It's a shame to hear about all this lack of continuity. Being 2 seasons behind with Miami, I for one was hoping that we would see more of Suzie, Madison and Yelina later on. Unless there is some stuff with them involved still to come later on in seasons 4 and 5 that I don't know about.
I received my season 4 dvds on Saturday (finally! lol), though have only watched the opening episode "From The Grave" so far (I wanted to write in here about it before I continued with episode 2), and I have to say I really enjoyed it

*runs for the hills whilst ducking flying rotten tomatoes and other grim objects*
It still seemed like "old" S1-3 episodes with regard to H - we saw both his "action-hero" side with his gun, and his caring side with the woman who was attacked in the house. It was also nice to see H struggling emotionally, with his scenes at confession in the church. Shows us he's not just a robot who leads his team and can deal with everything he goes through each day.
One thing though, H looks more...erm, shall we say "old"? Maybe it's me but his wrinkles seem to show up more this episode. Or maybe it's just because I haven't watched the earlier seasons for a while and have forgotten how he looks close up, lol. Or it could be the naff lighting in their newly decorated laboratory, which incidentally, I don't really like. Looks like some sort of spaceship, and it has no character. And the ceilings are too high
I think one or two of the "effects" added to heighten suspense and tension were a little overdone, and perhaps not too necessary, but over all I really liked it

*ducks again* and can't think of anything particularly negative to say about DC's performance, except his facial expressions in the scenes in the hospital after the woman was attacked were a teensy bit...below his usual standard? Or maybe I'm just nitpicking