Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

yeah I like how he says he goes on the set to 'relax' since at home the kids play with him-that's nice he gets to spend so much time in those important years-they'll always remember that part of their childhood as wonderful that they had a fun daddy...not just a daddy who buys them stuff and hands them off to a nanny or whatever. Glad to hear he's more hands on...and all that stuff about being older and wiser was nice to know although I'll never think badly of him for being young, handsome and a bit arrogant after NYPD Blue hit the big time that's usually difficult for anyone to deal..
I can't believe they are still bringing up his former career mistake in this current interview! Do they really think today's audience gives a darn about this? Amazing, he is human! Let's move on. I am believing with David that there are still more seasons to come. I also can't believe he wouldn't be the star of the CSIM feature film!
A feature film? On HBO, Cinemax or Showtime? That would be great and of Course he'd have to be in it. Perhaps this is the vessel that even- just maybe could get Rory back into the fold! I and so many fans would be happy for that.

Thanks for the Vancouver article; it's nice to know that he's enjoying himself with his family and to him and all other families out there- HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
:cool:Apologies if this has been mentioned. I'm quite impressed with the addition this season of the sign-off shot for the show, at the end of the credits and next episodes blurb, which features a Horatio Caine silhouette against a golden background. Quite effective.
yeah I've noticed that-I hope some detractors don't think it was an ego centric move or bow to DC but really he's the 'star' of the show and most recognized for this series..he's the boss of the team. I like it personally, always nice to tweak little changes with each new season and this is nice.
Finally a journalist who's thought to say what DC fans have been saying for years: Leave the man alone! He's awesome and thats all there is to it!
totally agree there-like gee, absolutely nobody ELSE in Hollywood as EVER made any unpopular career moves at a young age...yeah leave the talented, handsome actor alone and give him credit for 200 episodes on a super fabulous and worldwide famous show! he deserves lots of praise for that alone...
I've been following the comments on Horatio turning into 'rogue cop', but as I'm in the UK I haven't seen the evidence yet. Interested in the opinion of those who have - is it careful and deliberate plotting i.e. pile so much grief onto H over the years that something's got to give? Or is it a crude attempt to push up the ratings?
This is just my opinion, but it seems a little of both. On some episodes it seems that the writers hint at Horatio's depression, and in others they just blatantly have Horatio tear things up, and the audience is just supposed to take it as his lashing out. Its not done very well IMO, mostly because no one ever talks about his actions afterward. There's little to no follow through and only a little more build up. To the point that sometimes I'll tune in on sunday wondering which version of Horatio the writers are gonna give us. DC, bless him, does his best with what they give him, and its only because he's good at selling his scenes that I don't come and flame on the boards.
This is just my opinion, but it seems a little of both. On some episodes it seems that the writers hint at Horatio's depression, and in others they just blatantly have Horatio tear things up, and the audience is just supposed to take it as his lashing out. Its not done very well IMO, mostly because no one ever talks about his actions afterward. There's little to no follow through and only a little more build up. To the point that sometimes I'll tune in on sunday wondering which version of Horatio the writers are gonna give us. DC, bless him, does his best with what they give him, and its only because he's good at selling his scenes that I don't come and flame on the boards.

Interesting - thanks for your view. I've always seen H as the tragic hero. Damaged - who couldn't be, with everything's that happened to him? - but very strong. I fully accepted the occasional crack - like Rio. BUT, I've never trusted the writers to take it further. Mind, they've got rid of Stetler (there must be a new IAB man, but is he man enough to challenge H?), and I'm sure that his team would close ranks round H if he was threatened. It would play, but it would have to be done with more care than some recent writing has shown. (That David could play it, I've absolutely no doubt!) It's a 'wait and see', I guess.