Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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HeHe.. Yeaah go Horatio and Yelina.. Although i havent started watching the CSI:Miami Series yet i Congratulation you both.. And nice Title By the Way! ^_^
Welcome to the thread CSI_Wearden! :)
maybe one day you will start watching Miami.
The Horatio and Yelina endless love story started with the Season 1 episode 'Simple Men'. It's in the middle of Season 1. (it doesn't mean the other episodes are not good, there's no Yelina in it).
Season 4 meant a break and Season 5 is hopefully a new start and someday the endless love story will have a happy ending.

I agree, sparks fly high between them. :D

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!!! :D
hope it will be a good one for you all.
Happy New Year to everybody.

So what did you guys get? I got a new harddisk (320gb!) & filmtickets etc :D Nothing CSI Miami related though, parents aren't THAT creative.

Still the best gift is that lovely picture of DC & SM!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the chemistry between Vesper & Bond was well pretty much non existent. Still I like the movie but it's not close to being my favourite :p
Season 5 is hopefully a new start and someday the endless love story will have a happy ending.
Amen to that! Let's hope we at least get to hear a spoiler or two soon. We need something to work with.

I'm glad you liked the pic! It's a personal favourite of mine too. :D
Amazing song, Pusher! It's so sweet and it most definitely reminds me of Horatio/Yelina!

I love this ship so much and I'm so glad that we're the featured ship! We earned it so much. :D

Even my dad thinks that H/Y are meant to be. :D And he doesn't usually care about ships, but rather the cases. I love them too, but at the end of the day--I'm sorry, but my heart belongs to the pairings!
kissmesweet said: I love this ship so much and I'm so glad that we're the featured ship! We earned it so much. :D
We sure have! For our patience more than anything. This thread is indeed testament to H/Y and their fans. :D

Even my dad thinks that H/Y are meant to be. :D And he doesn't usually care about ships, but rather the cases.
A very wise man. ;) H and Y's deep connection with each other is actually written into the show, so I reckon your Dad probably sees that side of it. There is no denying their mutual feelings, even if you're not a fan of screen romance as such. :)
^ Very true. :) As we are still waiting for news, and you have such a vast collection of pics Luce, I was wondering if you could post a few, maybe in episode chronological order? Only if it's no trouble and you have the time. Thank you if you can and no worries if it's not possible. ;)
It would be my pleasure MD! I'll need to sort my picture files out a bit, but that's no problem. So, the moment where it all began in Simple Man (on our screens that is)....


I do believe the unflappable Lt Caine might be blushing? ;)


Always the gentleman. :)

Credit to Miami Style for the 1st cap.
thanks for the pic Lucy :D and it`s great idea MD we to go again through all this good H/Y epis, till we wait for Yelina return in S5 ;)

i`m sorry that we don`t have see H to be gentleman - open the door of the car/Hummer for Y :devil: then will have a big possibility to drive her away for romantic evening :)
Hmmm.. haven't been in this thread yet *steals vodka*

Just stepping in and saying nice that this thread stays active :D
Yay, Ducky! :D Nice of you to stop by. I keep leaving those vodka soaked breadcrumbs for you, hoping that you will visit. ;)

Aw, he's looking at his hand! Distracted much. :D


The scene was a wonderful introduction to Yelina's character and you can really feel the attraction and tension between them. The writers and Sofia needed to make an impact and they certainly achieved it. From this one scene, you just knew these two had a history. :)


You're very welcome re the pics Pusher. ;)
very good idea MD!
and special thanks to Lucy for the realization. :)
it's very helpful for people like me who tend to forget all the special scenes. *is ashamed* :eek:
maybe you could also mention the episode titel?
just for me? *gives Lucy a pleading look*

now, it's easy.
I agree, Simple Men was a great introduction and as mentioned you feel the tension and attraction right from the start.
I also liked the ending. Yelina's house looked very impressive or maybe it was only the front door. :lol:
Thanks inge. I'm glad you like it! :D A very big thank you to Luce for coming up trumps with this. These are lovely pics and exactly what I had in mind. These pictures really do tell a story just by themselves. :)

Plus, when I look at them, I realize just how much I prefer the old Crime Lab interior compared to the new one (S4 onwards). It's gone all style over substance, rather like the show itself! :rolleyes:
re Simple Men, i too agree that Y first appearance was make so so good. immediately u can say that have something between these two - this include body language and the way they speak with each other (my dear stammer and blushing H :devil:). as i remeber H from the begining try to 'runaway' from Y inquisitive and open look. *sigh*

ur right inge that the end in Y house too was very sweet moment. for me this H/Y chat was something like reconcilement - one new begining for them and present reality...

i agree with u MD that the old Crime Lab is more better then now in S4, 5. now is like Star Wars sets/wallpaper. and long time ago H prefer to work with his team in the lab, not like now only to pose near to the elevator.
Hi all, it's my first time here *waves*

been hooked to H/Y since the Simple Man epi. The chemistry between H and Y is sizzling HOT!

can't wait for Y to return...
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