Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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silk said:
Tallyho: "What Hurts the Most" - Rascal Flatts

I am so pleased that you picked up on these lyrics for these two....p

:) Yes, me too. I've been known to ocassionally have some passing insight with these two, so yes, the song is definitely an H/Y keeper. Cheers. :)

The H-RJ relationship was always just on the brink of developing into something real but alas as with a great many things in Miami, that potential was never fully realized. GYM will always be one of my fav H-RJ eps just because the issues raised by RJ were the very issues H himself had been battling albeit in the adult arena. Wonderful bonding moment. Kodak-worthy.

Good to see that the Airlock is in such good hands btw!

Ah, so you've noticed, eh? :devil: Guess we've been truly inspired by Madame President. Hope you're keeping true to your homework. :p
GYM will always be one of my fav H-RJ eps just because the issues raised by RJ were the very issues H himself had been battling albeit in the adult arena. Wonderful bonding moment.
A favourite of mine too. :) Raymond's reputation has profoundly effected both of them and they are each struggling to deal with it in their own way. Reminds me of this part of John Meyer's song 'Daughters' - thanks Tally for telling me about this song. ;)

Boys, you can break
You'll find out how much they can take
Boys will be strong
And boys soldier on
But boys would be gone without the warmth from
A womans good, good heart

Good to see that the Airlock is in such good hands btw! :D
As H would say, 'Always'. :D
I saw recently a part of the episode about a certain Dan Cofield(I don't know his name exactly)I think it's also the epi where Horatio gets to know Y is dating stettler.

Horatio gets out of the alivator and sees Y, she looks uncomfortable and Stettler apears.
When they're alone (Stettler had to do something in his office) she says something about Dan and then she says: "she's lucky to have you" it sounded like she was the one who was "jealous" in stead of him.
And after that she said one thing but I couldn't understand what she said. Can somebody tell me what she said? and was Horatio also dating someone or was she just talking about a case ,where he was helping a woman?
CathStokes said:
I come asking a question:: When does the thing with the little girl first come out?
Sorry Lynn, I meant to answer this earlier - that would be Season 2's 'Big Brother'. Best CSIM episode ever! ;)
ment_to_be said: Can somebody tell me what she said? and was Horatio also dating someone or was she just talking about a case ,where he was helping a woman?
The episode you are referring to is Season 2's 'The Oath'. Yelina said, "See you tomorrow" and no, Horatio wasn't dating anyone. They were talking about the dead police officer's widow I believe. :)
hehe, thanks Luce! *hugs*

Its the best ep? How's that? ... Sorry I think I only saw like parts of that ep, so I'm not really sure. :D Hope A&E shows it again.
You're welcome. :) Well, it's such a deeply personal episode for Horatio and Yelina. It introduces the whole Suzie/Madison storyarc too, which was great drama. I still hope we may see them again one day.

I really hope that A&E shows it again so you can watch it in it's entirety. It's one of those episodes that just has to be seen. ;)

[1st Verse]
She's out of my life
She's out of my life
And I don't know whether to laugh or cry
I don't know whether to live or die
And it cuts like a knife
She's out of my life

[2nd Verse]
It's out of my hands
It's out of my hands
To think for two years she was here
And I took her for granted I was so cavalier
Now the way that It stands
She's out of my hands

So I've learned that love's Not Possession
And I've learned that love won't wait
Now I've learned that love needs expression
But I learned too late

[3rd Verse]
She's out of my life
She's out of my life
Damned Indecision and cursed pride
Kept my love for her locked deep Inside
And it cuts like a knife
She's out of my life
Hey! I know that song! (Great, now it's gonna be stuck in my head all day. Thanks. :lol: )

Donating bone marrow is one of the most painful things in the world.
I've heard. Don't remeber when or where from though. You just pick these things up.

They're one of the most natural ships ever. One look and it's like sex -- if you don't mind me saying. She's giving him the look, he's giving her the look...
Oh yeah, they're the eye sex pioners; big time.

all they needed was the push to actually explore what's there.
I know! They both know it's coming anyway. Horatio stopping by the house, yelina letting him in for dessert, c'mon! They just didn't show what happened in there! *pouts* :( :lol:
Well, it's such a deeply personal episode for Horatio and Yelina. It introduces the whole Suzie/Madison storyarc too, which was great drama. I still hope we may see them again one day.

yep, 'Big Brother' was great epi :D but after this come 'Money for Nothing' :( Yelina make wrong inference after she have see little Mady again *sigh* in this epi have one so poignant moment. Y say something like this to H: "It's funny what people will do and think we'll never figure it out." as i remeber rigth there had so much pain in her eyes, even her voice quaver a little. also H was feel so embarassed and all the time try to avoid Y glance. SM and DC play so good this scene - u can cut the tension with knife. for me the body language is one of the main way H/Y to communicat. like 'hidden' eyes contact or 'secret' and shy smiles. we don`t need words to know what chemistry have between H&Y, only to see them on the screen together ;) till now from all Miami seasons have so much angst in H/Y relationship (yep it was interesting to be see/watch), but hope TPTB to give a little break to ours fav couple. what about in first palce to give us some spoilers for possible Y return in S5 ... :devil:

thanks for the pics Lucy and for this lovely lyrics Hummer and Tally :)
Y say something like this to H: "It's funny what people will do and think we'll never figure it out." as i remeber rigth there had so much pain in her eyes, even her voice quaver a little. also H was feel so embarassed and all the time try to avoid Y glance.
That was a heartbreaking scene. :( I so wanted H to just tell her the truth, knowing all too well that this wasn't going to happen for many episodes to come.
SM and DC play so good this scene - u can cut the tension with knife. for me the body language is one of the main way H/Y to communicat. like 'hidden' eyes contact or 'secret' and shy smiles. we don`t need words to know what chemistry have between H&Y, only to see them on the screen together
Nicely put. ;) They play beautifully off each other and with such subtlety.
Aw, that scene in 'Money For Nothing' was just so frustratingly sad! :( Hats off to the writers here (well, it was the magnificent Season 2 afterall!) for making us really feel this way though. As always, DC and SM executed it to perfection. :)
TallyHo said:Guess we've been truly inspired by Madame President. Hope you're keeping true to your homework. :p
But of course! ;) Such a shame that the gulf in the quality of writing between a show like BSG and Miami is deeper than the Grand Canyon these days. At it's deepest point! :rolleyes:
That was a heartbreaking scene. :(
It always is...

Y say something like this to H: "It's funny what people will do and think we'll never figure it out." as i remeber rigth there had so much pain in her eyes, even her voice quaver a little. also H was feel so embarassed and all the time try to avoid Y glance.
Why oh why does he avoid the glance? Can't you just picture it? He looks into her eyes, and then *snaps fingers* They're at it. So romantic...

Well, it's such a deeply personal episode for Horatio and Yelina. It introduces the whole Suzie/Madison storyarc too, which was great drama. I still hope we may see them again one day.
I dunno, i've always seen them as a Jack Hudson and Sue Thomas kind of storyarc. Any of you seen the show 'Sue Thomas F.B.Eye'?
MiamiDade said: Such a shame that the gulf in the quality of writing between a show like BSG and Miami is deeper than the Grand Canyon these days. At it's deepest point! :rolleyes:
So say we all! Thank goodness we have been saved in our TV Land by such shows. Miami may come good again, but I seriously doubt it. I'm still hopeful that there may be a future for H/Y, and if that is the case, at least that part will be good. Great infact, if handled well - which again, is highly questionable!
Hunter said: i've always seen them as a Jack Hudson and Sue Thomas kind of storyarc. Any of you seen the show 'Sue Thomas F.B.Eye'?
No, I've not heard of that, but then again, I am in the UK so we don't always get exposed to everything, lol! ;)
No, I've not heard of that, but then again, I am in the UK so we don't always get exposed to everything, lol!
Oh you haven't! That's a tragedy! You simply must see it. It's about a woman who's deaf, but somehow gets a job with the FBI. Then she (Sue) and her co-worker (Jack) pretty much fall silently in love together. They never admit it, even to each other. (Just like H and Yelina) But they really can't expose they're relationship because they work on the same unit/team/office/etc. It's VERY romantic, yet they fight crime. It's almost kinda like CSI Miami. Just search it up on Google. (sorry for being off topic! You opened it up Lucy, so i closed it! I apoligize! )
Lucy said:
So say we all! Thank goodness we have been saved in our TV Land by such shows. Miami may come good again, but I seriously doubt it. I'm still hopeful that there may be a future for H/Y, and if that is the case, at least that part will be good. Great infact, if handled well - which again, is highly questionable!

Miami is still my fave show in TV Land but then again I don't have much time for TV, and to me it hasn't become all that bad except for writing Yelina out of the show :mad:
s5 seems enjoyable so far.

But you're right Luce we're all still hopeful for H/Y to be back and it will be great again, like you said if handled well. In fact I do think H/Y will be back again it's just when. It only seems logical since they killed off Raymond and Marisol so quickly. Or maybe I'm just the eternal optimist. :D
Lucy said:
Miami may come good again, but I seriously doubt it. I'm still hopeful that there may be a future for H/Y, and if that is the case, at least that part will be good. Great infact, if handled well - which again, is highly questionable!

As long as that doesn't happen we will remember the good days of CSI miami, not always the best days of H and Y, but even when they were feeling sad because of eachother we could still feel their love.
When Y thinks Madison is H's kid, they say so much without saying it.
Y said something about a man who did something wrong for his (i think) sister. something like : " he lost his best friend and ruined his life and for what?" H answers: " for his familly" you could feel the pain in H's voice because he was doing the same thing for her.
and when she had a black I, at the end of the episode there was a woman who had helped a robber,out of "love".(Yelina is standing next to the woman and I had the feeling Horatio's words were for the both of them.
The woman said: you don't know him he's...
Horatio interrups her and asks: a very decent guy? if he were a decent guy he wouldn't have done this.

I always have the feeling everytime horatio says something when Yelina can hear it, his words are also meant for her. Those are the strongest moments of the writers in CSI. They've lost them but I still believe they can find it and write as good as they did before.
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