Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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it's like a battle of supremousy between them. I think Wendy likes the geekiness in him. It's what makes him cute and irresistable. Almost like a little boy in an odd way...

He is like a little boy in some ways. I mean, of course he's very intelligent but he doesn't seem to be able to interact with the other labrats as well as the others... he's not very social. It's almost like a very mild form of Asperger's Syndrome in a way... it makes a very interesting juxtaposition and I think Wendy sees it that way too.

Oh and if anyone's interested, I wrote a Wedges fic. It's over on the Fan Fiction board....

Cool, I'm gonna go check it out...
It's almost like a very mild form of Asperger's Syndrome in a way...

Interesting way of putting it. I mean, I could see it, and it would sum up his overall demeanor seeing we still don't know much about his character background. And Wendy being the kind soul that she appears to be, would probably take that into consideration. She seems to be able to see past his outward cynical attitude and see the real man that he could be. She appears to be his Achilles' heel.
I could see it, and it would sum up his overall demeanor seeing we still don't know much about his character background.

Really? Come to think of it, it would make sense... I like to think that Wendy is helping him a little with the bantering. I mean, he always seem to have a little trouble communicating with others on a social level and by bantering with her, he is revealing a little more of himself. Did that make sense?
Well, it is obvious that since his questionable relationship with Wendy, be it romantically or just friendship, just being in her presence has altered his attitude slightly...and for the better. It's almost like he's trying to be a little more tolerant when he's in the presence of others. Now it's not like he seen the light and decided that things have got to change, but a little here a little there...it does add up. Sure he's still pissing off the odd person from time to time and often times putting his foot in his mouth in regards to Wendy, but that's just in his makeup. Hopefully she'll be the bright spot to his personality and eventually be the one to show that there is more to the man then just being that pompous ass that feels the need to kiss up.
Hopefully she'll be the bright spot to his personality and eventually be the one to show that there is more to the man then just being that pompous ass that feels the need to kiss up.

Me too... Wendy does seem to bring out the best in him. Not to mention that she is the only one who's willing to stand up to him, so I think he'd benefit from that. I'd love to see how things play out next season.
LOL...I totally love the fact that she isn't afraid to stand her ground and step up to him when she feels it's needed. She's not going to let Hodges walk all over her and intimidate her. That's what makes her character strong. I think Hodges admires that about her too...even though he'd never fess up to it.

There's a good story recently posted over on FF. I can't mention the name due to the rating...but it's cool... its Hodges related with little hints of Wedges weaved into it in a subtle kind of way. :bolian:
I think Hodges admires that about her too...even though he'd never fess up to it.

You're right about that... he probably thinks that it'd ruin his reputation! But seriously, I doubt that any of the other labrats stood up to him and I think he likes that because he's finally being challenged.
True, true. And even though we have seen several of them sort of speak up to him from time to time in the past...thinking back to the labrat centered episodes, it was never ever to the effect of how Wendy spoke to him. Like it was only her that he'd take any bit serious and actually think twice about commenting back..though he has and it's come back to bite him in the ass. I do think this upcoming season is going to be the best with regards to their relationship...good bad or indifferent it should be interesting nonetheless.
Like it was only her that he'd take any bit serious and actually think twice about commenting back..though he has and it's come back to bite him in the ass.

You do have a good point... it seems like Hodges is staring to think a little more about his responses this time around. He's seen how some of his comments affected Wendy, so I think he's probably makeing sure he doesn't do that as often because, as much as he denies it, he does look forward to bantering with her and I don't think he wants that to change.
Ever since his poor choice of actions and words in 'You Kill Me', I think he's trying a little harder to win her over. His attitude toward her when in her presence since then has been that of a more patient one. Watching what he does and says...and actually seeking advice from a fellow tech to help aid him in the right direction, shows that he is actually serious about the whole matter. Ahh...he's becoming a softy...lol! But as long as he doesn't lose his classic 'Hodges' edge, it's all good.
Ahh...he's becoming a softy...lol! But as long as he doesn't lose his classic 'Hodges' edge, it's all good.

Yeah, he wouldn't be Hodges if he went completely soft... heaven forbid. I still want him to be cynically sarcastic from time to time. *back tracks* Wait, he asked one of the labrats for advice? Wow, I guess he's serious about winning Wendy over!
Well I am assuming he kinda hinted around and asked, seeing and hearing the response...in the episode "The Theory of Everything". Granted now, this is Hodges, so exactly how much information he shared and if Wendy's name was actually mention, we will never know unless something more comes from it in the upcoming season. Which I still can't wait for...October seems so far away...lol!
Granted now, this is Hodges, so exactly how much information he shared and if Wendy's name was actually mention, we will never know unless something more comes from it in the upcoming season.

*pouts* TPTB always do that... it wouldn't hurt if we got a small hint, would it? Besides, we hardly ever hear anything concerning the labrats... I agree with ya DJ, we have to wait a long time. Methinks that TPTB enjoy torturing us...
Yeah, hints are always good, but sometimes it's also good to have things a little vague so you can read into a situation and come to your own conclusions. Even though sometimes I hate that, but when you think about it, it makes things more interesting. I'd love to know just how much Mandy knows about all of this...and for that matter, even Henry seeing he was the one that laid witness, twice, to that little 'break room look' moment between Hodges and Wendy. heheh....Henry....AND was present during the trace techs slip of the tongue about her breasts. :p

Although I think I still would have liked to have seen Wendy a little angry at Hodges in the episode following up "You Kill Me." For her to have made him sweat it out a little over the things he done and said. You know, put the guy in the hot seat to let him know that there was no brownie points gained with her by his choice of game piece and child-like behavior.

And another thing, the man has got to learn to stop lying to her. He did it in "labrats" and again in "you kill me". So they may have been little white devious lies, but lies all the same.
Although I think I still would have liked to have seen Wendy a little angry at Hodges in the episode following up "You Kill Me."

Me too... I wish that Hodges didn't feel like he had to lie to her. Afterall, she did say that she would have helped. TPTB should have done a bit of a follow uo on that... I would have liked to see him make a new game piece of her. It wouldn't hurt if Wendy found it by accident and then we could leave it at that with her holding the new game piece and smiling. That would have made for a nice ending...
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