Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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Hunter love the flasing pics of H you have. Can't stop staring at them.

*gasp* H was in something else other than a suit? Don't think I saw that ep before. Anyone have a picture?

Yes silk seeing them spasrsely dressed and having breakfast would be real nice. But then again it'll be weird with Ray Jr around. I mean he's a teenager now and I'm sure he would know what was going on between his uncle and mom.
Hunter love the flasing pics of H you have. Can't stop staring at them.
Thank you! I just put it in today! Even though that i could of put in an avater over 50 posts ago, i wanted to wait for the right one. I requested this. I designed it, but i have to thank the designer; which is cine girl.

gasp* H was in something else other than a suit? Don't think I saw that ep before. Anyone have a picture?
I'm working on it. But i really can't seem to find one cap from Bunk. Sometimes they just don't. Sorry, but maybe you should just watch the eppie when i comes up. *shrugs shoulders*

Yes silk seeing them spasrsely dressed and having breakfast would be real nice.
I know! Too bad H didn't have cute pajama pants on though. :lol: Shame.
*waves* Hi guys. I've not posted in here in awhile but I have lurked off and on. HopefullY I can find more time to hang around.

Lucy said:
And just to keep this topic related: Do you think Y would laugh at his knees or swoon? :eek:
Probably a bit of both! ;) As for a kiss between them, HnM had them share a stolen kiss in her wonderful fanfic. It seemed very possible in that context (Ray Jnr was very small, Raymond was AWOL and H was at her house spending some time with them) - they felt guilty and pulled away quickly, but there was no question about the mutual desire to do so. I can really imagine that happening in the past, but probably just once.

That was a beautiful scene in her fic. Some of the best imagry writing I've read. HnM you certainly know these two backwards and forwards.

And HoratioAndMe when I was looking through the threads yesterday I noticed it was your birthday (the 23rd I think). A tribute song for both you and H and Y. By your Joshie. :D


[1st Verse]
She's out of my life
She's out of my life
And I don't know whether to laugh or cry
I don't know whether to live or die
And it cuts like a knife
She's out of my life

[2nd Verse]
It's out of my hands
It's out of my hands
To think for two years she was here
And I took her for granted I was so cavalier
Now the way that It stands
She's out of my hands

So I've learned that love's Not Possession
And I've learned that love won't wait
Now I've learned that love needs expression
But I learned too late

[3rd Verse]
She's out of my life
She's out of my life
Damned Indecision and cursed pride
Kept my love for her locked deep Inside
And it cuts like a knife
She's out of my life
I don't think they have kissed. H respects his brother (and Yelina as his sister-in-law) too much to recognize that wall (that he reinforced) between them.

Donating bone marrow is one of the most painful things in the world. And the holes never heal. I think RayJr knows how he is related to Maddie -- he wouldn't just do it for some random stranger. So... how about RaySr... did he know?

They're one of the most natural ships ever. One look and it's like sex -- if you don't mind me saying. She's giving him the look, he's giving her the look... all they needed was the push to actually explore what's there.
Thanks for the pic EyeHeartH. Somehow I can't remember watching that ep. It would be nice to see H in something other than the usual suit he wears.
Hey, Hummer, good to see ya back in the trenches with us. :) Lovely song. Will add to the selection:

"What Hurts the Most" - Rascal Flatts

I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house
That don’t bother me.
I can take a few tears now and then and just let 'em out
I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while
Even though going on with you gone still upsets me
There are days every now and again I pretend I’m ok
But that’s not what gets me

What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And I'm saying that loving you
Is what I was tryin’ to do

It’s hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go,
But I’m doin’ it,
It’s hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I’m alone,
Still Harder,
Getting up, getting dressed, livin’ with this regret
But I know if I could do it over,
I would trade, give away all the words that I saved in my heart,
That I left unspoken.

What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And I'm saying that loving you
Is what I was trying to do....
Lovely to see you Tally and Hummer, and thank you both for the very apt, beautiful lyrics. :)

I promised some more pics, so I thought I would continue with 'Grave Young Men'....

A very contented looking Yelina - she is happy that H has had a little chat with Ray Jnr. Plus, H tends to put a smile on her face. ;)


Talking, man to man. I miss these kind of moments very much.

Tallyho: "What Hurts the Most" - Rascal Flatts

I am so pleased that you picked up on these lyrics for these two because everytime I hear that song I can imagine H 'saying' (cuz the mind just won't wrap itself around the Great and Powerful Horatio singing anything!) those words about Y. Great minds....... :p
As for a kiss between them, HnM had them share a stolen kiss in her wonderful fanfic. It seemed very possible in that context (Ray Jnr was very small, Raymond was AWOL and H was at her house spending some time with them) - they felt guilty and pulled away quickly, but there was no question about the mutual desire to do so. I can really imagine that happening in the past, but probably just once.
I agree. Knowing these two the way we do, I think a stolen, rather guilt ridden kiss at some point is very possible. As Hummer said, that scene was beautifully written in HnM's fic and in the circumstances, this kind of scenario could have easily taken place.

Thanks for those lovely pics Luce and also to Tally & Hummer for the lyrics. :)

Good to see that the Airlock is in such good hands btw! :D
I definately thought, when I wrote that bit of the fic, that the only logical way to allow these two a kiss (without being untrue to the characters) was a guilt ridden 'spur of the moment' kiss before Raymond's death. And of course, in my mind, they couldn't have kept it from him.

Welcome back Hummer and thank-you for the song. That song does seem to suit these two wonderfully for s4 when Yelina was out of Miami. And that Flatts song has always reminded me of these two, thanks for posting the lyrics Tals.

And I agree that the H/Ray Jr. talks are extremely missed. They really underlined the bond between the two and I think, with Ray Jr. being away in Brazil for an extended amount of time, it has sort of worn away at the seams. It is slightly visible in 'Rio,' of the boy's hesitance to trust H. Wonder if they'll explore that more.
Hello peoples :D

So I saw one episode today were Ryan joined the team and he was all calling her detective, that was funny in a way.

Anyways, so Lucy doesn't kill me for no reason.

I come asking a question:: When does the thing with the little girl first come out?
Nice pics as usual Luce . Smiling Yelina :)

Yup Hunter the most naked we've seen H.
The lyrics from the Flatts song is really appropriate to describe what H must be feeling after Yelina left for Brazil.

Agree HnM those H/Ray Jr moments are sorely missed. Even if they can't get SM back yet maybe they can get Ray Jr back into the picture, though I find it hard to come up with a storyarc TPTB could come up with to have only Ray Jr with H without Yelina. A quick mention of your fic HnM I loved how you potrayed all the H/Ray Jr interaction in your fic. The way he seemed more like a father than Raymond to Ray Jr. The image of Ray Jr on H's shoulders going upstairs to read him a bedtime story, loved it. I hope there's more of H/Ray Jr interaction coming up in your fic. The stolen kiss between H/Y was great too!

Cath you're asking about Madison? For the life of me, at this moment, my brain doesn't recall when was the first time her identity was revealed sorry.
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