Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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Yup besides the point I mentioned about Yelina getting tired of waiting for H, so agree with you all that Yelina started going out with Stetler cos it was less complicated between them, and she probably initially was trying to make H jealous.

chaostheory08 said:
She's so into him and the only thing between them is.... the writers... grrr!

There we have it the thing(s) standing in the way is.... as chaostheory so aptly put it, the writers! :lol:

H has no luck with women at all! Just look at his "rap sheet":
1. Yelina Salas - the love of his life whom he can't get over the fact that she's his brother's widow
2. Rebecca Nevins - they can't see eye-to-eye when it comes to professional issues
3. Rachel Turner - murdered by Walter Resden in an attempt to try to get back at H
4. Marisol Delko - murdered by the Noches also in an attempt to get back at him

And so Horatio Caine is 0 for 4 as of now, let's hope things get better in the coming season(s) at least in the love department for poor H, especially with Yelina :devil:
Heck if they write another woman besides Yelina to be romatically involved with H I'll throw my shoe at the tv!

I', likely to disagree that H has trouble asking women out, I think he only has that problem when it comes to Yelina. Although with the Marisol issue she was the one doing all the asking, I felt that it wasn't because H didn't have the guts to ask her out but rather she was the more proactive one cos she felt she was running out of time cos of the cancer? Opps sorry this is the H/Y thread so I shan't talk about this sore spot any further, hope you guys get what I mean.

Sorry for the long post it's just there's so many things to discuss and H/Y are my OTP and I'm passionate about talking about them.
she finally started seeing Stetler cos she, in my opinion, got tired of waiting for H!

I always thought she started to date stettler after she finds out Horatio has a kid ( well, she thinks he has a kid)
and she dates stettler because she's hurt, and dissapointed in Horatio. But now I'm not sure anymore, did she start dating stettler before or after she heard about madison?
I personally think Yelina started dating Stetler because she wanted to move on with her life and she was of course hurt when she found out about Madison. If she knew from the beginning on it wasn't H his kid, she would've waited a while longer for him.

Currently I'm not really dissapointed with the writers. I think they handle the H/Y relationship well. It is complicated! Only thing I want now is, they bring Y back asap :D

By the way ment_to_be It was after she found out about Madison :)
The closest to a confession that we have from H regarding his feelings for Yelina is (or something to that effect):

"I've always thought that if we met before you met Raymond... that you and I...."

He never finished that sentence. Gosh, he does have it bad for Yelina. And I guess, he knows somewhat that she feels the same way towards him. There is that attraction between them off the bat. May I theorize that the attraction between these two is stronger than what Yelina had for Ray, Sr. That's how I saw it.
I've found a new H/Y song! Well I already knew the song for quite a few years, since Kylie Minogue is my favo singer but kk.

Kylie Minogue - It's in your eyes

What on earth am I meant to do
In this crowded place there is only you
Was gonna leave now I have to stay
You have taken my breath away

Is the world still spinning around
I don't feel like I'm coming down

It's in your eyes
I can tell what you're thinking
My heart is sinking too
It's no suprise
I've been watching you lately
I want to make it with you

Destiny has a funny way
When it comes and takes all your cares away
I can't think of a single thing
Other than what a beautiful state I'm in

Is the world still spinning around
I don't feel like I'm coming down

It's in your eyes
I can tell what you're thinking
My heart is sinking too
It's no suprise
I've been watching you lately
I want to make it with you
May I theorize that the attraction between these two is stronger than what Yelina had for Ray, Sr. That's how I saw it.
I certainly think that they (H/Y) share a greater depth of feeling. I don't doubt that Yelina loved Ray, but he let her and Ray Jnr down very badly, and I imagine that would be very hard to get over. H is everything Raymond wasn't - loyal, dependable, unselfish, and there are times when Yelina must think that she really did marry the wrong brother!

At the end of '10-7', Yelina really didn't want to let go of H. The prospect of returning to her husband's arms didn't exactly have her running across the tarmac!

Nice lyrics kit. Thanks for posting. :)
have not been here in while.

yes, Y didnt want to return to ray at all. the look on her face when she see him was like, 'shit.' she defitely wanted to stay wid H.

thanks for the lyrics kit. they are pretty and go well wid this two. so moving.

and HoratioAndMe i loves your icon. he has beatiful eyes.
Welcome back Mog! Great to see you again. :)

If it hadn't been for the fact that H orchestrated this reunion so that Ray Jnr went running eurhorically to his Dad, of course Yelina wouldn't have let H go - and who could blame her? :D
Yelina did think that she's going away to Brazil with Horatio, right? The way she asked, "You're not coming?" was almost hopeful and with a hint of happiness... it was like saying, "Finally, I'm with Horatio."

I also have no doubt that Yelina did love Ray but she realized too late that she also has feelings for the older Caine.

Btw, how old is Yelina?
chaostheory08 said:
Yelina did think that she's going away to Brazil with Horatio, right? The way she asked, "You're not coming?" was almost hopeful and with a hint of happiness... it was like saying, "Finally, I'm with Horatio."

I also have no doubt that Yelina did love Ray but she realized too late that she also has feelings for the older Caine.

Btw, how old is Yelina?

I thought the same way...that she thought she was going with H. Imagine her surprise when she realised that he's not coming.

I tried looking on Wikipedia for her age but it was not listed. :D
^Yeah, she was so certain that they're going away together. She was ready to kiss him, IMO. :) And when she saw Ray, she didn't even look very happy -- for some reason, she was torn between two Caines.
Like chaostheory said she must have felt like finally H is asking me out!

But it wasn't to be. My gut feel tells me at the moment if she had to really chose between the 2 Caine brothers she would have chose Horatio. But on the other hand she must have been thinking H went to all the trouble to arrange this run-away-to-Brazil thing and Raymond was still her husband. It was the right thing for both H and Y to do, and given their characters they would have chosen to do the right thing and hence she went to Raymond. They also had to think of Ray Jr. who was elated to see his Dad.

But I remember earlier in '10-7' when she asked H if Raymond was alive and H shook his head and she said something to the effect of it was too much to ask anyway. so at that point I guess some part of her still wished for Raymond to be alive. But I guess she kinda regreted her decesion after they moved to Rio cos Raymond went back to his old ways.

The last scene of'10-7' was such a heart-wrenching scene to see H and Y finally have a REAL hug and then part ways and to H at that moment he knew he could never have the woman he's always loved and he looked like he was about to cry, hence the put-on-sunglasses routine. Y looked like she was going to cry too.

I particulary liked the way he said goodbye to Raymond, they pointed at each other, that was cool.
I particulary liked the way he said goodbye to Raymond, they pointed at each other, that was cool.

That was a great moment. :cool: Raymond, however, could not change his spots unfortunately. Such a shame that they had to kill him off so soon in 'Rio'. It would have been very interesting to see some exchanges between H and Ray and Yelina and Ray (or all 3 of them!). It still feels like there are too many loose ends. For example, did Ray even know he had a daughter?
EyeHeartH said:
^^^ hahahaha...I'm loving that screencap!!!
Glad you like it. It is a classic. :D I love the "don't you dare mess things up again little brother" expression, not that it did a lot of good. Oh well, once a rogue, always a rogue in Raymond's case.
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