Horatio VS Grissom

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Posted by iMat:
Posted by Faye_Valentine:
Yes he got her stitched up, but other than that he didn't even bother to help her out anymore. He rejected her flatout at the end of the episode and showed that he was really rather callous (at least to me) of her feelings.

And with the Director, H would have got into a yelling match with him and taken the blame for the accident. Just see this season's Miami finale for proof.

Faye_Valentine :devil:

Hey. You're right. Horatio does take shots for the team. He's always putting himself on the line (blaming himself for incidents), just to see his team get the job done or stay out of harms way.

Not like Grissom. He's always like "I'll just supervise", and crawl under a rock or something until things melow down.

Grissom actually does feild work, he doesn't go around going: 'You can do that Speed and then you can go and do that Calleigh and i'll just stand over here with my hands on my hips telling you lot what to do.'
^Yeah, Horatio needs to do more forensics, or work in the
lab like he used to. He shouldn't just stand there and
brood. I think he's cool all around though, so.
Well, H has got a team to supervise, people to investigate/interrogate/interview, etc. Though I do think he should be more into the forensics as in the ep Witness to Murder, he was very hands-on with that.

Faye_Valentine :devil:
Posted by Faye_Valentine:
Well, H has got a team to supervise, people to investigate/interrogate/interview, etc.

Faye_Valentine :devil:
Doesn't mean Grissom doesn't.
Grissom's a sissy. He can't get along with normal people much less the victim's families. But that's just my take. He started out so well too. Now he's in a shell that hopefully the writers will write him out of.

Faye_Valentine :devil:
He is in a shell, can't argue with that, hopefully the writers will write him out of it. I agree that he started off well. That was in season one and i felt most of the dry humor was actually quite good, but then even that stopped.
but the dry humour was making him look..like a weirdo..ther was one "gay" humour..like "thank you my shepras..." in that eppie.....ermm who says that nowadays?? :D we dont..
but...its weird ..i think using the name shepras in a joke..its abuse of the animals.. :rolleyes:
Posted by Heather:
Grissom, because I feel he is more down to earth, talks to his collagues as friends, and just has more of a friendly nature.

Horatio, seems to be more "I'm the main character", and has a kinda smugness about him.

I do watch both shows, but Grissom kinda tops it.

very true with the smugness...he has that little smirk
i'm not sure if i did the quote thing right but oh well
I don't know what a Shepra is, but a Sherpa is a sort of native guide/bag carrying dude that you use when you trek up through the Himalayas and through Nepal and stuff. It's not cruel at all, and I think they get decent pay for doing it.
Posted by kazzy:
rissom would have learnt horatio's way of wearing the sunglasses...put it on then take it off then put it on again and stuck out his hips and lean on it.. actually we love grissom the way he is NO!! we dont want him to meet that ginger jerk who keep taking his poxy glasses off!! :mad: :mad:
yes...please don't let the miami sunnies bug travel up to vegas and contaminate grissom.......ginger jerk lol
isnt a sherpra a type of dog or is that just me skipping to the last posts and not reading conversations
^^^ See above... :)

Grissom actually said "Sherpas", and those are the guys I was talking about in Tibet, etc.
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