Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Thread

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Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

To me these days Horatio Caine's nothing but a zombie. He's nothing like he was in S1-3 & yes I'm gonna say FF. Can't help it it's what got me started but, I have to say after seeing S1-3 that the majority of S4 was well........... a very big disappointment. he had more dialogue in S1-3 than he does now. I just don't get it. I keep hoping for a miracle. LOL Maybe one day.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I keep hoping for a miracle. LOL Maybe one day.
I'm with you on that one katpin. ;) I find it very interesting that several of us who used to really admire Horatio, are so disappointed in him of late. That is no coincidence. Let's hope we see an improvement, but I'm not too hopeful right now.

Very nice banner btw. :)
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

ha ha!! i like that list on how to be Horatio. and the first letter thing would be awesome because my name is heather so people would call me H!!!!!! :D :lol:
oh and just so you all know....today is Horatio Caine's 47th b-day!!!!!!! i calculated his birthday and got his age!!!!! :D
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Hunter said:
Hey Missing, would it be too much of a favour to ask if we can get the rest of the interview?


I have to say that I have more appreciation for DC and his work after reading this article.

And the sidebar of the cult of Caruso is getting more and more familiar everyday as more and more people imitate him.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Thanks for scanning and posting the article Missing. :)

I really wish that DC realized that the whole Marisol storyline was disliked by the majority of fans. He still seems really hung up on it and I find that slightly disconcerting. I'm hoping that the writers will allow the Horatio character to move on from this. I'm not saying he should forget her, but to me, the storyline was ridiculously contrived, especially the 'glamour cancer' she suffered from - just how insulting was that portrayal to the audience? I sometimes wonder if TPTB credit us with any intelligence at all.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Haha and Adam Rodriguez said in an interview that he personally found the whole Marisol deal done to quick etc. That the relationship between H & her went waaaaaaay to quickly to be believable. But he also said he's grateful the fans didn't mind that. Oh yeah and I heard somewhere it was Caruso's idea, that Marisol story.. :eek:

If only he'd know.. I mean don't the writers check fan forums? Cause they really should, then we'd probably get 10x better storylines than what we get served onto our plate right now. I wish we had atleast a lil bit of input on the story..

CSI NY writers do listen to their fans. As you probably already knew you could email the writers with a possible storyline for Stella concerning her possible HIV infection. Why don't the miami writers do that? :'(
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

thanks so much Missing! man i thought i was obsessed with H...apparently not lol. and i am definately going to look for a Horatio bobble head now. :D its so cool that he's that into his character.

i didn't like the marisol story at all either. it was just so rushed! the man doesn't even talk fast why on earth would he get into a relationship so fast? idk, i just think the whole thing played into the "Hero H" image.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

its so cool that he's that into his character.

honestly this make me sad. if DC really like and respected his character so much, why ohhh why he let tptb to make this to Horatio. :rolleyes: but for me the most disappointed part is that DC too have finger in Aerosol story *sigh*

Kit4na said: CSI NY writers do listen to their fans.

not only they do this. ;) as i know 'Pirates of the Caribbean' creator team too keep in touch with theirs fans. i`m sure out there have others tv shows or movies who 'work the same way. after all, we - the fans are the one who make some show wacthed/popular. and it`s logic tptb to care for theirs audience feeling/need/idea/request... but not for miami one :( this time i`m wonder did TPTB deserve to be credit with any intelligence at all.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Add one to Dorkville. :lol:

Hey, thanks Missing! I'll read them now, maybe talk about them later today. Busy you know. :)

And if DC cares about the character of Horatio so much, i wonder if he's talked to the writers about how H has been acting lately. With the "As cold as ice" comments, and soon to come; maybe worse. Maybe David can do somthing about it. Hopefully he will.
Ooo i've read them. This is great. :D

"CSI MIAMI isn't just a television show for me. It's invaded aspect of my life."
That is just TOO nice to her from David! Seriously, he cares about it just as much as us!! I wonder...maybe he's on this forum. Just hiding his identity. *starts searching*

..."...Caruso met a group of Chinese tourists and the only english word they knew was Horatio."

"Every once in a while i have a burning desire for Horatio to go to a certain place."
I KNEW IT! He's just like us! Ok, i'm seriously thinking that David in on this forum...

And i'm reading that when David was talking about....oh damn it i can't explain it. Just read Part 3 of the interview, that's where all the juicy stuff is. Like Caruso start choking up about it when he's talking about a certain scene in the show and everything!

Part 3

Sorry Missing, but since it's a different page i thought i should.

And David did the 'Horatio Caine pause in speech' in part 3 too. :D
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

No apoligies Hunter. I am glad all of you are enjoying this article and I am happy I scanned it for you.

Like I said I am happy to hear that he is happy with his life right now. Good for him.
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

This is the TV Guide for April 9th is it? Wow, that's a friends birthday. Unless i'm wrong. *shrugs*
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

I really wish that DC realized that the whole Marisol storyline was disliked by the majority of fans. He still seems really hung up on it and I find that slightly disconcerting.
Same here. It was such a poorly conceived storyline that the very fact that DC came up with it and that he goes on about it worries me. I felt that part of Adam Rodriguez's recent interview was great when he spoke about this:
CSI Files: Speaking of last season, how did you feel about Marisol's relationship with Horatio (David Caruso and her death?

Rodriguez: I thought it was something that happened a little abruptly, with my sister and the cancer and her and Horatio and then going to Rio. I gotta love these things--the audience always sticks with us and somehow we make it believable. The show always gets people to suspend belief somehow.
Suspending belief is right! I love Adam's honesty here. He seems to think like a fan. :)
Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th

Isn't there something about a Eric and Calleigh romance in there?
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