Horatio & Yelina #2: Silent Thunder--Love Eternal

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great pics Lucy, nice icon too :D
my bit is up guys.. hope you like it..
Glad you liked the pictures. I really love that scene from 'Vengeance'. :)

Very impressed with the fic Olly. :D
hey guys i was just wondering if anyone had any information from an article or an interview that yelina might possibly come back?
Hi CSI_Grissom! Well, HoratioAndMe posted an interview that Sofia did with OK Magazine a little while back. We were all encouraged by this extract:

Interviewer: Is your character, Detective Yelina Salas on CSI: Miami gone for good?

Sofia: [laughs] Well, my character is in Brazil right now, so I guess it depends on how the vacation goes. The producers have let me know that they would want me back, but there is no time frame.
That's all we really have to go on at the moment. If we hear any more news, we will post it here and also in the 'Yelina Salas Appreciation Thread' over in the Miami Forum. :)

We are all crossing our fingers, but I think we may have to be very patient! ;)
Yeah wonderful pics...I really want to see 'vengence' now...I bet we have few weeks to wait....have to say I agree I didn't notice background either...focussing on H!

WHEN ( not if, when) Yelina comes back, we will go insane, :lol: I will most probley hug my big brother :lol: or clean my room, or wash my mum's car :lol:
i will probably be nicer to my students... haha!!! im an evil teacher... so if you care about my students' health and sanity, BRING HER BACK SOON!!! lol :devil:
When[Not if right, Leanne] Yelina returns, I'll stop listening to sad, overly depressing songs! I think all that love-dovey converted by brother into a hopeless romantic! :eek:
I will be so happy that I don't think I'll be able to type. My fingers will stop working. Once the recovery is well under way, it's online partytime! :D

You watch those sneaky writers though. When Yelina returns, H will probably be hooked up with another woman! :eek:

Not to worry though, true love conquers all in the end! ;)
Just love your icon, Luce! :lol:

Brilliant installment Olly :eek:! I'll have mine typed up this evening or tomorrow--got some holiday related things to do.

Also, I did this update for my fic last night. Still wondering if I should continue the 'memory/dream sequences'... Anywho the link: another lengthy one
I hope that we hear something soon, or that channel five keep on airing the 3rd series. Then I can still getr my HoYay fix :D,

and great fanfic HoratioAndMe
Just love your icon, Luce! :lol:
Thanks Sher! :D

Your fic is so, so great! I really like the dream sequences. I can clearly imagine that kind of scene between them in the past. I really admire your perception about these two. :)
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