Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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*is excited too* :D

Pusher, thank you so much for this update. Let's hope that this comes to fruition. I got an e-mail from Corey just this morning to say that:
should be back for at least one more episode this season.
He also said that they hoped she would have been in more episodes this season, but due to 'circumstances', it didn't work out. He said he couldn't get into the reasons why - I assume that means it's confidential.

So, as we have this from two sources very much involved, it's looking good, though I am always a little cautious about these things! ;)

This is a great start to the weekend! :D
I bet it'll be the last episode of season 5. How about no gunning down CSI's or other weird stuff happening just H/Y reunite? That would really make my day :p
Well, Sofia mentioned March, so we could get to see her sooner than that. It's so great to have something to be potentially hopeful about! Even if H just visits her and Ray Jnr, I would be happy. H/Y screentime is like gold dust. :) Hmm, maybe we should mention this in the Miami Spoiler Lab too?
Thanks much for the brilliant news, pusher and Luce. Luce, Corey's email explanation of limited eps for Sofia this season sounds very er, Corey-ish. Lord loveaduck!

Crikey, as thrilling as it is to hear of this impending episode with Sofia's retrun, here's hoping it's not terribly vacuous or inane. Hope we get to see RJ too.
u all are welcome re SM news :D thanks also to u Lucy for ur spoiler from Corey e-mail :) did i mention that i`m so so happy :p

now i`m a lot hesitate what i wait with more big impatience: House new epi after 3 weeks or Yelina appearance in Miami after one month hehe :devil: but for sure can say that till don`t see March Miami epi won`t give my hopes up. after this week epi i`m again a lot disappoint. not surprise at all ;) hope this 'circumstances' to be connected with some disapproval from Sofia Milos about her character Yelina. in meaning as much as i would love to see her back on the screen, hope this to not be in any price. coz i don`t have any faith in TPTB...hope guys u`ll got my thought ;)

Hmm, maybe we should mention this in the Miami Spoiler Lab too?

i was going to say NO, but u already did it. i just don`t think that same delusional fans deserve to know this, mostly coz they won`t appraise it (DoWhat guys will say SoWhat :rolleyes:)...or they really deserve to know that time for the real truth come !!! :D
TallyHo said:
Thanks much for the brilliant news, pusher and Luce. Luce, Corey's email explanation of limited eps for Sofia this season sounds very er, Corey-ish. Lord loveaduck!

Crikey, as thrilling as it is to hear of this impending episode with Sofia's return, here's hoping it's not terribly vacuous or inane. Hope we get to see RJ too.
My thoughts exactly. Corey seems to write just about enough to keep our interests alive, while also sounding totally non-committal. Towing the studio line and all that. Whenever I think about what these writers might do, I feel my facial expression resembling that of Laura's in my icon! ;)

Pusher, I do take both your points - about not wanting Y to return at any cost and also the Miami Forum. There are a few who will want to know this info I'm sure. Infact, some have been asking about it. I will edit my post slightly in there. :)
Thanks for this promising news Pusher and Luce. :D What's the expression we used in the past - cautiously optimistic? I'm hoping that TPTB will start to introduce some kind of storyline that can continue into the new season and beyond. Ray Jnr could be a key factor, but indeed, any H/Y screentime will be oh so welcome, as long as it is handled well. That thought also scares me somewhat! The expression in your icon is perfect Luce. ;)
MiamiDade said:
I'm hoping that TPTB will start to introduce some kind of storyline that can continue into the new season and beyond. Ray Jnr could be a key factor, but indeed, any H/Y screentime will be oh so welcome,

Agree MD . I also think that her appearance will be last ep of s5, and hopefully something to continue into s6. I will love to see Ray Jr again, really like that kid.

I'm wondering what kind of storyarc it will be for Y to return. I'm hoping it's not an 'out of control' Ray Jr. Perhaps H could get shot (like I said in the H/DC thread, I need to know that bullets won't bounce off him :p) and since Y is his only next-of-kin left they'd call her. But I must admit H has had enough angst for s5. So I'm really hoping for some happy times for them. Like some scene to show that they've been secretly seeing each other, that would be awesome.

I bet their sizzling on-screen chemistry will still be there like in 'Rio'. :D
Thanks Pusher and Lucy for the info glad to know they are doing a S6 :). Sorry i have not been up a lot this past week my son internet went down and he his using my laptop. not only that but i fell off my bike going round a corner there was black ice on the road and got a few bruise :(
Hrockz You really make my day with that update thank you! :D

Like you I also think H needs to get shot, we know they won't kill him off and it makes great H/Y moments for us.
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