Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

I think it's part of David's appeal that he seems to inspire such strong feelings from so many people-I mean if he really was such a bland actor than people wouldn't care one way or another-I think it's cool to see a guy with depth that people aren't middle of the road-it's either hate him or love him...personally, I adore him so I guess I"m biased...

Likewise biased (you wouldn't guess, would you). Anyone who reckons his acting is suspect should watch something like the film 'Kiss of Death', or, if we're sticking with Miami, say episode 613, 'Raising Caine'. Then say he can't act. I suppose we'll never convert the heathens. He's just too complex to please everyone, as you say.

My personal favorites are "Proof of Life" (only because of David's performance) and "Session 9", in which the entire cast shines.

I generally find that most people who bash David don't care whether he can act or not. They usually have another agenda they are working to pursue.
Along those lines--What is it about David and our show that inspires so much hatred? You can't go anywhere on the internet in regards to CSIM where there isn't someone bashing the show, David's personality and acting abilities. Our show is constantly being belittled and marginalized.

You should go to the David Caruso message boards at imdb.com. You'd probably find as many [or more] "HATE DAVID CARUSO" threads as you would "LIKE DAVID CARUSO" threads. The same goes for CSI: Miami threads. I think David and CSI: Miami you either like or hate and there's no in between. Personally, I like CSI: Miami, David and his character Horatio. Have since I first became a fan of CSI: Miami in September 2004.

I am sick and tired of it.

So am I. Right now, though, I don't know anything to do except put up with it or ignore it.
You should go to the David Caruso message boards at imdb.com. You'd probably find as many [or more] "HATE DAVID CARUSO" threads as you would "LIKE DAVID CARUSO" threads. The same goes for CSI: Miami threads. I think David and CSI: Miami you either like or hate and there's no in between. Personally, I like CSI: Miami, David and his character Horatio. Have since I first became a fan of CSI: Miami in September 2004.
So am I. Right now, though, I don't know anything to do except put up with it or ignore it.

:cool:I agree both CSI Miami and David Caruso have a polarizing effect on viewers, with the bashers being quite vocal most of the time.
The IMDb message board, in addition to the usual Negative Neds and Nellies so prolific online, still leaves a bad taste with Caruso/CSI M fans, who deserted the site in droves rather than deal with the vitriolic rantings of the multiple personas of Caruso Stalker, Heidemarie.

Even though Heidemarie no longer poses an online threat (locked up, hope key's been thrown away), her 2 1/2 year contemptible reign of terror, especially on IMDb, encouraged the snarkers that CSI M and David were fair game. That mindset remains in the petty mind, with those who must comment but have nothing to say beyond a rehash from time past.:confused::confused:
Even though Heidemarie no longer poses an online threat (locked up, hope key's been thrown away), her 2 1/2 year contemptible reign of terror, especially on IMDb, encouraged the snarkers that CSI M and David were fair game. That mindset remains in the petty mind, with those who must comment but have nothing to say beyond a rehash from time past.:confused::confused:

Boy did you say that perfectly, inthewind!

That's the ugly, disgusting legacy Heidemarie left behind. (To this day even seeing one of her sockpuppet names makes me want to take a shower!)

Unfortunately there were many who used Heide's relentless assault, and the cover of the anonymity the Internet provides, as permission to gear up and practice their worst behavior. And in doing so they helped Heide spread her sick lies and rumors far and wide across the Internet until the lies became fact to many of the uninformed. Once out on the Internet, it's almost impossible to get it back. Heide knew that ... in fact she counted on it so she could do the worst damage.

And every once in a while those same people get bored and they rear their ugly heads and we have to hear the same tired rants, with the same tired untruths, all over again.

It does get old. :rolleyes:

On the bright side, Heidemarie has been put away (hopefully for a long time) and so she isn't putting any newly created lies and rumors out there!
okay, QUESTION???? does anybody EVER remember an episode where Horatio had a Boss to answer to? like even by phone-yeah commissioner or captain or something?? I mean I know he's the head of the CSI department and a Lt. BUT just wondered who HE answers to? would be fun to know I think...not that he'd get called to the carpet for anything but maybe a praise from a higher up like good job H your team really came thru this time...blah blah....don't remember him with a boss since season one
okay, QUESTION???? does anybody EVER remember an episode where Horatio had a Boss to answer to? like even by phone-yeah commissioner or captain or something?? I mean I know he's the head of the CSI department and a Lt. BUT just wondered who HE answers to? would be fun to know I think...not that he'd get called to the carpet for anything but maybe a praise from a higher up like good job H your team really came thru this time...blah blah....don't remember him with a boss since season one

The episode that immediately comes to mind is "Three-Way" in season four. I always thought that the guy who warned Horatio that it was possible the lab was going to be investigated and who told Horatio to let his team proceed with the murder investigation without his direct input, was his superior.

I also have a memory of Horatio being on the phone with a superior, maybe a Captain, once. But I don't know if I really remember it or not.
okay, QUESTION???? does anybody EVER remember an episode where Horatio had a Boss to answer to? like even by phone-yeah commissioner or captain or something?? I mean I know he's the head of the CSI department and a Lt. BUT just wondered who HE answers to? would be fun to know I think...not that he'd get called to the carpet for anything but maybe a praise from a higher up like good job H your team really came thru this time...blah blah....don't remember him with a boss since season one

The episode that immediately comes to mind is "Three-Way" in season four. I always thought that the guy who warned Horatio that it was possible the lab was going to be investigated and who told Horatio to let his team proceed with the murder investigation without his direct input, was his superior.

I also have a memory of Horatio being on the phone with a superior, maybe a Captain, once. But I don't know if I really remember it or not.
:cool: I believe Horatio answers to several authorities who outrank him; e.g., the commissioner who called him in to personally investigate the prostitute found dead in a judge's home (Tinder Box) and the superior who required he apologize to the Cruz brothers (Blood Brothers).
I never really ever worked out who Supervisor O'Shea was in the couple of episodes he was in - Supervisor of what? Does anybody know?! (Not that it really matters - I'm just curious!)
I never really ever worked out who Supervisor O'Shea was in the couple of episodes he was in - Supervisor of what? Does anybody know?! (Not that it really matters - I'm just curious!)

I think he is a County Supervisor or Commissioner. In some places, County Supervisors oversee budgets for county agencies, including county law enforcement.

Not sure if this applies to the story, but that's how I took it.
I never really ever worked out who Supervisor O'Shea was in the couple of episodes he was in - Supervisor of what? Does anybody know?! (Not that it really matters - I'm just curious!)

I think he is a County Supervisor or Commissioner. In some places, County Supervisors oversee budgets for county agencies, including county law enforcement.

Not sure if this applies to the story, but that's how I took it.

Oh, OK - that makes sense! (I have enough trouble trying to sort out how local / county / national government works in the UK, let alone in the US!!):lol:
Thanks, Court
:guffaw: The thought of Horatio watching Murder She Wrote at all is awesome. That was a sweet interview, loved the part about his kids. Thats what dads are for, right? :p Thanks for the link!
What a great interview with David.:adore: I loved it!
"Now that I'm in my 30's" - LMAO. Love him. Thanks so much for the great read.
That was a great article on DC. He loves his kids and that's pretty awesome. So he's in his 30s is he?!?!? Hmmm :D good for him. LOL

Thanks for the link Court. :)