Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Song for H!

CSIMiamiLover, thank you for all the great pics!

The White Tux, oh WOW! He looks like a hot angel or something.

And i like that one where he's behind all of the SWAT guys. Even he doesn't NEED them.

Thanks a lot, i teared up at the Lost Son pic. :(
Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

"Someone killed this man"
That line was funny! An eyeroll H moment for sure, but still great. :D

Dead Woman Walking is one of my favourite episodes from Season 1. A great episode for highlighting the compassionate, determined H. Although it was very sad, it was still uplifting. I just loved H's connection with Belle and how sweet it was. :)
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

I agree Luce - DWW was a great epi. I remember how often we see him smile in this epi :D and (I think) we see tears in his eyes when he tells Belle she doesn't have long to live :( I admit, I had tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat at the end. It was so nice he stayed with her at the end, and kept her company. I think one of the most moving H episodes, and reveals quite a bit about his character, and how he goes to extra lengths for the victims, like he really appreciates them for who they are.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

^ man how this can be ur fav epi, when u don`t remember the end ?! :lol: come one, H have been wounded !!! :eek: there also have one cool scene between H and.... errr... like u`ll say... 'his introduced love interest' - Yelina ;)

Lucy say: Dead Woman Walking is one of my favourite episodes from Season 1. A great episode for highlighting the compassionate, determined H. Although it was very sad, it was still uplifting. I just loved H's connection with Belle and how sweet it was.

yep, this is great and sad epi. H was with Belle through all the time, i just have feeling that he don`t want to leave her alone even for one min. wow what a man is H. she is dying and he stay by her side to the end. as much i like H in this epi (careing, human, real), can`t deny that Belle too have been very strong character - she is woman,victim, also dying, but till the end don`t 'broke' (with H help too), never lose her control and mind . i keep a lot respect toward her ;) (this remind me somehow for Laura Roslin)

i most like this little chat between H and Belle:

B: Did you know Horatio was the first CSI?
H: He was...the what?
B: In Hamlet. When Hamlet was poisoned and dying, he asked his best friend Horatio...
to tell the world who murdered him.
H: Okay, I'll tell the world.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Dead Woman Walking is

They showed this last night & boy did it bring tears to my eyes once again. I loved it. That's one thing I've missed the most about Horatio. His compassion. None of this macho junk that I've seen since S3 ended. I've seen some of it back in S5. :lol:
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Pusher said:
^ man how this can be ur fav epi, when u don`t remember the end ?! :lol: come one, H have been wounded !!! :eek: there also have one cool scene between H and.... errr... like u`ll say... 'his introduced love interest' - Yelina ;)

Lucy say: Dead Woman Walking is one of my favourite episodes from Season 1. A great episode for highlighting the compassionate, determined H. Although it was very sad, it was still uplifting. I just loved H's connection with Belle and how sweet it was.

yep, this is great and sad epi. H was with Belle through all the time, i just have feeling that he don`t want to leave her alone even for one min. wow what a man is H. she is dying and he stay by her side to the end. as much i like H in this epi (careing, human, real), can`t deny that Belle too have been very strong character - she is woman,victim, also dying, but till the end don`t 'broke' (with H help too), never lose her control and mind . i keep a lot respect toward her ;) (this remind me somehow for Laura Roslin)

i most like this little chat between H and Belle:

B: Did you know Horatio was the first CSI?
H: He was...the what?
B: In Hamlet. When Hamlet was poisoned and dying, he asked his best friend Horatio...
to tell the world who murdered him.
H: Okay, I'll tell the world.
I remember the ending, but what I remember is that H went to the ocean (hence my avatar) at the end, after you saw all the CSIs doing their thing. I swear I watched it many times and don't remember an H/Yelina ship thing happeneing. But I love that ep.
DWW was also good. I loved how H was really there for her even though it must have been diffcult. It's one thing to be around dead people but to see one slowly slip away in front of you...I love how H was so compassionate and made her feel like it was OK. I love both epis, and I guess I have some sort of CSI amnesia because I swear i don't remember Yelina holding H's hand in "Body Count."
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Yeah, I like those lines too Pusher - I thought they were a nice touch :) although I admit I was surprised to hear a Shakespeare reference in a Miami transcript :lol:

I had to go look up who Laura Roslin was before I understood this comparison *withers under Lucy's glare* :lol: Nice parallel with this BSG character, although sad. But yes, I see how her and Belle have gone through similar tragic things.

So no compassionate H in S4? :( Oh dear, no wonder some fans didn't like it...so does he just run around with his gun all the time like Jack Bauer and let his team do all the work? I'm curious to know what this different H is like, even though it sounds like I won't love him like the old S1-3 H. :(
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Oh I just watched DWW too, I love this eppy obviously :D

As for the basketball, I remember reading an article where DC said you can tell where a person roots really are from the sports teams they support, and he is a native New Yorker so he listed his teams which were NY ones! (being a Brit I'm not not on my basketball teams so I can't remember which one it was..are the Mets a BB team or football team :confused:) It was also stated he played quite a lot of BB in college, so that ball spinning trick was probably quite natural..I can't do it, but it is cool ;)

Thanks for the pictures folks, always makes my day :)
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

No problem- the Mets are baseball, I believe (listen to me, I'm an American and I'm not even sure about an American sport team). I find it surprising the DC played basketball, and I don't know why. I wonder if he's any good, considering basketball's one of my fave sports. :D Also, he now lives in Miami and LA, so I'd guess he's be more of a Lakers/Heat fan considering he lives there. When everyone else roots for a team you tend to get caught up in it. :D

OK, off subject. Sorry people! Back to the H being a macho/Jack Bauer/uncompassionate guy in s4, he did sort of go there, (maybe to impress Marisol- lol, kust kidding) but he's gotten his sensitivity back with s5. Guess the writers realized they had taken away from the character that makes H unique as a cop. He can be tough as nails at one moment and a sweet, kind, understanding support system another.

OK this is one of my longest posts ever, here's a pic (or a few) to end it on a good note.




Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

I think he dose talk 2moro had two late nigths so far not good for me stay up and watched S4 ep 24 last nigth and tonigth we had New season of LV double bill
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Actually in s4 H doesn't do all the Jack Bauer stuff all the time, he was compasionate, Marisol aside, there was the eps with Jennifer Wilson and the other one 'Double Jepordy' (pardon my spelling) where he showed great compassion to the vics as well.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

I saw the one episode last night where he was looking ofr Natalia's sister Anya. It is a great episode and H sure shows compassion for her. He is really into finding people and catching criminals. He just wants to make the world a better place.
Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone?

Yes he did show some compassion in S4.. FF being one of them since that started it all for me but it just seemed as it got closer to the end of the season is where it got all macho. Maybe I'm wrong. Won't be the first time. LOL
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