Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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Is it in that scene that H looks at the photo on Yelina's desk of her, Ray and Ray Jnr?

i`m 100 % sure that ur supposition is correct ;) and Hunter the last pics are from epi 'Double cap'. (ups sorry Lucy for steal ur job :()

Yeah Kit they're just theories and some abit too soapy but we can only dream.
But you're right, great as these scenarios may be the first move has to come from H cos Yelina was always been the more open one. And you're right about H not being ready.

i agree :) and back to one more ideas/scenario. till now in all Miami epis we have see related case with H&Y history (past,feeling). coz of this crime and investigation Y and H 'develop' theirs characters and relationship (we start to know them better). why not in S5 to have some case for killed man (or woman) and his sister-in-law to be main suspect. ofcourse they are in love (secretly). in the end is turn out that the killer is someone else. after the case been close she (sister-in-law) suicide, coz can`t live without her biggest love. (what a soup :lol:). and in the end of this epi the most important scene/moment is H and Y go toward the elevator after they have call with this tragic news....what they will do ?! can at last start real talk ?! what can force them to open to each other ?!

(i agree that Ray Jn. too can be big part of this 'intimacy') wow i`m going crazy :lol: pls guys don`t laugh a lot et this post ;)
all lovely pictures! that were the romantic times.
what do you think of this story:
Horatio didn't had the nerve to go to Yelina for a long time. we get to see he's very nervous, sitting in his hummer. finally he gets out and rings the bell (we all recognize Y's door from "simple man")
Yelina opens the door but when she sees Horatio,we see in her eyes all mixed feelings. She mad and hurt because he didn't call or visited her since she's back in miami.But she's also happy to finally see him.
H sees the hurt in her eyes and begins with apolagizing.
H tells her he knew the day he saw her again he'd start to tell what he feels so strongly for her and he didn't think it was appropriate so soon after Ray and Marisol died to tell her...
of course he's to shy to say the words "I love you"
after a short silence he sees in her eyes she's already forgiven him.
He takes a deep breath, steps towards her, moves one of her curly hairs out of her eyes and kisses her to express all the love he feels

:DOk maybe it's a littlebit over the top, but I would squee if that happens on tv! :D
Haha that'd be very nice ment_to_be

I currently don't think that we'll see them together at the end of season 5 or season 6 for that matter. I think there are more things between them to keep them apart as there ever were.. God I'm waiting on some Sophia Milos news, when will she be back!!
i`m 100 % sure that ur supposition is correct ;) and Hunter the last pics are from epi 'Double cap'. (ups sorry Lucy for steal ur job :( )
Not at all. ;) Thank you for answering. :)

MD, as you mentioned it, I have caps from that moment in 'Double Cap'. Here's the photo...


and H's expression as he looks at it...


That was a nice moment. You can really tell how very fond H is of his family, but you can also sense the hurt too. :(

Very interesting scenarios btw everyone! I will have to think about this. My TV brain is currently on the Galactica! ;)
Once again very nice pics Luce ! Thanks! Great to see H smile whatever the reason.

Love your scenario ment_to_be .

I guess the good news is that we all know TPTB want to get Y back into H's life somehow (or maybe I'm being too optimistic), it's just a matter of timing and SM's schedule.
Yeah Double Cap...First season....disk *trys to remember* 5. Yeah disk 5.

Yeah, whenever H and Yelina meet, there's plenty of eye sex.
Kit4na said:
All those theories i've read here are truly amazing but I don't see any that really fits H. I think Yelina will give hints that she still likes/loves him but not as direct as in Blood Brothers. So the first step this time will have to come from H. To me he isn't quite ready yet, because Raymond just died. Marisol got murdered etc..

you made a lot of good points.
I agree, Horatio isn't ready for a realtionship with yelina yet. Too many things happened.
but they could start with little things.
first, calling each other and talking about life and work, secondly, a 'date' like in 'Grave Young Man' and then after a long time (maybe in Season 8 or so, let's face it, they are soo slow. :lol:) something happened.

I can also see that Yelina maybe will isseu an ultimatum. something like, face your feelings or forget me.
maybe H needs something like that to overcome his insceruties and all the other things. :rolleyes:

like your ideas too. why not something soapy. sometimes it's nice, the real world is bad enough. (sometimes) ;)

Thanks for the caps Lucy. :D
Much as H isn't ready I think we really need something here. Like I don't think i make it to s8 without having some H/Y on the show! I'm kinda hoping it would happen soon. But till then we have this ship!

Yup inge I can totally see Yelina doing that to H, an ultimatum scenario is a real possibility less soapy too. So TPTB might do that.

Watched 'Rampage' again, you gota admit even if the storyarc wasn't that great with Marisol it was great so see H kick ass with the bad guys!

Got me thinking it would have been fantastic if it was Y in the place of Marisol (and H and Y were together as a couple) and the Noches got her instead. It would have been good to watch H's emotions etc on the show. Except that Yelina wouldn't die. But H would still be out for revenge, I mean we know what his reaction to Stetler giving Y a black eye was, imagine what he would do the person who shot her.

And yes i wouldn't mind something soapy on the show as well espcially to get H and Y together. :p
face your feelings or forget me. Maybe H needs something like that to overcome his insecurities and all the other things. :rolleyes:
I quite like the angsty side to that kind of scenario. :D Thing is, if the writers are faithful to what has gone before (a big if), we know that H has promised Raymond that he will always be there for Ray Jnr. Therefore, unless Yelina and Ray Jnr are separated (and that won't be for a while as Ray is still a young teenager), H has to be part of their life. :)

I still believe that Ray Jnr is likely to play a major part in the future of H/Y. While he is around, they have to see each other. He is a useful plot device for the writers. Fingers crossed!
Very nice to see this thread so full of activity! :D

Thank-you for all of the pics Luce. The scene with H looking at the photographs on Yelina's desk is a fav of mine. You can definately see the mixed emotions there on his face.

I agree that Ray Jr. would make a nice plot device. The viewers have still got to be curious to know if he has stayed out of trouble. I'd like to see that explored. And, I hope, that the 'tv land time machine' hasn't aged him dramatically again (and changed the actor who plays him) :p. I'd like to see his teenage years played out with H in company.
HoratioAndMe said:
I agree that Ray Jr. would make a nice plot device. The viewers have still got to be curious to know if he has stayed out of trouble.

I'd like to see his teenage years played out with H in company.

I agree teenagers especially Ray Jr. who had gone through alot already need a role model to help them grow up right. Horatio would be the perfect role model, father-figure to Ray.

And yes H and Y would have kept in touch at the very least for Ray's sake. At the end of 'Rio' H told Ray he'd see him later and since we know H doesn't break his promises I'm sure H has stayed in touch with Y and Ray Jr.

I wonder if Y took H's advice and stayed on in Miami? :p
Horatio seems to have been far more of a father to Ray Jnr than Raymond ever was. Even before Ray was 'killed' (the first time), it seemed that Raymond was rarely at home, judging by Yelina's comment in 'Big Brother' that he used to stay away for "weeks and weeks" when carrying out his undercover narcotics 'duties'.

Ray Jnr seemed so loyal to his Dad in 'Rio' and took his mother's criticism of Raymond really to heart, to the point of him being very angry with her. There was a lot of teenage angst/attitude going on there! This makes me wonder if this was intended to be a sign of things to come.
HnM said: I'd like to see his teenage years played out with H in company.
Me too. It would be good to touch on H's personal life in this way in the occasional episode. It would show continuity and be believable too. :)

You're very welcome re the pics btw. :D
Yup Luce agree the Horatio was more of a father to Ray Jr. than Raymond. It was evident Ray liked his uncle and maybe saw his uncle as a father-figure too as from his comment to H in 'Hell Night' about H not coming round anymore.

However Ray's a teenager now so all this teenage rebelliousness is to be expected I guess. It would be a good storyarc and a good way to get Y back into H's life on our screens. I just hope they don't make Ray Jr out to be a total jerk cos I like Ray Jr's character. Reminds me of myself growing up without my Dad but I was fortunate to have an uncle who was always there for me and still is a "father" to me.

In fact I really become attached and respect my uncle cos it's like he doesn't have to do this yet he's always there for me so it makes you always respect and love him more. Somehow what he said always carried more weight with me than if my mom said it.

So it would be believable like HnM said if Ray Jr got into some teenage trouble and Y needed H to come help straighten him out.
Horatio seems to have been far more of a father to Ray Jnr than Raymond ever was. Even before Ray was 'killed' (the first time), it seemed that Raymond was rarely at home, judging by Yelina's comment in 'Big Brother' that he used to stay away for "weeks and weeks" when carrying out his undercover narcotics 'duties'.

Ray Jnr seemed so loyal to his Dad in 'Rio' and took his mother's criticism of Raymond really to heart, to the point of him being very angry with her. There was a lot of teenage angst/attitude going on there! This makes me wonder if this was intended to be a sign of things to come.

very good point, but did TPTB are smart enough to make this connection ;) Ray Jn. now is teenager and have to make a lot trouble to his mom (this is the real life). like HnM say i too would love to see H and Ray Jn. walk this line together, re teenage years. till now in S5 for me have some silly try/effort to make some characters look like younger H, why not the person who will add/develop H character perfect don`t be Ray... this way we can learn new things for both of them - past and future, and most important is that Y will be only one/two feet away :devil:

it will be to much if we want Suzzy and Madison back, right ?! :lol: maybe little Medi still need hospital treatment, but Ray decline to help (coz all the world is against all teenagers :p) and H have to lecture him ... wow to many positive energy have in this thread. ;) hope csi miami writers to not screws up again :rolleyes:
but did TPTB are smart enough to make this connection ;)
Most probably not! The fans seem to know more about Miami's past than the writers do. :rolleyes: This can happen when too many writers get involved, but I remain hopeful that they may go down this route. For one thing, it would be a very effective way of re-introducung Yelina. :D
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