Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

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I can`t believe that last night at last I have luck to see "NYPD Blue" epi with DC on it. YAY for me. :D I think I like a lot Det. John Kelly. The only one problem to follow it is that they show it here at the weekend at 2 am. *sigh* Btw I`m curious to know what epi is... beginning or end of S 1 where John`s partner get shot and John have new girl friend ?!
^ That definitely sounds like the beginning of Season 1 to me. :)
^ Thanks. :) I`m very happy to have chance see it from the beginning. Don`t know why but through the whole epi I was try to compare John Kelly with Horatio. Silly I know... but I`m glad that my disappointment from H, didn`t spoil my fun with NYPD Blue. ;)
thanks god im back guys i had so much computer crazy stuff that happened, I havent been here in months! :mad:
I almost died! :mad:
yeah i need your oppinion on something guys. well in the episode rasing caine you know how at the end kyle goes with his mom instead of horatio? well i kinda wished that he went with H instead because then H would have the chance to be a dad and maybe go back to his old self again. Y'all know he is great with kids and stuff so i thinks kyle was better of with Horatio.
what do you guys think?
I definately think Kyle should've went with H, but hopefully something will happen that'll make Kyle realize he picked the wrong parent. I guess he just wants to learn the hard way. I mean who wouldn't want to live with Horatio?!
I think this days Horatio first need to take golden fish at home, after this if all go well to take dog and in the end to make the next step and take care of kid. :lol:

Btw I`m surprise that we don`t have the chance to see Kyle`s teenage anger .. little or more all stay fake to me... :rolleyes:
Pusher said:
I think this days Horatio first need to take golden fish at home, after this if all go well to take dog and in the end to make the next step and take care of kid. :lol:

don't forget he need to have a plant before the dog! :lol:
just like in the movie 28 days with Sandra Bullok :D
well we've really haven't had the change to see what Horatio would be like as a father cause he's all new to this so it really depends on what would happen. :cool:
^ well for me in S 1-3 H do more then great job as father figure/authority to Ray Jn. And this was more then enough to see the careing part of his character. Just this new story line is little too much drama. If one day TGTB can unite Ray Jn and Kyle story will be more then welcome to see.

Patricia said: don't forget he need to have a plant before the dog! :lol:
just like in the movie 28 days with Sandra Bullok :D

Awww shame on me. :lol: btw great H/Yelina ava. :D
It's interesting that we've always seen how great H is with little kids but not with teenagers, except maybe Ray Jr. It remains to be sen how he;ll be with Kyle. But IMO I think he'd make a great Dad.
Hrockz said:
It's interesting that we've always seen how great H is with little kids but not with teenagers

Somehow H has that factor that kids love, they always presented him like that, he's always the one the kid opens up too...etc.
I think what he uses with little kids doesn't exactly work with teenagers...he's good with Ray.Jr but he always has been...well, I'm actually assuming they have a good relationship based on what happened in "Burned" 'cause we haven't actually see them together for a long time. :(

I still believe he's going to be a great father...I think he has it in him :D but Kyle had to go with his mother first!...the show has so little drama that they probably thought they needed some more :rolleyes:

Pusher thanx! :D
To avoid giving anything away from this week's episode, let me just express my lack of surprise at the outcome of the episode: it's to be expected now that H will suffer an emotional blow-to-the-head, I guess. Can't the guy just catch a break for once?

So...our journalism department at my university decided to throw a little bowling tournament for all of the organisations involved (i.e., the radio station, the newspaper, the TV news team, etc.), and since I'm in charge of the radio station, I get to be the "captain" for the radio station managers team. I decided to make a little shirt for this occasion, and I'm sure you all will enjoy:

The shirt to end all shirts...JK!!!
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