Horatio Caine/DC...does anyone else find him hot?

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Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

OoOh! Poor H has no day off! Well even if he does, I hope the day off is shown on TV. Haha! :p! Here is David in a rare sight of a brown jacket. It can be enlarged so don't forget to read the last part of the article. It's real cute! And I stumbled[more like searched this like nuts] upon this..

Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

He cares about everyone and will move hell and high water to make it all better and to give all the support he can.

He is definately the dream person, but I'd still like to see him get quality R&R (rest and recuperation). He never has a day off and NEVER goes home!

WEll they never close so he cant have a day off.. he doesn't want a day off.. if he would he could.. but he wont
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

I love the pic of H in the brown jacket CSIsMANIAC *drowls* :D
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

I love it too Tink! It's a rare sight so gawk all you want ladies. :devil:.
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

Ooo... remember "Grave Young Men" :p
Do you mean the opening scene with H and Yelina? That must be one of the only 'out of work' scenes we've seen involving H (and 'Simple Man' of course). So sweet that he spent that time with her - seems like a long time ago though. :(
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

Ooo... remember "Grave Young Men" :p
Do you mean the opening scene with H and Yelina? That must be one of the only 'out of work' scenes we've seen involving H (and 'Simple Man' of course). So sweet that he spent that time with her - seems like a long time ago though. :(

i havent seen that scene! :( what about it?
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

It's a wonderful scene. Horatio and Yelina have been out for an evening drink/meal and they are walking back to their cars by moonlight. Yelina seems a bit tipsy! This is the dialogue from part of it (taken from Leanne's H/Y site - hope that's okay Leanne :)):

Horatio: Happy? (Horatio’s eyes meets Yelina’s for a moment, then he looks away, she smiles) I haven’t seen that smile on your face in a while (Yelina smiles again).

Yelina: Yeah (they smile at each other once again) You know for the past two years every morning when I wake-up… I’d have this thought that comes to my head, Raymond is dead, and now in this...well, this past few weeks...it’s just not the first thing I think of (Horatio raises his eyebrows as he smiles, Yelina smiles back).


That says everything about that scene really. One of THE very best H/Y scenes, in my opinion.

Here are some screencaps from Miami Style:


Sorry that this is a bit off-topic - just answering Olly's question!

Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

thanks a lot Lucy, wow that sounds like a beautiful scene really... cant wait to get my DVDs!!!
pics are also great too! love that look on his face...
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

The guy would look good in a paper bag. Ooh the image...
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

(taken from Leanne's H/Y site - hope that's okay Leanne

yeah of course :D anyways I cannot wait till we get to see Horatio in action again... I at least want a scene when he sings, or showers, or proposes to Yelina :D ( hey a girl can dream :D )
Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot?

The pictures made me go.."Awwwww" more then once and for a very long time there! Haha! I saw that scene before and it was simply heart-warming. How cute are they! At that point, the moment she turned and made for her car, i thought, "WHY DIDN'T YOU KISS HER YOU SILLY!" and i was showing my fist at the tv. Family thought i was mad..well..yeah..i was mad..angry really. But mad too. :confused:
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