Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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Thanks for the gift kit. :) As promised, here are a couple of screencaps from the wonderfully poignant scene at the end of Big Brother....



Hopefully, one day, we will see the likes of this again....with a happier ending. ;)

Edited to add: Happy Christmas HnM! :D
Merry Christmas to everyone!! :D

The perfect Christmas scenario would be if Horatio spends Christmas (of course) with Yelina and Ray jr. Yelina also invited Suzie and little Madison, because she has a heart of corn. :D
I think this Christmas is hard for all. They need each other more than ever.
A very Happy Christmas to everyone! :D

Thanks for those beautiful pics Luce. :) No doubt about it, Horatio and Yelina are spending Christmas together. ;)
Hey! New to the thread but not to the ship hahahah... I'm planning to write an H/Y fic for months now but I need this information before I start:

How old is Ray Jr. in season5? Thanks in advance.

Well, I like the thread title -- and the song it's from :) very appropriate.
The perfect Christmas scenario would be if Horatio spends Christmas (of course) with Yelina and Ray jr. Yelina also invited Suzie and little Madison, because she has a heart of corn

or if H again is too busy to save the day, he can send post card with sweet bears and best Christmas wishes to all this so missing characters :lol:

Ki4na thanks for posting this lovely H/Y banners ;)

and not in last place one warm welcome to this little H/Y forum chaostheory08 :D look forward for ur H/Y fic ;)

this cool thread title is Tall suggestion ;) the song tell everything about H/Y relationship :devil:

"How Can I Not Love You" - Joy Enriquez

Cannot Touch, Cannot Hold
Cannot Be Together
Cannot Love, Cannot Kiss
Cannot Have Each Other
Must Be Strong
And We Must Let Go
Cannot Say What Our Hearts Must Know

How Can I Not Love You
What Do I Tell My Heart
When Do I Not Want You Here In My Arms
How Does One Walk Away From All Of The Memories
How Do I Not Miss You When You Are Gone

Cannot Dream
Cannot Share Sweet And Tender Moments
Cannot Feel How We Feel
Must Pretend Its over
Must Be Brave
And We Must Go On
Must Not Say What We've Known All Along

How Can I Not Love You
What Do I Tell My Heart
When Do I Not Want You Here In My Arms
How Does One Walk Away From All Of The Memories
How Do I Not Miss You When You Are Gone
How Can I Not Love You

Must Be Brave
And We Must Be Strong
Cannot Say What We've Known All Along

How Can I Not Love You
What Do I Tell My Heart
When Do I Not Want You Here In My Arms
How Does One Waltz Away From All Of The Memories
How Do I Not Miss You When You Are Gone
How Can I Not Love You When You Are Gone....
Thanks for re-posting those lyrics again for us Pusher. Such lovely fitting lyrics.

Oh the image of H and family settled around the tree opening presents warms my heart no end. I've always wanted a seasonal episode of Miami written that way.

Yes, welcome to the thread chaostheory08. Glas that you found us. It's great when people who have been supporting the two a long time drop in for the first time. And I look foward to the fic.

Kit4Na those are darling banners. Thank you so very much for sharing them with us. They truly are wonderful and I truly hope those aren't the last of them. :D
Aw... thanks for the warm welcome! I've been an H/Y fan since season2 and it's frustrating that they're not together -- yet. Hahaha, I hope TPTB see the potential between them.

Also, thanks for the Ray Jr. information. Now I can start my fic. :)
A belated welcome from me too chaostheory08 . Some new fic would be lovely! :D Just ask away if you need to know anything, because we really are quite obsessed - no, sorry, dedicated fans. ;)
Yes, if you need to know anything chaostheory08 we'll help you figure it out. We're all certainly a really dedicated crew here and always glad to help.

These two can certainly be frustrating sometimes. However, we've endured it this long and, as hard as it can be sometimes, most of us believe that tptb will eventually come around for the better. I think the thing that bothers me most right now about all of this is the fact that we've been left hanging to dry in the wind and not able to view 'love's long journey' for these two. All thanks to 'those who should be ashamed' showing Yelina that unkind Miami revolving door.
Mmm, Blood Brothers was fantastic. Not only wonderful H/Y but also great expressive scenes of Horatio alone (when he growls 'Raymond') and with Suzie; in both scenes David Caruso's facial expressions are terrific.

P.S. I hope everyone ate lots of yummy food and got lots of even yummier loot :D
Hi moondog! :) It may sound biased of me, but I really do think that DC's acting in Miami is at it's very best in the episodes that feature Yelina and Suzie, (Blood Brothers, Big Brother, Money For Nothing and Nothing To Lose) with the exception of the episodes 'Dead Woman Walking' and 'Witness To Murder' (and there was great H/Y interaction in WTM anyway). Indeed, the way he growled "Raymond" was so expressive. The emotion of these personal moments brings out the best in his acting, and these have been sadly lacking recently.
Sorry I'm so late at doing this tonight. Being off work for a week screws up my days. Anyway, for the next week, Horatio/Yelina will be the featured ship. Have fun.
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