and independent woman, but she also have duty to her family ... she don`t run from her responsibility to try fix this 'broken' home...for ours regret tptb do nothing to make more clear or to continuer this interesting plot line Y/Ray Jn.... but this leave us little space for imagination ;)

*wonder what will be tomorrow countdown pic * :D
By the way I don't think the whole Yelina/Stetler relationship was all that bad. I think it actually helped both H and Y. In "Whacked" it's more obvious than ever for Yelina that she needs H and vica versa
Same, it was clear for her that the right one for her was Horatio and not Stetler as useless as that guy is. :rolleyes: She realized that who would be there for her and who would always love her.
We discussed alot about Steler and Y and the possible reasons for her going out with him. But we never really talked about why H started going out with Rebecca Nevins. To me it was a sudden thing, one minute she was trying to get Ray Jr on the murder charge the next thing you know she was going out with H.

It was a refreshing surprise for me to know that H could or possibly tried to move on now that he knew Y was with Stetler. But I wonder was that his true motivation? It was clear throughout though that no matter what other woman he went out with he still cared very much for Y.
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