Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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MiamiDade said:
.... What's the expression we used in the past - cautiously optimistic?...

Indeed it was and I guess still is, all things considered. :) BTW, I'm still chuckling over pusher's use of "delusional fans". :D So between "delusional" and "cautiously optimistic", I guess we're just about ready for Miami's tptb's attempt at a Sofia episode in S5, Take 2. :p

Even if tptb were to try to anchor a potential storyline for Sofia to extend into S6, I wonder if Sofia will want to committ to a bit time role?

Luce, you're switching avatars quicker than I can comment on 'em. LOVED that Laura expression muchly.

wibbers, your avatar and banner are making wish that summer were here already. That 3rd POTC installment is going to be the cat's meow. :)
Luce, you're switching avatars quicker than I can comment on 'em. LOVED that Laura expression muchly.
Hee! It's back. The Talk CSI Auto Admin ate my previous one so I needed to make an adjustment. ;)

The 'delusional fans' was indeed priceless. Nice one Pusher! :D Good point too about whether Sofia will want to commit to a 'bit' part. One thing I do know - we must take no notice of what any promo pics seem to portray! :rolleyes:

HC_4 my_birthday, I hope you have recovered form your accident. Black ice is such nasty stuff. Take care. :)
aww if i have to be honest this 'delusional fans' part i still it from one wise pal who now have tea with the Admiral ;) alos after i read expression - cautiously optimistic and promo 'Rio' pics in my head start play The who - 'Won't Get Fooled Again' hehe :devil: yep TPTB make only one thing perfect post S3 --> miami theme song express perfect H/Y fans feelings after some new spoilers :p


Y: wait a minute.... u want me to committ to a bit time role? are u lost ur mind ...


and just for the record i won`t like if H get shot, prefer Ray Jn. to be involved somehow with possible H/Y future stroy line. ;) just in this relationship and characters have too much angst...must have something that this time will unite H and Y, not necessity to make them couple...anyway who will ask us what we want, for now is enough that we will have H/Y screentime after 6 long months :)
I was thinking at the end of "Man Down" that a better way for Clavo to go out would have been for him to go after Yelina and Ray Jr and H have to take him out then. After all, C keeps harping on the fact that H took C's family (and everything else) from him, it would have made sense for C to try to take H's family (or what's left of it) from H. That would have provided some good H/Y scenes, too. :)

But that might have added more continuity that TPTB can handle. :lol:
Welcome back Lucy!
and thanks to you and Pusher for the good news. :D
*is excisted* :)

You all made some good scenarios for her return.
But I hope that Horatio won't get hurt. One team member per Season is enough. ;)
Ray jr. in trouble is another good possibility.

I have one without drama: (but not very possible)
Yelina wants to work again as a Detective for the Miami Dade PD.
I like them working together.

nice picture Pusher.
It seems that Yelina likes big guns. ;)
Welcome bookworm! :D Yes, your scenario would have been very fitting and made lots of sense. Though, I definitely think that is more continuity than TPTB can handle! We seem to know them too well. *sigh*

Great pic and caption Pusher! :lol: Also, 'cautiously optimistic' should become our motto. I do like the whole sense of reality we have in here. ;)
I think Yelina (the character) is supposed to be South American - from Columbia. Sofia Milos the actress, was indeed born in Switzerland, but has a Greek mother and Italian father. :)
Love the caption and pic Pusher. Thanks for posting it.

Good to see new people coming in here and talking about these two, welcome. :D

School, work, and doctor appointments have me pressed for time a lot lately but I do read this thread on a daily basis. Moreover, I agree, that as a group we, more than fans probably should, ‘hope for the best while expecting the worst’ (to modify a certain quote). Its one of the things I certainly admire about all you guys in here: sticking with these two even when TPTB have acquired a leak in the proverbial Miami boat and -- though it is sinking – they refuse to acknowledge the hole. It can be a total pain sometimes but you lot have stuck with it and I’m proud of you all. *hugs*
Thanks for the welcome back inge. :)

Love the pic and caption Pusher! :lol: I will have to start posting a few more myself now things are back to normal.

Welcome bookworm and all newbies to the thread. :D I too think your scenario about 'Man Down' would have been perfect. Continuity? Not sure TPTB know the meaning of that most of the time! ;)

It's always great to see such interest in H/Y, especially as TPTB have made this oh so hard for us. HnM, I couldn't agree more with your sentiments about this. ;)
Thanks for the picture Pusher. :D
I mentioned before that yelina is supposed to show up later this season, and I was just wondering if anyone had any iseas as to what she'll be doing? Maybe she comes back for good...just for a visit? I also heard that something's gonna happen to H so maybe she'll come to visit him...anyone have any info or just speculation? Thanks!
One thing I always loved about H/Y was that it was the most realistic of all the ships I've seen. H/Y not only relies on hints and clues but obvious crushing and flirting, and I really would love to see more of it. Can't wait! *hint ^*
cainesugar said:
One thing I always loved about H/Y was that it was the most realistic of all the ships I've seen. H/Y not only relies on hints and clues but obvious crushing and flirting, and I really would love to see more of it. :D

Definately agree with you there, especially about it being the most authentic ships. And I think it's time tptb rewards all H/Y fans like us who've been hanging on to this ship despite what has happened on the show like HnM and Lucy said earlier.

I also wonder if SM would want to come back for a bit part. Hopefully she'll be offered a contract for s6.

*off to watch All-Star game*
^ it`s interesting that u use this word 'speculation' ;) for now we don`t know what plot line will have this March epi with Yelina. hope soon to have more detail spoilers...also u again say that something's gonna happen to H (in other threads too)...errr sorry for been rough, but what is ur source - some web side or e-mail from TPTB ?! exactly this type statement without backup i can call 'speculation' hehe :p

One thing I always loved about H/Y was that it was the most realistic of all the ships I've seen.

this remind me for one my fav Ducky posts in this thread long time ago :D

But I personally don't consider H/Y as a 'ship' because it was actually there and not just in dreams of fans ;)

personally i`m not shipper (romantic type) and very very seldom find and support 'couple' from tv shows. maybe coz of this realistic H/Y relationship i have become addicted to them ;) but as HnM say the most that i love in this place is that we are great resist batch of fans - base on the reality. :)
Pusher said:

this remind me for one my fav Ducky posts in this thread long time ago :D

But I personally don't consider H/Y as a 'ship' because it was actually there and not just in dreams of fans ;)

Hear, hear! Thanks much for resurrecting yet another sliver of Ducky -isms, pusher. :p Ducky never quacked a truer comment than this thing about the "'shippiness" of H&Y.

I know that Luce and MD share my belief that H&Y is spot on canon and not the wished for "fanon" of these other "'ship" things. Hence the reason we've never subscribed to referring to "Horatio & Yelina' as a "'ship".

With that said, to each their own. :) Just wanted share the reason for this "'ship" vs "'non-ship" terminology.

O yes, to echo HnM comment......All Hail the H&Y Resistance. :)

Edited to add:

A Very Happy Birthday, Kit4na. :)
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