Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

Just rented Kiss of Death via Netflix; I enjoyed it a great deal-but as a West Coast person I have to wonder was he acting New York or as a native New Yorker did he just act the ex-con bit and the rest of the banter and all was just coming home to being a New Yorker? One can sure say that people there don't "sugar-coat it," as the saying goes. Seems like NYC people are very intense! However, I really enjoyed Jade a LOT- I used my DVR to see that although I only got an edited version. I have seen the unedited version on Cable and hope to rent that. I found that particular film definitely had 'bromance' elements in it that were palpable and enjoyable.

Age 30 huh? Sure okay, guess I'll be turning *30* (nope I'll be 55, actually) too six weeks later on Feb 22 myself LOL! DC is 6 weeks older than I am (rolling out on the floor laughing from that one)
1956 was a GREAT YEAR...! (kudos)....
Indeed, best wishes for a very good birthday (and it coincides with Russian Orthodox Christmas)- doubly special when you're a ***Christmas baby*** as well, right?

Looking forward to more examples of a Capricorn at his best! Cheers and many good years to come!
Happy Birthday, David.

I hope your day is filled with laughter and you are surrounded by those you love.


:cool: Happy Birthday David:cool:
Enjoy your day filled with lots of love laughter and good friends to share your fun :thumbsup: :lol: :cool: :p ;):drool:​
Happy "Sweet 55" Birthday to the most handsomest red head in Hollywood-hope you enjoy your special day! CBS should send you a good bday cake since they make so much money from your show-you are so talented and it shows..
The Insider did some digging into David's "backstory" last night. I recorded the segment with my iPhone so the quality isn't the greatest, but I uploaded it to YouTube in case anyone was interested. Here you go!

(Sorry about the first couple of seconds not being recorded -- I was doing the best I could!)
The Insider did some digging into David's "backstory" last night. I recorded the segment with my iPhone so the quality isn't the greatest, but I uploaded it to YouTube in case anyone was interested. Here you go!

(Sorry about the first couple of seconds not being recorded -- I was doing the best I could!)

Thank you so much for grabbing this and posting it! It's isn't very often you find a piece on David that positive.

Loved it!
Okay. I'm really becoming concerned about where they are going with Horatio. Watching the writers on this show destroy other characters to the point where I can't stand to even see them in a scene, really has me worried about what their planning is for Horatio.

Their first mistake was getting rid of Megan, or at least a character like her. While I didn't see it at the time, because I don't think it was necessary at the beginning, Horatio REALLY needs someone to get in his face and tell him the truth.

Megan kept Horatio in check. While I didn't care for the character, she served an important function. She kept Horatio honest and made him see the other side - not just his. Apparently Calleigh "looked up" to Horatio too much in the beginning to fill that position and in the last 4 years she's been so focused on her sex life she has no clue what Horatio's been doing. If she truly is his second-in-command, she should be the one calling him on his unacceptable behavior. Maybe she doesn't because on a couple of occasions her boyfriend has been a willing participant!

Their second was getting rid of Stetler. While Horatio and Rick had a "strained" relationship, Rick kept an eye on Horatio. And we certainly could use him right now. Rick was becoming more and more human as the years went by. He demonstrated a real understanding and compassion for the team and Horatio at times. There were even hints that he and Horatio might be able to work together regarding Ron Saris.

The only show I can think of at this point that comes close to the leader taking the law into his/her own hands like this is NCIS' Gibbs has been known on occasion to step outside what is acceptable. But it is rare and when it happens the writers on that show are able to get the information to the viewer in a subtle, quiet manner that allows the character to retain his dignity.

Not with Horatio. It is always delivered in a testostrone driven, threatening manner that, at this point, has most viewers rolling their eyes and saying, "Jeez! Not again!"

Through the years the writers have chisled away at the respect the viewers started out with for, what used to be, a unique character. That respect has been eroding for years. While he is still unique, it's for a different reason. He is possibly the only police officer in a position of authority who is over and over again showing a complete disregard for the law. Yep. That's unique and quite distasteful when it a repeated occurrance.

The writers on this show seem to love to destroy the dignity and integrity of their best characters. What they don't realize that once it's destroyed it can never really be restored in the eyes of a lot of viewers. To do that to your lead character is at the least problematic and at the most can lead to the show's demise.

I do wonder this, however. Will Horatio being out of control tie in to the introduction of a possible love interest we've heard about from TPTB? Will she be a new boss (since we know that they don't care about superior/subordinant relationships), take Stetler's place or, possibly be the mental health professional that Horatio really should be seeing at this point.

I'm really hopeful that they get where they are going with this issue and end it. I'm really tired of watching a character whose whole persona in the beginning was a devotion and respect for the law he was sworn to uphold and an integrity that was unmatched by any other character on television.

Bring that Horatio back. This character deserves better. The writers need to find a better way to get the character where they want him to be. The destruction of the character to accomplish their goal, again, is unacceptable.
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