Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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thanks for the pics Lucy and have fun this days off work :D

Hm, do you think some more information about Ray's background will be mentioned? or is this storyline over?

i hope in S5 or S6 Miami to come epi with plot line somehow connected with H and Ray Sn. past. (not necessary direct) in meaning till now we have a lot epis/case where some storys are related with Y/H/Ray Sn. past - like 'Murder in a Flash' or 'Grave Young Men' or 'Big Brother'...for me it will be good way to bring back Yelina character in this tv show again. maybe if H have to investigate case where victim is widow or suspect is the kid of drugs father...who know :rolleyes:

A quick question, do you tink Ray Sr would have told Yelina about his Dad being abusive?

why not, every marriage have to be basis on the truth. but if H have kill his dad 15-20 y. old ages...Ray Sn have to be a little kid and to not remember everything. for me H and Ray sn. have ages difference 7-8 ages...hope this make sense hehe

anyway Hunter thanks for this pics and captions. i would love to know what aftershave use H ;)

*on my way to read Hrockz update *
Have a good break Luce. :D You'll be missed around these parts. My presence here will also be sporadic for a few days, as I am moving house, but hopefully I won't be offline for too long.

Back to the topic in hand, I agree that a great way to reintroduce Yelina would be for H to deal with a case relating to a widow effected by drugs in some way. The case could be on his mind and he visits Yelina, but the audience would see the connection (well, those who know the backstory). That would be subtle and show continuity. We really should write this show! ;)
aww MD u will miss us too. hope soon to be back :) if u need help with ur new house just call ;)

I agree that a great way to reintroduce Yelina would be for H to deal with a case relating to a widow effected by drugs in some way. The case could be on his mind and he visits Yelina, but the audience would see the connection (well, those who know the backstory).

exactly this i have in mind, but ur right that this days it seem like this 'new' H fans don`t know his character at all. this is valid and for TPTB *sigh* we don`t want to much from this tv show, only little hints that H family is around or some sweet/innocent scene like in epi. ''Hurricane Anthony' hehe


Pusher said:

... but ur right that this days it seem like this 'new' H fans don`t know his character at all.

Don't think even H knows who he is nowadays. ;)

Thanks much for the news regarding SM, pusher. With the current season winding down, unless we get a dramatic twist at the end, it looks like we'll have to wait for her possible appearance in s6. Since it would seem that tptb have exhausted the "family-in-crisis" storylines with H/Y, a case-related event hitting close to home would be more reasonable.

I often regret that Y was never written to do the character or the actress any real justice. With a little more creative effort on tptb's part and to add another dimension to Miami, where the good guys are either cops or csis', it would have made for interesting storylines for Y to have been either a public prosecutor or even a judge. It would have been fun to watch her throw out a case of H's because of messed up or non-convincing evidence. :p

Have fun on your time away, Luce. Spiffy banner, I might add. Happy house moving AND unpacking, MD. I share your moving pain especially the unpacking pain. :eek: I see you've also moved on over to Colonial One. Comfy, ain't it? BTW, feel free to use my pedestal located kitty-corner of Airlock No. 1. :devil:

Thanks much for sharing all the lovely pictures, everyone.
Aw, it's a shame Sofia hasn't made more appearances in S5 so far. Being half way through S3, I can't imagine Yelina not being in the show :eek:

Tally, your idea of Yelina being a judge or a prosecutor made me smile :p but I agree, it would make the H/Y arc more interesting, as well as the team dynamic, by having her do a different occupation than a detective.

I feel for H at the moment, because up to where I am episode-wise, Yelina is still with Stetler, and now, much to my shock, Horatio is seeing Rebecca! But I can tell H really still has feelings for Yelina, but now from afar...and seeing her being abused Stetler, must be tough on our H, to shelve his feelings and let her lead her life...especially as she still decides to stay with Stetler :( I wonder whether Rick really loves her (or even she loves him), but if he does, it's not the same way H does.

I hope Yelina realises what she's missing out on, not being with H :( They'd be so lovely together.

Thanks for the cute pics Pusher :D
Hey guys, sorry to be a huge pain in the backside, but whats the shipper name for H/Y? I asked in the Shipper Question thread, and they gave me some info, then suggested I try here. So, my question/request is now in your very capable hands! :d Thanks guys!

Hey Jemma, nice to see you in here :) With regard to your question, I don't think we really have an actual "shipper name" in here. I think we just refer to it as H/Y, and then add a fitting phrase to the end of that in the thread title ;)

I hope that helps, although don't quote me on my reply as I haven't been a H/Y fan for as long as some of the other posters in here, so I may be corrected on this ;)

ETA: I just saw the response to your post in the question thread, though I think Silent Thunder and HoYay are unofficial rather than official titles because they aren't used in the thread title every time :confused: *shrug*
Post by Tally: I often regret that Y was never written to do the character or the actress any real justice. With a little more creative effort on tptb's part and to add another dimension to Miami, where the good guys are either cops or csis', it would have made for interesting storylines for Y to have been either a public prosecutor or even a judge. It would have been fun to watch her throw out a case of H's because of messed up or non-convincing evidence.

ehhh in this tv show have so many miss possibility for H/Y development. i too would love to see Yelina play some kind of boss to H - re public prosecutor. :) ur rigth that it will be a lot interesting and curiosity how they (H/Y) can manage with their personal feeling and professional work. also at some points i would love to see Y put H on his place like the way Clavo do it this last epi from S5 - to 'play' and order ;) this man need someone to 'fix' him. haha

Post by wibbs: I feel for H at the moment, because up to where I am episode-wise, Yelina is still with Stetler, and now, much to my shock, Horatio is seeing Rebecca! But I can tell H really still has feelings for Yelina, but now from afar...and seeing her being abused Stetler, must be tough on our H, to shelve his feelings and let her lead her life...especially as she still decides to stay with Stetler I wonder whether Rick really loves her (or even she loves him), but if he does, it's not the same way H does.

Y once have say to H that Stetler is 'simple'. maybe coz of this 'reason' H date with Rebecca. H/Y relationship is to complex and with long history. so Yelina is tired of wating for H (to big guilt for his bro), also H try to give her more space...for me they go in new relationships only coz this is one try to move forward - Y kid need man in the house and H need woman without emotional baggage (re his chat with Rebecca for Speed death)...ehhh... but we can`t that even this way between H and Y still have a lot strong feeling - they can`t runaway form theirs destiny, right :devil:
^ yep they are perfect couple ....here some caps again from the so brilliant season 2 - epi 'The Best Defense', when H and Y are standing really close talking to each other... ;)



as Lucy say long time ago : Virtually on each others' toes. Wonderful! :D
Hello again! It so nice to return and see things ticking along very nicely in here. :)
Tally said: Have fun on your time away, Luce. Spiffy banner, I might add.
Thanks. Had a great time. Wish I could have taken y'all with me! My H/Y banner could only possibly be replaced by this particular inspirational pair of course. ;)

Pusher, thanks for those lovely pics. I have to confess, I think I borrowed that expression (about the toes) from Tally. ;) It's worth repeating though as it is so apt. :D

I also agree very much that it would have been great to see Yelina in a position of authority on the show. There was so much potential there, it really is frustrating.

I also wanted to say YAY for the return of MD to the green team. A very warm welcome back. :D
^ Thank you! :D It is great to be back. Just finding my feet again and hopefully, things should be back to normal for me by tomorrow.
Happy house moving AND unpacking, MD. I share your moving pain especially the unpacking pain. :eek:
Thanks. ;) I have all the essentials up and running, so, not too much pain so far. Having said that, there is plenty of unpacking pain ahead. :(
I see you've also moved on over to Colonial One. Comfy, ain't it? BTW, feel free to use my pedestal located kitty-corner of Airlock No. 1. :devil:
Very comfy! :D I may indeed take you up on that offer. ;)

Re the H/Y thread name, as far as I know, we don't really have an official name for them, like wibbs mentioned. HoYay has another meaning to some, so we tend to avoid that one! H/Y or H&Y seem to have stuck. Call me old-fashioned, but I rather like 'Horatio & Yelina'. Their names, just like them, look, feel and are right together. ;)
welcome back Lucy and MD :D i`m so happy to have u here again. :) man i was feel so lonely this days. *sigh*

it`s seem like the good news come and come hehe... :devil: now is time for e-mail replay that i have from mis. Sofia Milos. :D hope u like the spoiler guys ;)

Well, looks like I was asked to come and do another episode in march 2007.

Have not heard anything about a 6th season contract by Corey Miller. Sorry ;-)

much love and thanks to you and all the incredible H&Y fans out there!

Sofia Milos

So say we all !!! :D wow i just can`t start my work day, coz of a lot emotion ;)
*squeels* Pusher you made my day!!!! *hugs* Oh I can't wait for March to get here!!!! Although where I come from I won't get to see it till end 2007 but I can get spoilers from here!! It's just SO GREAT to know SM is coming back!!! It's nice to know she appreciates our support too. *smiling like an idiot*

*Taking deep breaths* Ok I gota calm down. I haven't been here in awhile. Can't wait to see H/Y in s5 on our screens again :) They're just the perfect couple. I hope tptb get them together soon, sorry I'm going on and on. I'm just too excited.

Here's the link to a short update from my fic.

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