Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

anybody else notice how blue david's eyes were in the scene with the guy with the gun??
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I saw 'Felony Flight' and 'Manhatten Manhut' yesterday.
I have to say, wow, so many dead people. :( it wasn't a pretty episode to watch.
Horatio with kid is always lovely to watch. :D
I like him and Stella working together and he and Mac are a dream team.

I liked the NY episode more. :p
I thought some more peronal things for Horato are going to happen in NY but he only got this summons.
I know that Stetler will ask him about NY next episode and nothing happened. :confused:
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

inge said:
I saw 'Felony Flight' and 'Manhatten Manhut' yesterday.
I have to say, wow, so many dead people. :( it wasn't a pretty episode to watch.
Horatio with kid is always lovely to watch. :D
I like him and Stella working together and he and Mac are a dream team.

I liked the NY episode more. :p
I thought some more peronal things for Horato are going to happen in NY but he only got this summons.
I know that Stetler will ask him about NY next episode and nothing happened. :confused:

I loved FF/MM. That's how I got hooked on Miami & NY. Can't wait to get the dvd's. Those shows are the only reasons why I'm buying them. :lol: Of course I thought their would've been more of a continuation with the H story but, as usual writers decided to mess it up down the road with other stories that didn't make sense at all.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I, too rather liked Manhattan Manhunt and Felony Flight. They were the highlights for season four. (I think the fact that NY was associated with the episode, helped it out quite a bit. ;))

It was also a sort of continution - if you will - with MIA/NYC-Nonstop. It was great to see the two teams back together, more specifically Mac and Horatio. Those two worked so well together the first time, and it was such a wonderful treat as well to see Horatio work more exclusively with Stella in the season four episodes.

However, I never quite understood how Horatio got the supoena. It's not like he has a fixed address in NY, and if he does it really doesn't surprise me in the least. :p That being said, nothing ever became of that summons so I'd like to see Horatio go down that storyline once again, no doubt giving us a continuation from the NY storyline and Horatio's NY past.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

However, I never quite understood how Horatio got the supoena. It's not like he has a fixed address in NY, and if he does it really doesn't surprise me in the least. That being said, nothing ever became of that summons so I'd like to see Horatio go down that storyline once again, no doubt giving us a continuation from the NY storyline and Horatio's NY past.

I wondered about that myself. Plus Stetler making a reference to it after H returned. I was mainly talking about a continuation from the FF ep where he'd been supoenaed. Nothing ever came of that. I also liked how well the CSIM/Ny team worked together. Love to see more of it.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Oh...I have not seen these eppy's yet. I thought the 4th season was released on the 17 but alas it's not gonna be released until the 31st. I can't wait to get my hands on the 4th season so I can catch up.

Has anyone noticed that David Caruso's voice is a bit different? In another thread someone mentioned this also and it got me thinking. Its like he lowered his voice even more making is sound kinda gravely. I really noticed this in the eppy that played on Monday.

The Good Rebecca

Yes, they used my bleedin' name AGAIN. This time in NCIS and now CSI: NY is the only forensics show that has not used my name. I wish they would leave my name alone.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I have to say that I did not like Aerosol at all. She was too needy... and just... I don't know (I didn't see all of the eps that she was in, because of the thing with H, so when the DVDs come out and I get my copy- it'll give me a chance to catch up. Not to mention break things.) But she wasn't good for H. I'm sorry, but that's the way I see it. She was a kid. And like Neteret, I do not see how it was that he married her. At all. I heard that it was only for support and that there was no love involved. (which in my opinion is better)

And I'm glad that H is back, and single.

Again, if I have offended anyone, I'm sorry. But I know that I am not alone on this.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

You are definitely not alone, I'm sure you didn't offend anyone. :D (Granted there are some who liked Marisol, myself NOT included but hey everyone's allowed their opinion)

I agree with you, that Horatio didn't marry Marisol out of love. Sure, he said he loved her, but there are different kinds of love. Compassion, for instance.

Rebecca_V said
Yes, they used my bleedin' name AGAIN. This time in NCIS and now CSI: NY is the only forensics show that has not used my name. I wish they would leave my name alone.

Well, perhaps it's a popular name. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Lacie, I'm so glad you agree with me! Nice to have company! Compassion or no, his apparent reason for marrying that poor benighted soul was so morally wrong! And yes, Rebecca, people declare love out of compassion just as often as out of loving feelings so his words were very typical of him. :)

I must say, here, that I was extremely happy to see him in the most recent ep. :D Gosh! but he looked GOOD! :cool: The ep was overstuffed with detail but he still had a chance to actually act! to be there! I agree about his eyes showing up so very blue, too. Sigh. I was worried for a while I might have to adore him for his heroism alone. :rolleyes: Glad I can still yen for his body as well! :devil:
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

speed_cochrane said:
You are definitely not alone, I'm sure you didn't offend anyone. :D (Granted there are some who liked Marisol, myself NOT included but hey everyone's allowed their opinion)

I agree with you, that Horatio didn't marry Marisol out of love. Sure, he said he loved her, but there are different kinds of love. Compassion, for instance.

I'm just glad I'm not alone. And I think now, I can actually sit down and watch those episodes with out getting upset. But... then again, when I get the DVDs that may change. :lol:

But I'm glad that I didn't offend anyone.

Neteret said:
Laci, I'm so glad you agree with me! Nice to have company! Compassion or no, his apparent reason for marrying that poor benighted soul was so morally wrong! And yes, Rebecca, people declare love out of compassion just as often as out of loving feelings so his words were very typical of him. :)

I honestly think that he should have left her alone. Because there was honestly alot that he did not know about her, at all. (I caught bits and pieces of the finale when it replayed) But... I have to blame the writers for that and hope to God that they never pull a stunt like that again.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Laci said:
I heard that it was only for support and that there was no love involved. (which in my opinion is better)

This thing with H and Marisol reminds of those classic literature books, where a man wants to marry a woman out of duty, and/or there is just no love there at all. Like, ummm...when St John proposes to Jane Eyre to accompany him as a missionary to India, and Elizabeth Bennet who turns down her cousin, Mr Collins.

Sorry...random observation there. But I'll be interested to see this season 4 and what happens in the H/Marisol storyline arc.

Anyways, phew! I finally make it in here to comment on Blood Brothers :)

There is one scene in particular that I will comment on for now (and I'm sure you all know it) is the one where H gets on the boat when the brothers are out fishing and he has this smile on his face. It's just like he's thinking: "NA NA NA NANNA! CAUGHT YA!" :lol: like catching two naughty kids shop lifting, or one of those wind-up TV shows where the presenter suddenly walks on and the people being filmed suddenly realise what's going on :lol:

I'll try to find a cap of that scene later to illustrate ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I like your theory Wibble!!! It's always reminded me of old style marriagges. Except of course Jane heard Edward's voice calling for her and RAN FOR IT.

I saw the relationship more as one of convenience ( both), with Marisol probably having a major crush on an older guy, and H acting out his hero complex.

I thought they where more in love with the idea of each other than actually each other.

25 years is quite a lot...... but a lot of times it works out just fine, and it's not all that uncommon.

( Usually it's the woman who nurses her older husband thought, and not the other way around, if M hadn't been shot that is.)

Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Well.....................I didn't care anything at all for the H/M story. It was just well..................to silly in my book. Knowing each other a short time but, you know what? That's real life also. I've known people who only knew each other a short time & got married. I don't like the way they played out the story at all on the cancer. M looked to good to have it. Then the writers couldn't decide if she was in remission or not. One time you see her having chemo then the next reference is made about her being in remission. Please!!!!!! My Dad died from cancer & believe me he didn't look that good. I think H loved her but, in his way. Not crazy in love with her. I think he married her to make her happy plus it was a way for him to have a companion. Even though he wasn't crazy in love with her he's going to mourn her death not because she died but, to me cause of the way she died. If the cancer had taken her life he still would've mourned but, maybe not the way he is . He knew that was real. It was going to take her life. Not some thug.
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