Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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Lucy, you posted the following lines from an episode that (believe it or not) I don't think I've ever seen.

H: You okay to drive?
Y: What, do I seem...?
H: Happy? I haven't seen that smile on your face in a while.
Y: Yeah. You know, for the past two years, every morning when I wake up, I'd have this thought that comes to my head: Raymond is dead. And now, in these ...in these past few weeks, it's just not the first thing I think of.

Can you put the dialog into context for me. Were H and Y out together? Was she out with someone else? And if she was referring to waking up thinking about H, when did they suddenly decide to become so open (well sorta open) about their feelings and then stop again? I am soooo confused!
Were H and Y out together?
Yes, in the evening, presumably after their working day (they were both wearing their badges).

Was she out with someone else?
No - or at least, there is no indication that anyone else was there. They had evidently been discussing Ray Jnr and some problems he had been having at school (which comes to light later in the episode). This is a continuation of that dialogue at the beginning, following on from the part I posted...

H: You going to bring Ray Junior tomorrow?
Y: Is that alright?
H: Yeah...looking forward to it.
Y: Good. Thank you.
H: Goodnight.
Y: Goodnight.
H: Drive safe.

And if she was referring to waking up thinking about H, when did they suddenly decide to become so open (well sorta open) about their feelings and then stop again? I am soooo confused!
I wouldn't say it was sudden or that it stopped as such, as at this point, Yelina had only been in 3 episodes. Even though their feelings for one another were already obvious, we were still in the very early stages of this storyarc (early for the viewership that is, not H & Y themselves).

In this scene, Yelina is very direct where her feelings are concerned (as is usually the case). H looks bashful, but happy and it was interesting that after she said, "it's just not the first thing I think of", Horatio raises his eyebrows in acknowledgement, knowing exactly what she was getting at. :D

H is basically still battling his self-imposed feelings of guilt/disloyalty where Raymond is concerned, hence the ongoing complexities of the H/Y relationship. It ebbs and flows all the time, rather like a dance - one step forward, one step back. This scene from 'Grave Young Men' really is one of the sweetest between them and I really hope you can get to see it for yourself. You can't help but smile. :)

I hope that this explains it a little. I am pretty tired this evening (long week!) and I apologize for my brain not quite being in gear. ;)
Lucy said
H is basically still battling his self-imposed feelings of guilt/disloyalty where Raymond is concerned, hence the ongoing complexities of the H/Y relationship.

In my opinion therein lies the greatest obstacle to H and Y getting together, which is H himself. Even after their respective spouses are dead I think H would still self impose those boundaries on himself. And in the past Yeline has always been patient in accepting these boundaries (like she mentioned in that ep, correct me if I'm wrong, 'Blood Brothers'?) till she finally started seeing Stetler cos she, in my opinion, got tired of waiting for H!
If we are to see these 2 get toether on our tv screens H has to get over these boundaries.

Lucy said
It ebbs and flows all the time, rather like a dance - one step forward, one step back.

Very good analogy of the H/Y relationship Luce , although it seems that there were more steps taken back than forward.
^ Thanks - maybe I made more sense than I thought I did! ;) I agree though, it certainly feels like they took more backward steps than forward ones. We certainly need a few more of the forward variety in the future!
she finally started seeing Stetler cos she, in my opinion, got tired of waiting for H!
I agree with that too - Yelina can't just put her life on hold indefinitely whilst waiting for H to come to terms with his complex emotional dilemma. Hopefully the writers will allow him to address these boundaries eventually.
Lucy said: Quote:she finally started seeing Stetler cos she, in my opinion, got tired of waiting for H!

My personal feelings were that the real reason she started dating Stetler was because she knew H disliked him and hoped it would light a fire under H's butt. However, that sort of backfired on her because H was very respectful of her right to make choices and....well, let's just face it...the man is an idiot when it comes to women. How can he be a CSI and not HAVE A CLUE!!! Hope I didn't offend anyone. Not my intent. Just shaking my head at these two.
silk said:
Lucy said: Quote:she finally started seeing Stetler cos she, in my opinion, got tired of waiting for H!
That was Hrockz quote, not mine, but no worries. I was quoting them. ;)
My personal feelings were that the real reason she started dating Stetler was because she knew H disliked him and hoped it would light a fire under H's butt.
I feel that was also a factor too, as has been discussed in previous threads, but it's always fun to chew it over again! Also, dating Stetler appealed to Yelina as it was uncomplicated at this point (The Oath), in comparison to her relationship with H.
Yelina is a beautiful woman and no one wants to be alone.
but Stetler knew that he was only the second option, because I had the feeling he was insecure and jealous and he made it clear to H on several occasions that he's the one who dates Yelina at the moment.

Glad you liked the quotes from snow patrol. :D
I heard this song so often and I thought, to whom would it fit. of course, H/Y came to my mind.
There are soo many lines that fit the H/Y relationship.
well, let's just face it...the man is an idiot when it comes to women. How can he be a CSI and not HAVE A CLUE!!!

i just can`t stop from laugh :lol:

i don`t know did Y go out with Rick only coz H don`t like him - obviously even this can`t make ours H to act on his truth feelings...but know that and S 4 - all this Aerosol stuff - again prove that H can`t make the first step if it`s come to womans...also till now for him always have reasons to keep distance and feel guilty for something in his relationship - Y is his bro wife, Rebeca make deal with cop killer ... all of this make me agree with ur comment that H is some kind of i...t. why H don`t have talk with Y in epi 'Rio' like hi did it with the snake lady in epi 'Internal Affairs - Y also lose her hubby (for second time) ?! in some others epi from S 4-5 we see that H can talk (calm, take care, even touch) with some guys from his team or victims, but not with his most close person :rolleyes: i just want to scream at him - 'man do
ur self favour and go to meet psychologist'
I'm also of the opinion that Yelina dated Rick for the various reasons mentioned, but mainly because she grew tired of waiting for H to commit. As Luce said, she couldn't put her life on hold indefinitely. I loved her line in 'The Oath' when he asked her "How did that happen?" (re dating Rick) and she replies, "He asked me out, I said yes. That's usually how it works."

See H, it really is as simple as that! ;) If only it were true in his case. *sigh* His conscience weighs heavily upon him, even though it is self-imposed. Men! And they think we are the complicated sex! :rolleyes:
I am such a bad H/Y shipper I hardly ever post in here *blushes*

Anyway I loved those two in "Blood Brothers" the scene in the resturant. Horatio gets all serious about his feelings for her and then turns around and the two make fun of Stetlers ears! LOL

They other one scene (besides their Rio reunion) is in "Body Count" she tends to his hand, and they look into each others eyes. I was screaming kiss her already!!!
Speedslady said:

Anyway I loved those two in "Blood Brothers" the scene in the resturant. Horatio gets all serious about his feelings for her and then turns around and the two make fun of Stetlers ears! LOL

That scene continues to confuse me. What was H trying to communicate to Yelina, that he moved on after he realised that Ray got to her first?
Hi EyeHeartH. Don't think I've seen you in this thread before.
In that scene I believe Horatio was trying to tell Yelina that, had she not met Raymond first, then maybe the two of them could have had something. We know that Ray is the main reason for all of H's hesitation and guilt, so if Yelina had indeed met Horatio first -- then the outcome may've been different. Hope that helps. :)
Yeah, that's it! Yelina's eyes were boring holes into Horatio. She was sooo checking him out. And it's not just in that episode. In all of them actually. It's the way Yelina looks and grins at him. She's so into him and the only thing between them is.... the writers... grrr!

[quoteY: Yeah. You know, for the past two years, every morning when I wake up, I'd have this thought that comes to my head: Raymond is dead. And now, in these ...in these past few weeks, it's just not the first thing I think of.


I can think of a lot of ways this conversation could continue on. I was half-expecting that H'll ask what she's thinking of now.

And also, I can think of ways how it ended up that way... them going out and talking. After this, they didn't go out anymore -- well without Ray,Jr. at least.
EyeHeartH said:
Speedslady said:

Anyway I loved those two in "Blood Brothers" the scene in the resturant. Horatio gets all serious about his feelings for her and then turns around and the two make fun of Stetlers ears! LOL

That scene continues to confuse me. What was H trying to communicate to Yelina, that he moved on after he realised that Ray got to her first?

He still considers Yelina his brothers wife.

I'm sorry they said that he leers it wasn't ears. :lol:
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