Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

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Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

What color shirts looks good with red hair? LOL. It is in my opinion that if you are gonnna put him in red shirts the red should have orange undertones instead of blue undertones in it. That would look good. Fall color scheme looks good on red heads too. My hair is dark brown so I like to wear the blue reds and jewel tones.

I have sunk to the low of COLOR PALLOT OF THE CAURSO!

Nice pic of the red shirt CSI Chick. I downloaded the pic and called it David Unemployed. LOL (read the caption with the pic) Since I have over 300 pics of this guy I have to get creative of what I name them. I like how wide his eyes are open in this pic. It seems that David is always kinda squinting in his pics.

The Good Rebecca
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I saw 'Payback' tonight and I appreciated that he was so nice and supportive to Valerie who none the less killed someone.
I have the same opinion as Horatio. I understand what she did, but it was wrong to kill him.

and his actions irritates me. In the episode 'Forced Entry' the same happened. The (male) vicitim killed his plaguer. Ok, maybe 'Forced Entry' was a little bit different, but it was basically the same.
Horatio was a little bit mean to the victim IMO. He showed no sympathy. It disturbes me every time I see the episode.

and I have to clarify: I don't support a murder, but sometimes I understand why people did it.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Well I think he looks best in his blue shirts... and you are all right - they need to change his wardrobe! I'd like to see him in some different suits again :(
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

syren, welcome to the Horatio/DC thread. I hope you're liking things here so far! Just one thing I wanted to point out, is there is a banner size limit which is 220x75 pixels. Your current banner is 440x100 pixels, so I'm going to have to ask that you re-size your banner before displaying it, please. I'm sure someone in Fan Art can help you with that if you have any troubles.

Also, you may have a banner OR text in your signature, not both. You can refer to the CS:Miami Info & Help Thread for more information. :)

And yes! He needs to desperately change his wardrobe. He needs something more casual, IMO. He's been very dark for the last two seasons, so something lighter might spice things up a little. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Rebecca_V said:
I have sunk to the low of COLOR PALLOT OF THE CAURSO!
oh well we all need a hobby, we all understand. Unlike some people who would probally say your nuts. :lol:

Nice pic of the red shirt CSI Chick. I downloaded the pic and called it David Unemployed. LOL (read the caption with the pic) Since I have over 300 pics of this guy I have to get creative of what I name them.
That's ok with me. That's a great file name :lol: I know what you mean by coming up with different names.

syren said Well I think he looks best in his blue shirts... and you are all right - they need to change his wardrobe! I'd like to see him in some different suits again

Me too. I think the blue brings out his eyes :) :D
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I feel sorry for Horatio, I just want him to be happy! I wish everyone he dated didn't leave him or die. He's so nice to everyone it's unfair.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

One day, he'll experience the contentment he deserves, I'm sure of that. Even if we don't see it on the show, it will be hinted at. Until then, it's all about the drama and portraying him as a modern day martyr. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

He does give up alot for his job and everyone. He deserves some happiness. Maybe they'll brng back Yelina
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

^ Let's hope so! :D As long as the writers do Yelina's character justice, her return can only be a positive thing for character development, the general well-being of the show and H's character - er, in my very humble opinion. ;)
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I think Horatio's life would brighten up more if Yelina was back for good. Shame they took her off to begin with. To me his life revolved around Yelina & Ray Jr. Once they were gone well.....................to me that's why he hooked up with Marisol. Loneliness & companionship.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

:eek: :eek: OK, I think I'm seeing something in the last few eps and I need someone to tell me that I'm having a 'senior moment' and need to maybe up my meds :confused:
Do I see Horatio interacting with BoaVista in the same way he was first interacting with Marisol last season? The interest in her, the pleased reaction that she's coming to him for help, the promises that she/her family will be protected, etc? :rolleyes: Please tell me I'm just being a crazy ol' lady!! :cool:
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

I'm sorry to jump in with random comments (well... it's like my thing :rolleyes: ) but I recieved Blue season 2 today :D LOL, I ordered it yesterday so discshop.fi is quite fast :D
ANyway...I know it's only four episodes, but I happen to like the show (esp when Smits was still in) and watched all season and discshop had sale... cost 19.90€ plus some posting fees :D


But then I know in fourth episode I'll get all sad :( I rememeber that episode and how sad I got when I saw it on tv like 10 years ago :(
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

Please tell me I'm just being a crazy ol' lady!

okok, I'll say it: you're a crazy ol' lady !!!!

seriously speaking though, I sincerely doubt they'd go there. He's just become a widower, and should mourn for at least a year. and besides, they just did that on csi:tos,

( older boss and younger subordinate) and then Natalia has just dated Eric.

NAH! won't happen.
Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

^Mourn for a year over someone who he knew for two months? :rolleyes:

Actually I joked (since i'm not a fan of The Snake) that if we want to get rid of her, all we need is get Saint H and The Snake together :D Since all H's girlfriends end up dead :p

Ah, just watched first episode of Blue s2 and :(

Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11

They where a couple for months before getting married? at least that's the way I see it. :confused:

Like some short time after she cooked for him. So they might have married for just a week or so, but a couple for like 8 months. ;)
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