Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

I think Horatio's compassionate and caring side is why I just worship him b/c he's the kind of guy I'd love to have be real. You know, someone you could lean on who'd always be there no matter what. OMG, I absolutely cannot survive w/out H- I have no clue what would become of me if David Caruso ever left the show (or pulled a William Petersen on us and took a little hiatus). Is it strange to be so attatched to a fictional person? Gosh, I certainly hope not b/c if that's so I need major help.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

^ It's not strange at all to be attached to a fictional person. Personally, I sometimes prefer them to real people. :p

And I agree, he's the kind of person that would be tremendous if he were real. There are so many tv characters that are troubled or damaged and it's great to finally see someone who is somewhat of the physical manifestation of a hero. Compassionate, empathetic, loyal, wise, etc. Which is one of the reasons so many watch the show. It might be a little corny to listen to some of his one-liners and seeing him always save the day, but why was Superman so popular? :p People want to see a hero these days.

He's the kind of person you'd rather have at your side if you were, say, a six year old who just lost everything and is terrified. You wouldn't be looking for Matlock, you'll be looking for Horatio. :lol: :p

I thought he was a shadow of himself in season four, but there were times where he was sympathetic and heroic. He just seemed a little more real/tangible in the first two seasons, and a little moreso now in the fifth season.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

HoratioCainesGirl said:
I think Horatio's compassionate and caring side is why I just worship him b/c he's the kind of guy I'd love to have be real. You know, someone you could lean on who'd always be there no matter what. OMG, I absolutely cannot survive w/out H- I have no clue what would become of me if David Caruso ever left the show (or pulled a William Petersen on us and took a little hiatus). Is it strange to be so attatched to a fictional person? Gosh, I certainly hope not b/c if that's so I need major help.

don't worry, I am attached to fictinal people all the time. I relate well to Eric and Natlia. I guess it is where they both have siblings in the show and I am the middle child in real life. You just find something and hold on to it. H is that type of compassionate person, sort of like a father figure.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Well, to me in S4 he seemed to have withdrew into himself. Like he was lost or something. He wasn't that way in S1-3 to me cause of Yelina. Once she was gone he seemed to have no joy,etc. You hardly ever heard him laugh. Anyway, I for one am happy to see S5 getting back on track. I love my Horatio. Don't know what I'd do if DC ever left the show or even took a break. I'd go into withdrawls probably. LOL
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

HoratioCainesGirl said:
I think Horatio's compassionate and caring side is why I just worship him b/c he's the kind of guy I'd love to have be real. You know, someone you could lean on who'd always be there no matter what. OMG, I absolutely cannot survive w/out H- I have no clue what would become of me if David Caruso ever left the show (or pulled a William Petersen on us and took a little hiatus). Is it strange to be so attatched to a fictional person? Gosh, I certainly hope not b/c if that's so I need major help.

Yah if it's wrong to be obsessed with a TV character...I need major therapy. Serious major therapy. I love H- if he were real I'd have him on speed dial and I'd call him before 911 in any situation! Oh man I wish I knew someone like that. *sighs*
And yes, I agree with speed_cochrane where sometimes they're better than real people- you can worship or love them without having to worry about them thinking you're nuts! (which David Caruso would think if he read this, lol!) I loved Superman but something I love about Horatio is that he's super by being a caring person who can stand up for what's right and win as a supermanly figure, and yet comfort people and be a sweet, credible, real kind of person- the real world needs more people like him. (It helps that he has superpowers :lol:)
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

I had to laugh...one of the local papers had a small blurb in the entertainment area about CBS considering a show about a vampire working as a PI, and the last line goes "Don't they already have David Caruso on CSI Miami?" Not sure I totally get it though...*shrug*
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

katpin31791 say: Well, to me in S4 he seemed to have withdrew into himself. Like he was lost or something. He wasn't that way in S1-3 to me cause of Yelina. Once she was gone he seemed to have no joy,etc. You hardly ever heard him laugh.

i can`t agree more. H in S4 is not what he use to be. without Yelina he somehow lose his better(real, human) side. *sigh* :( she always keep him in time. i have never see him act so selfish and ridiculous around her like he do in S4. ok there have some good epis (max 2-3), but this is only H dark shadow that we know and love from S 1-3. in S4 have too much angst for H, pls give this man little break.

wibbs say: I had to go look up who Laura Roslin was before I understood this comparison *withers under Lucy's glare* Nice parallel with this BSG character, although sad. But yes, I see how her and Belle have gone through similar tragic things.

ehhh if only TPTB can look around and take some idea from others tv shows (like BSG). to learn again how to win theirs fans attention - in meaning characters development and story plost line. last year in air/runing Episode thread have 4-5 pages of new post of dislocation. not like now only 1-2. this is very good index that here/now have something wrong with this tv show. and what make me most sad is tha fact that it`s seems that noone give a damn for the case anymore.....only attention to someone hair or bottom :rolleyes:
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? *DELETED* *DELETED*

Post deleted by Lucy
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Actually I like action/macho H as much as I like compassionate H. Like Tristianna said you kind of find that you can identify with fictional people. For me my childhood was similar to H and more so to Ray Jr's but not so angsty. But I kinda like 'Super H' always saving the day too.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

I agree with you Pusher. There were a couple of S4 episodes where H seemed like his normal, compassionate self, but otherwise it was like he was going through the motions and to me, he almost seemed lacklustre and even uncaring at times. The way he dealt with Eric in Nailed and Driven made me think that someone who didn't know his character at all had written his part in the script. I didn't find his character at all inspirational in S4. Quite the opposite infact.

As people have said, S5 is looking a little more hopeful. :)
last year in air/runing Episode thread have 4-5 pages of new post of dislocation. not like now only 1-2. this is very good index that here/now have something wrong with this tv show. and what make me most sad is tha fact that it`s seems that noone give a damn for the case anymore.....only attention to someone hair or bottom :rolleyes:
Very good point. Miami seems so superficial these days (with the occasional exception). The lack of quality in the show has driven many fans away, not necessarily ratings wise, but discussion wise. Many fans who used to be regular posters here have disappeared. That is a shame, because the show itself used to inspire great discussion.
wibble said: I had to go look up who Laura Roslin was before I understood this comparison *withers under Lucy's glare* :lol: Nice parallel with this BSG character, although sad.
:lol: re the glare! Yes, that was an excellent parallel. Speaking of inspirational characters, Laura Roslin is right up there with the very best. ;)

Oops, I seem to have posted this twice, so I deleted one of them. I need coffee evidently!
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Hrockz said:
Actually I like action/macho H as much as I like compassionate H. Like Tristianna said you kind of find that you can identify with fictional people. For me my childhood was similar to H and more so to Ray Jr's but not so angsty. But I kinda like 'Super H' always saving the day too.

^ as much is i respected u and ur opinion here some reasons from all CSIM Seasons (especially S4) that make me go away from H. for me post season 3 this character is out on the top.

long time ago Lucy say:

It does make sense to reduce the 'H angst' to some degree. Let's examine the facts:

- His father killed his mother, H in turn killed his father.
- H leaves NY for Miami, due to some complications over his cop partner (I kind of switched off to this part of his story!)
- H's cop brother fakes his death and works undercover for 4 years, leaving H, his wife Yelina and son Ray Jnr believing he was dead.
- H's brother had an affair with fellow 'tweaker' Suzie and she had his child, which H had to keep a secret from Yelina to save her being hurt, thus jeopardizing a possible future with Yelina, who he has secretly loved for goodness knows how long.
- Said child Madison, then develops leukaemia and H is forced to reveal the truth to Yelina in order to find a bone marrow doner to save her life.
- Brother Ray then reappears, a confirmed dirty cop (who was forced 4 yrs ago to make a deal with the Feds or face prosecution - he chose the former), alive and well, and for the sake of his safety, H arranges for his 'family' to leave for Brazil. Once again, he loses the woman he loves and his family.
- H then experiences huge guilt pangs over killing his father. His confessional is interrupted by the Male Noche gang who for a reason unknown, want him dead.
- He meets Eric's sister Marisol, who has cancer (even though at all times, she looked stunning!) and H decides to take care of her to the point of marriage.
- Marisol then gets killed by the Male Noche gang and H goes on a revenge spree to Rio. H's brother Ray dies (for real this time) in H's arms.
- The lab seems to be permanently under investigation and a crooked Judge is now on H's case, vowing all sorts of unpleasant consequences for our hero.

I've probably missed something along the way! So, maybe we've had enough of the H drama for a while. I would like TPTB to leave him alone for a bit. Allow him to be a leader of his team again and have some degree of personal peace. Maybe later in the season, things could develop again as I can't see the writers leaving him alone for long. Ray Jnr and Yelina should return for some more personal drama later in the season, which I can more than live with, if it's handled well. That's a very big if
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Wow, I wrote all that! :lol: Thankfully, in Season 5, TPTB seem to be giving H a break from the angst so far. Long may it continue. :)
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

yep, my dear u wrote that and i love it so much, even have save it on my PC :lol: *pass cup of coffee to this sensible Mod*
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

*takes much needed coffee*

Thanks! ;)
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