There is nothing worse, for a wedges fan, then scanning through a thread and coming across a comment like that. There is nothing gsr related about the pairing and it's obvious to see. I mean would one compare, say...a relationship that Nick or greg would have with another member of the staff, to gsr as well? Probably not so why do that to our labrats?3.No direct or hinted comparisons between Wedges and GSR. I couldn't stand anymore to read things like “this corny and bad taste version of GRS” about them. I never saw them like a surrogate of the “major couple” which I've never shipped if that's the matter, so I don't feel the need for any surrogates.
What I would like to see in the upcoming season??? Hmm.....
- I wouldn't mind seeing the two of them assisting out in the field. Or better yet, if Wendy became a csi, having Hodges assist her.
- definitely more of the banter between the two...and the flirty/sexual tension. Nothing over the top, or out of place from the show itself, but just enough.
- I'd like to see a scene where Hodges doesn't actually put his foot in his mouth in regards to Wendy and his feelings for her. Yeah, we are starting to see that (Space Oddity), so I guess I should say, let it continue.
What I don't want to see....
- Agreed! No other interest interfering with this pairing other then themselves.
- Also agreed! I don't want to see any out-of-character scenes for either character when they are together. Their awkwardness at this moment is perfect. Don't fix what isn't broken.
- I don't want to see either character having to switch shifts or deny themselves the pleasures and turmoils of the other. They work so well together that it'd be tragic if the writers ruin it. Now if Wendy ends up becoming a CSI....well that is different.