Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

sorry about the whole kim delaney thing. i've actually only seen a few NYPD blues- none with her. my mom seems to think they were on it 2gether.
oh well. here's another pic to show how sorry i am.


and here's some more. there's one more shirtless at the bottom. enjoy, all




Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

Oh I love the episode 'Personal Foul' it is probably my favourite one from that season of Blue! Only real disappointmant is that he really should wear shorts to play basketball..c'mon DC where are those legs ;)

Nice pictures thanks!
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

can someone pm me to the link of naughty pic of Dc

Thanks for the pic C CSIMiamiLover there really good can't wait to post some myself :)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

Oh i love it how he's gutting out his chin...
Oh awesome! I've only been able to twirl a basketball, like, twice in my life. :p
Those eyes! Those hot lustful eyes! *faints*
.....*screams* *jumps on*

Thanks for the pics CSIMiami!
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

ooh...Gotta love that smile!..thanks for the pictures!..

so I was re-watching some of season2 episodes and the thread title is just...true.. :( :rolleyes:

and I've watched 10-7..he was amazing in that episode! :)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

Oh that smile is just brilliant..I love it when he smiles, he doesn't do it often enough, and it's always with a little head tilt..sweet :)

I have H in a lab coat on my DVD right now, that was back in the day, he even had latex gloves..for info it's 'Losing Face' one of my faves :cool:
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

HC_4_my_birthday sorry to hear you're sick. Feel better then (my whole family is sick and I'm just keeping isolated at my computer...)
athens, the part on your banner where it says "HC" and has a pci of Horatio- do you know what episode it's from?
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

Thanks for the really good pics. Under Suspicion was one of my fave ep from s4. Loved the whole Walter Resden storyarc.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

OMG, I've been gone awhile.....Stop with the pics, I'm going into shock! :eek: Just kidding, keep the pics coming guys! :lol:
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

Footyliz said:
Oh I love the episode 'Personal Foul' it is probably my favourite one from that season of Blue! Only real disappointmant is that he really should wear shorts to play basketball..c'mon DC where are those legs ;)

I agree it's one of the best episodes. Meh, I just hate him running. Another fave episodes is Stereoid Roy, because the Roydude makes me laugh so hard when he tries to get Kelly mad and he just doesn't :D (until in the final scene)

Oh man... what's up with you guys and naughty pics... I swear there is no such a thing with Blue screencaps.I'm sorry, I'm a Finn and not so hyper about seeing butts ... 'n stuff.

Anyways... not going to that road but it amuses me that even 14 years later - people still talk about the famous scene and his butt :p
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread # 11

Oh yeah Ducky, I love the scenes with Roy, they are amusing, my fave is when Roy comes all the hard man and Kelly just flattens him with two punches, shrugs his shoulders and walks off, priceless :lol:

Yeah I'm not big on the butt scenes either, I prefer a bit of imagination, I'm still an eyes girl to be fair, hence the banner ;)
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