Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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Last night I had a dream about CSI Miami of course it was a H/Y episode.

Yelina goes out and in the morning she ends up in a hotel room. But she can't remember what happened. She calls Horatio for help. Being the hero that he is , he spends the whole episode with her. He brings her to the hospital to test her for drugs etc. Yelina doesn't want to involve the rest of the CSI's. The other CSI's are busy with another case, in which H also helps through the phone. They do wonder where he is but he keeps quiet about it.

I don't know how it ends because that moment I woke up (NO!!!!!!!) but I immediately thought daaaamn that would be such a nice episode :)

Thank you TallyHo I'm already feeling old and I just got 18 haha.

Anyways here's another H/Y song :D

Kylie Minogue - Confide in me.

I stand in the distance
I view from afar
Should I offer some assistance
Should it matter who you are

We all get hurt by love
And we all have our cross to bear
But in the name of understanding now
Our problems should be shared

Confide in me, confide in me

I can keep a secret
And throw away the key
But sometimes to release it
Is to set our children free

We all get hurt by love
And we all have our cross to bear
But in the name of understanding now
Our problems should be shared

Stick or twist the choice is yours
Hit or miss what's mine is yours
Stick or twist the choice is yours
Hit or miss what's mine is yours

We all get hurt by love
And we all have our cross to bear
But in the name of understanding now
Our problems should be shared
Kit love your banner. Love your dream too. I had one some nights ago too, but it wasn't about H/Y instead it was something about Eric. Strange... anyway I digress. Your dream makes a great storyline for Y's return maybe we'll see it happening on our screens then we'll find out how it ends. :lol: I also like the idea of Y returning as a detective with MDPD.

Pusher was gonna ask where the spoiler for something happening to H came from but you asked for me. ;)

Tally thanks for explaining about the canon and fanon thing. I can truely say H/Y is indeed canon.

All this excitment about SM's return aside, here's the link to my latest fic update:


In the meantime while we wait with bated breath for March to arrive, anymore pics to keep us occupied Luce ?

O yes, to echo HnM comment......All Hail the H&Y Resistance.
I hear ya! :)
Firstly, Happy Birthday kit. Your banner is fabulous btw. :D

I know that Luce and MD share my belief that H&Y is spot on canon and not the wished for "fanon" of these other "'ship" things. Hence the reason we've never subscribed to referring to "Horatio & Yelina' as a "'ship".

With that said, to each their own. :) Just wanted share the reason for this "'ship" vs "'non-ship" terminology.
Very nicely explained. ;) As much as the term 'love interest' often grates on me, Yelina was introduced to the show for that purpose. The H/Y relationship was/is, as Ducky said, 'real' on the show. Their history and mutual feelings are indisputable in terms of what has been written into the show ie. Canon. :)

Hrockz, pics, yes, your wish is my command. ;)

I might just post random pics if that's okay with everyone! Let's start things off with H's 'personal matter' from 'Money For Nothing'....


^ An awkward moment! ;)


^ From 'Legal'....

Y: So, Horatio, are you going to look me in the eye and keep a straight face when trying to defend the nightmare that was Season 4?

H: Er...I...erm...I'm...er, no, that would not be possible.

Happy Birtday kit! :)
I hope, it's a nice one.

Thanks for the pics Lucy.
great choice as always. ;)

I saw 'Hell Night' today. Only 2 or 3 Yelina scenes, but the episode is a strong H/Y one.
I felt so sorry for H during some scenes. :(
the first scene where Yelina called was so sad.
Yelina told him that she and Stetler were on a trip and he repeated the last words and looked so lost.
maybe H thought: That could be me with Yelina happy together.
and the final scene where Yelina and Stetler were holding hands and he looks again so sad and lost as he watched them, his familiy not Stetlers ( :p).
Ray jr's comment was also sad as he said that Horatio didn't visit them very often.

The episode has also a nice moment between H and Y. The moment where Yelina smiled and said 'Thank you'. She knows that she can always count on Horatio.

The conversations between Horatio and Ray jr. were also cute. I felt a little bit sorry for the boy as Horatio said (twice): you can go, you not Ray jr. :lol:
That must have been embarrassing for him.
but his uncle is Lt. Horatio Caine. so I guess, it's ok. :lol:
Owh yes it was a really great birthday. I didn't know that my brother and sister in law were coming today as they kept quiet about it. So they made me think they forgot me. But obviously they didn't! Anyways I got myself 100 euro, some filmtickets, an old James Bond record (I'm a jb freak :D) and tickets for a concert of Beyoncé

Guess what i'm gonna buy with the money? Hehe

Today I watched the episode "Innocent" when Yelina asked H if it was okay that another detective took over the case cause she was going out with Stetler for the weekend. I've seen that episode multiple times already but that scene keeps breaking my heart.

Thank you for the compliments on my banner and the birthday wishes! And of course also thank you for the fanfic update, when I was near my computer I kept refreshing the page to see if there was an update!
A belated Happy Birthday Kit! Glad you had a great day. :D
Y: So, Horatio, are you going to look me in the eye and keep a straight face when trying to defend the nightmare that was Season 4?

H: Er...I...erm...I'm...er, no, that would not be possible.
:lol: Nice use of one of H's favourite lines there. ;)

Great pics too, thank you.
Tally said:I know that Luce and MD share my belief that H&Y is spot on canon
Never in doubt since the moment Yelina walked into the Crime Lab in 'Simple Man' and the looks they exchanged. ;)

I wish I had time comment on all the points raised today. It's great to see all this discussion in here. :)
Another great ep I'd like to mention cos for some reason the scene is replaying in my head was 'Under The Influence'.
The scene where Ryan comes to interview with H and Y is there to put in a good word for Ryan. The looks H and Y exchange after H's talk chat with Ryan were priceless. Another classic example for how these two have wordless communiction. Amazing connection between those two.

Luce loved the pics as usual but by any chance do you have any from 'Under the Influence' the scene I'm talking about?

Glad you had a good birthday Kit , my brother doesn't usually get me anything just a card.

Never in doubt since the moment Yelina walked into the Crime Lab in 'Simple Man' and the looks they exchanged.
Hear, hear! Agree the attraction between H and Y was obvious from the start :)
Here's to more wonderful H/Y moments, hopefully, in s5 and s6 even. *raises glass for a toast*
The scene in 'Under the influence' is one of my fav scenes. for more than one reason. :p

It shows us how much Yelina knows Horatio and can read him and how much Horatio sets a high value on Yelinas opinion.
Horatio also makes sure that not everyone can read him, but with Yelina it is ok.
It was so funny how much he fooled Ryan and Yelina was also amused. :lol:
and the smiles they exchanged were soo sweet. :D
I really liked Under The Influence too, particularly because Horatio held Yelina's opinion in such high regard concerning Ryan, as you said inge. :) I have one screencap from the episode, which was very kindly sent to me by ThumpyG42. ;)


I actually think they are really exchanging marriage vows here. :D
Awwww Lucy I love the pic here. I just may go through this thread & snag some pics for wp's. lol If that will be allowed. LOL I wish she'd come back. Horatio was so much more alive when she was around than he is now. Smiled a whole lot more also. Heart be still here. LOL
Classic pic Luce, thanks for sharing, and I totally agree that it looks like they're exchanging vows! So cute. I do agree that H's expressions and actions seem more livened up when Yelina is around.
Thanks again for the pic Luce . I also wanted to mention that the fact that Yelina knew that Ryan was exactly the kind of guy H was looking to hire said alot about how well she knows H. The look H gave Y after his interview with Ryan was like he was saying 'You really know me so well.' And Y was like just smiling back. Loved it. Good points you mentioned inge we were thinking along the same lines.

And they do look like they're exchanging vows. Actually the promo pics posted in the H/DC thread from Rio also looked like they were exchanging vows. TPTB playing with our minds on that one.

Here's the link to my fic's latest update. Hope you guys have as much fun reading it as I have writing it.

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