Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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Hrockz said: I don't have much time for TV
Me neither! For that reason, I have to be very selective about what I watch. Right now, there are a couple of shows that are simply brilliant, so I save my time for them. As Miami isn't making the grade for me at the moment, I'm happy not to watch it at all (apart from an occasional episode). I never thought I would say that, but I find it neither stimulating or entertaining. I still hope that this will change though. ;)
ment_to_be said: I always have the feeling everytime horatio says something when Yelina can hear it, his words are also meant for her. Those are the strongest moments of the writers in CSI. They've lost them but I still believe they can find it and write as good as they did before.
That's a very good point I think, and the incidences you mentioned from Crime Wave and Money For Nothing are great examples of this. H's rather poignant little monologues are often tinged with relevances to Yelina and the family background. As you say, that really is good writing. It draws you in and makes you want more of the same. :)
MiamiDade said: Such a shame that the gulf in the quality of writing between a show like BSG and Miami is deeper than the Grand Canyon these days. At it's deepest point! :rolleyes:

You're being much too kind, dear one. I was thinking more along the lines of Marianas Trench kinda chasm. ;) BTW, you might as well break down sooner than later and get yourself a BSG avatar to alternate with your Miami one. :p

Lucy said:So say we all! Thank goodness we have been saved in our TV Land by such shows. Miami may come good again, but I seriously doubt it. I'm still hopeful that there may be a future for H/Y, and if that is the case, at least that part will be good. Great infact, if handled well - which again, is highly questionable!

Aye, so say we all. Even though I too have turned to other offerings on the small screen since Miami went south for the winter, got horribly lost and ne'er returned to warmer climes, I still miss it on some subterranean level mainly because of the heady anticipation of the episodes followed by the invigorating episode discussions that used to be such a highlight. Even if Y returned now for some cursory involvment in the series, the consistently poor writing will do her a disservice to be sure. So in some part, I am content to remember S1-S3 with much fondness, indulge in nostalgic reminisces in this thread and enjoy what used to be great about Miami in other more worthy tv series.
Sorry I beg to differ again. Despite my lack of time I still find Miami the best TV has to offer. Haven't caught BSG before but I have tried to distract myself from Miami with the likes of House and NCIS. Prison Break and CSI:NY nearly won me over but it's like I still need my weekly dose of Horatio and gang otherwise I go into withdrawal.

But I do agree that as the CSI shows get into more seasons the writing tends to get worse, as is the case with CSI (which I have now given up watching) and now is going on with Miami. In fact among the 3, NY has the best stories now.

But when it comes down to it Miami is still my fave show on TV and I can't bear to give it a miss.

Apologies I'm veering off topic now.

Let's get back to the nostalgic reminisces, the next H/Y pics coming up soon Luce ?
Even if Y returned now for some cursory involvment in the series, the consistently poor writing will do her a disservice to be sure.
That is what I fear too. There were times when I felt the writers could have done so much more with her character anyway. As we've said many times, Sofia did brilliantly with what she was given.
I was thinking more along the lines of Marianas Trench kinda chasm. ;)
Lol, again, agreed. I suppose it all depends on what we look for in a TV show. Personally, I like TV dramas to be character driven and thought provoking. Miami used to offer me this to some extent, but it fails to do so anymore. To me, the gulf in class between the writing on something like BSG and Miami (post Season 3) really is huge. It's almost impossible to compare them. Rather like comparing Manchester United to Accrington Stanley! Sorry, it's Saturday, have to mention the footie. ;)
So in some part, I am content to remember S1-S3 with much fondness, indulge in nostalgic reminisces in this thread and enjoy what used to be great about Miami in other more worthy tv series.
Yes, indeed so, and I shall post a few more pics to keep the nostalgic H/Y reminisces going. ;)

Body Count anyone?

^ aww love this football comparison and the pic ;)

i too think that CSI Miami and BSG (or other great tv show) are too far away like quality (script-writers,development). for me they are like Coca Cola and Pepsi. both world popular and with same color drink (in this case- tv shows), but most important is that they have different taste. long time ago for me Miami was Coca Cola - everything that i love in one tv show (characters, plot line, case), but now Miami become Pepsi - only pretent that is good, but the the taste is awful. when i watch tv show i want to feel the characters victory or pain, to be 'inside' the screen whole 45 min, in the end to ask my self questions (why he/she do this, what if...even to learn new things) and with impatience to wait for the next week epi. this is what i search and find for entertaining. well, when i watch Miami it`s make me feel nothing.... so so sad situation... :( and honestly one part of me don`t what to see Y again in this tv show, coz i don`t have any faith in this monsters. as some guys here i too am a lot afraid what will become H/Y relationship, if they are back on the screen. i get used to live without them, but never will get used to live with funny commets/posts about them (like what happen with S 4-5 robocop H - only joke by his address). coz of the x-files and csi miami now i do my best to stay away form have my fav tv show (characters/shipp)...i just can`t (and don`t want to) take disappoints anymore...watching tv have to be fun right?! not after every epi to get angry and feel miserable coz TPTB have broke my dream.
i just can`t (and don`t want to) take disappoints anymore...watching tv have to be fun right?! not after every epi to get angry and feel miserable coz TPTB have broke my dream.
I hear ya, Pusher. :) That's why I find it easier to just break away from it these days. If there is a good episode (like 'Rio' or 'Going Under' from S5), I will watch it and still enjoy it. The show as a whole though, no longer has the substance it once had. As you say, it used to be like Coca Cola - the real deal, just like H/Y are the 'romantic real deal' (our previous thread name). ;)

Bringing Yelina back would help I'm sure, but from my own perspective, Miami has to redeem itself quite drastically. So, until there is any sign of that, the nostalgia can keep is going. At least we have 3 wonderful seasons to look back on! :D

I am content to remember S1-S3 with much fondness, indulge in nostalgic reminisces in this thread and enjoy what used to be great about Miami in other more worthy tv series.
Yay for nostalgic reminisces and more worthy tv series! :D All is far from lost when we have both of these things to occupy some our precious free time.

Speaking of H/Y nostalgia, lovely pics from Body Count. Thanks Luce. :)

Like Pusher said, I love the football analogy! Aren't you being a little hard on Accrington Stanley though? Lol. ;)
Tally said: BTW, you might as well break down sooner than later and get yourself a BSG avatar to alternate with your Miami one. :p
Consider it done. ;)
Yeah thanks for the screen cap from Body Count Lucy. (Last one of season 1 right?) Don't you just love it when you see Horatio's shades hanging off of his neck?
I only started waatching Miami about 2 years ago but it grew on me but since SM left S4 was a big let down for me compaired to s1-s3.Do miss my H/Y moments and ur rigth there Lucy about them being the romantio real deal you can just see it.
Thanks for the pics again Luce , that's the scene where Y tends to H's wound on his hand. Loved that H/Y contact when she took his hand. The pic where she's looking at him, H praised Y for a job well done if I remember correctly. And she seemed to enjoy that.

Loved the last scene too where H washes his hand in the sea. Ouch that must have hurt. Seawater and cuts don't go well together. But he didn't even flinch, just shook the cut hand a little. That was way cool.
To me it was so like H, he likes to punish (in this ep to inflict pain) himself for his past guilt etc. Of course then in s1 we didn't know why, but now we do.

And yup the sunglasses hanging around the neck, that's cool too.
^ yep this H/Y contact when she took his hand was wonderful :D and ur right that H say to Yelina - 'Nice job'. but i still have doubt if this was all that he want to say to her. ;) in me stay impression that he want to say something different- errr more personal ... but this is H he always find difficult words when Y is near him :devil:

from few days two things make me wonder... if Madison was H kid, will H/Y relationship be different ?! 'less complex' - in meaning H don`t lie to Y - she make the right conclusion :rolleyes: what u thik guys?! :p

alos in S3 Stetler aks H to go meet psychologist (coz of Speed death). if H have accept this order, maybe in this therapy seance can come and word for his death bro and sister-in-law ... did this is the right way H to face his truth feeling ?

thanks for the pic Lucy and btw MD love ur title : Supporting Madame President :D

maybe she can share with us more songs from ours unforgettable-eternal Bavarian CD collection :lol: Ma`am President so say we all :D
Pusher said:
if Madison was H kid, will H/Y relationship be different ?!
I think it would be very unlike H to have kid even if it was out of some one night stand, or moment of passion/compassion or whatever Y was trying to to come up with the reason that H would have a kid and for him to not be part of the child's life in some way. So I would assume that if H and Y were close in sharing their personal lives Y would have known about it already?

'less complex' - in meaning H don`t lie to Y - she make the right conclusion
I think the part Y found hard to accept wasn't the fact that H had a kid but rather that he would chose to hide such a fact from her which hurt her the most. So if H didn't lie to her and I am reading your scenario correctly Pusher then maybe the already complex H/Y realtionship would indeed be less complex in that I think Y would be able to accept that H has a kid, after all she also has a kid, and I think she loves H enough to accept the child to be part of H's life.

alos in S3 Stetler aks H to go meet psychologist (coz of Speed death)... did this is the right way H to face his truth feeling ?
Man if H saw a shrink it would take alot, and I mean alot of sessions to work out all of H's issues given his complex childhood and life. :lol:
And perhaps yes H would eventually decide to look past his guilt/boundaries and finally express his feelings for Y.

And speaking of that scene, H instead of going to the shrink goes to Rebecca's but in my heart I always wished that ep would have ended of with H going to confide in Y instead. That would have been nice to see and would have been a golden opportunity for H and Y to get together and a relationship going.
Speaking of H/Y nostalgia, lovely pics from Body Count. Thanks Luce. :)
You are all very welcome. I'm a big fan of H/Y nostalgia, as if you hadn't noticed. ;)
Like Pusher said, I love the football analogy! Aren't you being a little hard on Accrington Stanley though? Lol.
Hee, yes, you're right. That is a little unfair on the humble Merseysiders! They don't deserve that. ;)

I also hoped that H might have turned to Yelina instead of Rebecca re Speed's death, but it would have been emotionally easier for him to open up to Rebecca. As it's often harder to admit our feelings to those people we are closest to and care the most for, Rebecca was there for him at the right time, with no emotional baggage to consider.
Thanks for the pics Lucy!

I also would have loved to see a scene where Yelina comforts Horatio and is there for him after Speed's death.

the madison question:
I think Yelina would be angry and hurt, because Horatio didn't tell her about her (in this scenario) 'niece'. maybe less complex, but also not helping to bring them together.
'Nothing to Lose' would be different though. I don't think that Yelina would hesitate to help Horatio's kid. :D
I know she helped Madison in the end, but the episode would be different if Madison was Horatio's kid.
References to 'Body Count' would not be complete without this screencap.....


A stolen moment indeed. I remember how H insisted the wound was really nothing much, but Yelina wasn't going to let him get away so easily. As she wiped his hand, that look he gave her (see previous screencap) was just WOW! :D
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