Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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Oh yeah, did Ray know about Maddie? Hmmm... I wonder.

Anyway, I think it wasn't time yet for these two to be 'together'. I mean, up to now, it's unclear if Yelina will go back to Miami. (Oh I hope she does.)
Oh thank you thank you for the pic Luce , that was the look I was talking about, awesome! Doesn't H look so totally cool! You just made all the crap I'm going to take at work tomorrow more bearable. Just have to think of that pic :D

If I were Yelina I wouldn't tell Ray about Madison. It's bad enough he has issues with his Dad being the kind of Dad he is; I don't think she'd want to give her pre-teen son more reasons to self-destruct. Maybe when he's older like an adult.
Lucy said: For example, did Ray even know he had a daughter?
I think he did. She told him and then the -you know what scene- followed. (*bang* :lol:) She wanted to start a new life and IMO it's better you talk about your problems and try to start with a clean slate. Yelina had to cope with a lot of things on her own in the past. I think they talked a lot with each other.
His reaction would have been so interesting.

In 10-7 Ray jr. made the decision for her. You can't blame him, he's a kid and he loves his father. I think he didn't know that Madison is his sister. Yelina didn't want that he thinks bad about his father.

and thanks for the pics Lucy. :)

and my laptop broke and all data is erased. this also means my slowly growing collection of H/Y things (and other Miami stuff) is gone. :(
Oh dear, hope you feel better soon HC_4_my_birthday. :( Glad the pic put a smile on your face - and you too Hrockz. :)
She told him and then the -you know what scene- followed. (*bang* ) :lol:
Aha, the frying pan! :lol: For those who are relatively new to this thread, we surmised that in '10-7', as soon as the door closed on the private jet destined for Brazil, Yelina went to the plane's kitchen, found a frying pan and proceeded to hit Raymond over the head with it when Ray Jnr wasn't looking. :D We really are very sure that is really what happened, lol.
and my laptop broke and all data is erased. this also means my slowly growing collection of H/Y things (and other Miami stuff) is gone. :(
Aw inge. :( If you want me to forward any H/Y pics to you, just let me know which ones/episodes you need. :)

I will try to post some more pics this week. ;)
Lucy said:
I love the "don't you dare mess things up again little brother" expression, not that it did a lot of good.

I thought the expression was more like "you better take good care of Yelina this time little brother, or else I'll come to Brazil and kick your ass!"

I kinda got the impression Ray knew that his wife and brother had a thing for each other cos he looked away when Y was hugging H. Was that a reflection of his jealousy?
The look H had in his eyes as he pointed to his bro, I could've sworn he has some tears in'er. Then again, I believe what I want to believe hahahahahah!

Anyway, there's a tinge of jealousy, too. Of sadness even, on H's part. I mean, three people that mean so much to him (his only family) are flying off and out of his life to start (again), a life of their own.

It was a sad scene. H's pick up (sunglasses thing) was just genius!
hey guys i just rewatched my season 1 dvds and i realised how much i missed my first real ship *sobs* so nice moments and i watched them over and over!!! so i just thought i would drop by and say hi to you all and tell you that i'm all with you :D
Quote: In 10-7 Ray jr. made the decision for her. You can't blame him, he's a kid and he loves his father. I think he didn't know that Madison is his sister. Yelina didn't want that he thinks bad about his father.

Actually, if you'll remember Ray Jr. gave Madison a bone marrow transplant because of her leukemia. Firstly, he's old enough to know via science class, that that can only happen through compatible donors. Also, do you really think Yelina would have let him go through the discomfort of a procedure like that and not tell him why. I think he knows. I love the 'frying pan over the head scene'. I would pay mega buck for a dvd set that was comprised of the 'moments we didn't see on camera'. Things like the frying pan scene. The dinner scene with H/Y after Hurricane Anthony. Stuff like that. Just as an aside: Do you think H/Y have ever kissed????? I always had the feeling that the relationship had started to move forward a little, offscreen, before Yelina found out about Madison and that kind of stopped it dead in it's tracks.????
wow! I'm sorry...
I also thought that everyone can donate and eveyone can be compatible. not only siblings.
from Wikipedia:
About 25 to 30 percent of potential HSCT recipients have an HLA-identical sibling. For other recipients, registries of volunteer unrelated donors can be quickly searched in order to find a potential HLA match.
I know, you didn't mean it to sound mean, but I was like huh?

Anyway, I saw 'Pro Per' tonight.
nice, but also bittersweet episode.
First there lovely conversation about Yelina would do everything for Horatio. :D
and then the scene in front of her house with Stetler... :(
I felt so bad for Horatio. He wanted to be there for her, but she didn't let him. You can clearly sense the discomfort of the scene. I'm sure she wanted that he would stay with her, but Stetler was already there.
and then her regretful look when she looked back.

Thanks for your offer Lucy. I'm saving your pics every time and soon I have a nice collection of nice H/Y moments. :)
silk said:
Do you think H/Y have ever kissed????? I always had the feeling that the relationship had started to move forward a little, offscreen, before Yelina found out about Madison and that kind of stopped it dead in it's tracks.????

Not just you silk I got the feeling the relationship was going somewhere too till the Madison thing came up.

I don't think they ever kissed the way you mean it. I mean they weren't in a relationship yet. Only the ones Yelina gave H on the cheek. However I do hope they do in the future and we do get to see it on tv, heck maybe even some bedroom stuff :devil:
inge: I am really, really sorry. I certainly didn't intend for my reply to sound mean. (How come the stuff you write never comes across to other people the way it sounds in your own head?) You are right. Other people can be donors but they have to go through a screening process to make sure that they are compatible, and the chances of finding someone compatible is greater in a sibling which is why they usually go that route first in a transplant. Maybe I am giving more credit to Ray Jr. than I should but I would think that he would wonder, if Yelina did not give him a reasonable explanation, why he was being a donor without ever having been tested in a doctor's office for this or offering his info to a donor sight. I have a daughter who is about the age of what I'm guessing Ray Jr. was in that epi and she's pretty sharp. Even if she didn't think far enough ahead about the donor stuff, she'd still wonder why she was there. And if Yelina thought Madison looked enough like H to ditch their budding relationship, might the possibility that Madison was H's daughter occur to Ray Jr. as well? If he questioned that, the next question would be, would Y leave H hanging or tell the truth to the boy. Just guesses. Sorry if I offended you. I would never intentionally do that as I respect everyone's opinion, or at least their right to have one. Sorry for the long post. You guys are great!

Hrock(sp) said: " I don't think they ever kissed the way you mean it. I mean they weren't in a relationship yet. Only the ones Yelina gave H on the cheek. However I do hope they do in the future and we do get to see it on tv, heck maybe even some bedroom stuff "

I dunno. I think the kiss (with just enough tongue action to leave no doubt that this is NOT just a platonic kiss) would be enough in my book. What we can do with H/Y and the bedroom stuff in our own imaginations is probably soooo much better than what the writers could EVER produce. Seen enough of CSI Miami and what they've done with this two to know that this is true, IMO. :devil: Seeing them share breakfast and conversation in one or the other of their homes in casual clothing would be cool too. BTW: Speaking of casual clothing: Have we ever seen H in anything but a suit or dress shirt? What do you suppose he looks like in shorts and a polo shirt? And just to keep this topic related: Do you think Y would laugh at his knees or swoon? :eek:
it's ok. I'm not mad at you. (and I was never). :)

Hm, I don't think that they ever kissed.
not after Ray's dead. They were both too shocked about it and then Horatio was too noble to do anything.
and also not before. Horatio respects family and he would never do something to put his brother's family life in danger. (because Ray was able to do it on his own. without Horatios help. :p)
Yelina would also never betray her husband/bf.
Have we ever seen H in anything but a suit or dress shirt? What do you suppose he looks like in shorts and a polo shirt?
I can't imagine him ever exposing that pale skin of his to the Miami sun! :cool: Maybe when he's at home relaxing (does he ever relax?) or when he's out fishing with Ray Jnr, he actually wears casual clothes. To answer your question though, we've never seen H in casual clothes. Only a radiation suit in 'Bunk' was a very slight diversion from his usual attire. :)
And just to keep this topic related: Do you think Y would laugh at his knees or swoon? :eek:
Probably a bit of both! ;) As for a kiss between them, HnM had them share a stolen kiss in her wonderful fanfic. It seemed very possible in that context (Ray Jnr was very small, Raymond was AWOL and H was at her house spending some time with them) - they felt guilty and pulled away quickly, but there was no question about the mutual desire to do so. I can really imagine that happening in the past, but probably just once.
Only a radiation suit in 'Bunk' was a very slight diversion from his usual attire.
Oh i remeber him wearing that. When he's outside the house with his helmet off, you can see his bare shoulder. *swoons* That's like the most naked we'll ever see him. :lol: We've seen alot of Eric though. :lol:
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